Just John said:
I think a couple of you might be a bit too sensitive. For the few IFB churches relative to the many more SBC churches you brought up there does seem to be an inordinate amount of problems with these type of "pastors". Furthermore, there seems to be a lot of problems with pastors coming from the Hyles orbit of IFB.
These X'er pastors get up weekly and beat people like Stetzer up and call them everyhting but a believer but when they fall on their hypocritical faces you expect these guys to be lovey-dovey in return? Stetzer wasn't rude or snide in the least. He was truthful. Let's face it....the only times they likely hear about these X'er type guys are when they are in trouble. They don't want to play nice with anyone one else in the Kingdom so there isn't much to say or know about them but the negative you hear and read. The X'ers and to a large part the independents don't want to have anything to do with the larger body.
I understand the idea that when you hold yourself out to be the epitome of West Point Christianity while condemning all else as McHale's Navy that you open yourself up for being pummeled when you fall. That's just human nature. But in Christianity we don't use the "what goes around comes around" philosophy. Those who are presumbably more grace oriented ought to find occasions like this to demonstrate the high road and to be helpful, not scornful IMHO. As Bandguy alluded to, the recent racist Mississippi wedding incident is a perfect demonstration of such charity. The SBC president ought to be lauded for his words of diplomacy and encouragement. Stetzer should use similar tact. That doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye or be silent about scandals, but we ought to treat them with discretion, prudence, grace, and charity, especially in the interest of those that are potential victims and casualties.