patriotic said:
I do not remember the exact words I said and have sometimes wondered why some people have been saved "again" as adults because they were so young when they thought they got saved that they "couldn't remember the words they prayed".
Money Quote!
This is why so many Youth Directors, Deacons, HAC students, and even preachers find themselves doubting their salvation as adults and finally getting saved, and of course, re-baptized to great fanfare. They are worried that they didn't pray correctly, or used the wrong words, or weren't in the perfect mindset at the time they made "confession unto salvation." Sure, they believe that God has been leading and guiding them for the past 20 years, even calling them into the ministry. But they don't believe they were true believers?
Salvation is about belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." "He that believeth on him is not condemned." We emphasize the prayer, and minimize the belief. I know I am saved...not because of the prayer I repeated as a young child at VBS, but because I know that I am a believer. How could doubt ever enter into it?