He is......the most interesting Hacker in the world!

RAIDER said:
She tried to give it back in 1984.  You have to remember that there was no Oxiclean back than.  I didn't see a way I could possible get all the Snicker chocolate stains out of it.  I just said, "Teri, you can keep it".  She jumped up and down with joy like her favorite team had just scored a touchdown.

If her team is the Browns. I can understand her joy.
When he holds his wife's purse he looks manly.
His shadow once won a man to the Lord.
When he walked on the football field, everyone stood up.
Once when driving from FBCH to HAC he discovered a short cut.
RAIDER said:
Once when driving from FBCH to HAC he discovered a short cut.
Ahhh, the ever elusive northwest passage.

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CNN actually told the truth about HIM!
His red cap reads, "I made America great again".
RAIDER said:
His red cap reads, "I made America great again".
Fresh Oil!

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Baptist City Holdout said:
Don't know if we have gone here or not, but if so, it's like a good illustration...... should be repeated every now and then anyway.

His poetry doesn't need pardoned.

His book is titled "You Will Pardon My Poetry".
RAIDER said:
Baptist City Holdout said:
Don't know if we have gone here or not, but if so, it's like a good illustration...... should be repeated every now and then anyway.

His poetry doesn't need pardoned.

His book is titled "You Will Pardon My Poetry".
The Phoster Club once presented him with the Soul Winner of the Year award just because.
He has a NIV Bible that is King James.
When he participates in Trick or Treat, Halloween immediately becomes a religious holiday.