Good Ole Days

Reading of "covered up for many"....I find it odd that the Personal Evangelism instructor in the 70's and 80's chose to do what was right and approach the pastor of possible "appearance of evil" and the Pastor threatens the staff of termination if friendships with that family continue. That family was ostracized for decades and now I see where many of the same staff are now Facebook friends with them....did the ostracized receive apologies? Have the staff reconsidered and think that the Pastor was wrong with his demands during the 100% loyalty campaign? Innocent men and women were punished for doing the right thing....many 80's HAC staff whom are still at FBC definitely were not very Christlike back in the day.
I've noticed what you mentioned about the said instructor. There are interesting mutual friend combinations on FB. All I have to say is Praise to the Lord if amends have been made and friendships restored. Evidently Christian grace won out in those situations. May it even more so be named among us.
...and the utter irrelevance the passages cited have to the pastorate.
They believe the pastors of New Testament Baptist Churches are Gods modern day annointed. They believe modern pastors are afforded the same protections as the Kiings, Prophets and High Priests of old.
They believe the pastors of New Testament Baptist Churches are Gods modern day annointed. They believe modern pastors are afforded the same protections as the Kiings, Prophets and High Priests of old.
Yeah, I know. It's hogwash.