Tom Brennan said:
cast.sheep said:
Isn't there ANYONE out there who can or will defend them? I am truly shocked that the consensus seems so one-sided.
I do not believe FBCH is a cult, nor do I believe it ever was one. I believe it could have become one under JS if he had continued down the road he was on. I have had this discussion numerous times with numerous people and simply do not care to get into the nuts and bolts of it again.
Cult of personality? Yes. Cult? Nope.
How can it be a "cult of personality" but not be a "cult"? I understand that you don't want to get into the nuts and bolts of it...I'm just wondering how it can be one without being the other. I think maybe longevity is, again, the key to how one feels about FBCH. Those who came and went don't really have a clear understanding of how controlling it truly is/was and how many cult-like qualities there are/were. Personally, I never felt like the theology of salvation was off. But, just about everything else was. Fathers had little to no control over their own least not publicly. You had to do it the FBC way...period. I always wondered about that. Why did the pastor have more control over a family than their own father??? Cult-like???? I think so. How far did Jack Schaap have to go before it would have been considered a "cult"? Did he have to offer kool-aid??? Believe me, there are those who WOULD drink it without question. Even after the leadership KNEW of his crime, they offered him "sabattical" instead of firing him immediately. What "church" does that to its own congregation???
Cult? No cult? All I know is that I'm glad I'm not there anymore. Thirty years was enough. Life outside of FBCH is AWESOME! Did life become problem-free? Of course not. But God's grace and His presence became so much more clear. And, the Holy Spirit? Didn't need Him while at FBCH. There was a rule for everything. Life was already programmed. Didn't need Him. Now, no one would actually say that. But, that was still the case.
Is there anyone on here who was at "Confession Camp"? HB school camp in 1994 I believe. I was. Cult-like? You betcha. Scarred some kids for life.