Yes boys (but NOT girls), you too can have a Doctorate of Expository Preaching! Just go here http://cfebp.weebly.com/index.html and sign up! For the low price of just $250.00 they can have you preachin' like the REAL Independent Baptist Fundamental KJV-Only Firebrand Preeeeecheerrrsssss!!!! And of course, you get to put the title "Dr." in front of your name!
If this wasn't so hilarious, I'd puke; sadly, however, it's not too hard to believe that there are stupid, gullible preachers and hyper-fundies who actually sign up for this trash to "make a name and title" for themselves. What is even funnier is that these idiots actually feel entitled to have "Dr." in front of their name.
If this wasn't so hilarious, I'd puke; sadly, however, it's not too hard to believe that there are stupid, gullible preachers and hyper-fundies who actually sign up for this trash to "make a name and title" for themselves. What is even funnier is that these idiots actually feel entitled to have "Dr." in front of their name.