Greg Locke Home Shot Up

"America’s churches aren’t just witnessing hostility and violence at a higher rate than ever before. The report suggests the attacks are increasingly more violent and more personal."
Does he think were stupid? Why didn't he have cameras up so you know who shots up your home. Dogs would have scared shooter away ..........
I do not believe that anyone's home ought to be shot up like that. They ought to be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law!

If it is something that Greg Locke has staged because he is such an attention whore, he ought to be drawn, quartered, dragged behind a pink Prius, and then prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law!
I see that adultery is easily justified by you.
LOL. Actually, you're the one making the justifications...justification of violence, maybe even attempted murder or manslaughter, or at the very least child endangerment.

But I didn't say "justified." I said "understandable"--IF she were the kind of person to react in the manner so described. You said you wouldn't be surprised if she did so. What do you think life would be like with that kind of person?

So, were you saying she was indeed that kind of person? Or were you just trying to imply SHE would be justified, because you think the guy's a Richard nickname? Why is it you think the woman can never be guilty of sin?

[Edit:] I have no idea who this guy is. Never heard of him till now. Probably won't research him. But maybe you'll explain why y'all so hung up on him?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was staged so he could get attention.

This is the same thing I thought when I first heard it. He's a very narcissistic person. He's always saying or doing things to bring his name to the forefront and bring attention to his church...and iti is HIS church, not the Lords. Very reminds me of Jim Jones, and he reminds me a LOT of Jim.