Do you remember when.....

kaba said:
My husband was creative (I guess) as a bus captain. His promotion one time was "the bump". He would drive over a raised spot in the road (same park as the picture taken) and the kids in the back 5 seats would fly high out of their seats!! Was loved my everyone. Ray Young use to make fun of it!

Pure stinkin' Hacker!!!
kaba said:
My husband was creative (I guess) as a bus captain. His promotion one time was "the bump". He would drive over a raised spot in the road (same park as the picture taken) and the kids in the back 5 seats would fly high out of their seats!! Was loved my everyone. Ray Young use to make fun of it!

No wonder we had such high insurance rates and had such unbelievable repair costs on those blue buses.
bgwilkinson said:
kaba said:
My husband was creative (I guess) as a bus captain. His promotion one time was "the bump". He would drive over a raised spot in the road (same park as the picture taken) and the kids in the back 5 seats would fly high out of their seats!! Was loved my everyone. Ray Young use to make fun of it!

No wonder we had such high insurance rates and had such unbelievable repair costs on those blue buses.

Blue buses was before my time. This was the rented school buses.  No different than riding on the Dan Ryan!
We used to have Water Gun Drive by Sunday...
Everyone got a cheap watergun for the promotion and we'd give a way an expensive super soaker to the one who brought the most visitors.
We'd bring several giant buckets of water.
We'd meet in a giant parking lot in Maywood with several different bus routes, one route would get off their bus and the other route would stay on the bus.
The bus with the kids on it would drive by soaking the kids in the parking lot.
It was a great draw!
We used to make a haunted drive through under an over pass near div.1 area?  Then a busworker got ran over, and now he prolly haunts it for real.


I have to smile when I think back to this bus promotion.  We would promote horseback riding.  The kids would be very excited.  We would have one horse.  We would put a kid on the horse and walk the horse in a circle.  That was the horseback ride!  :)
The earliest promotion I can remember was the Feeding of the Five Thousand. Our goal was to have 5,000 people attend Sunday School and everyone who attended got a McDonald's Filet-O-Fish sandwich. No alka seltzer or Pepto Bismol was provided. This was in the 60's and, of course, we had over 5,000 in attendance.
RAIDER said:
I have to smile when I think back to this bus promotion.  We would promote horseback riding.  The kids would be very excited.  We would have one horse.  We would put a kid on the horse and walk the horse in a circle.  That was the horseback ride!  :)

We did the very same thing, and man how those kids got SO excited about the event!
Someone slipped and fell...

I think it was Dan Daniels making his way to the platform to sing.  He slipped and fell on the stairs.  He then sand "It Is No Secret."  When he got to that line.... Noone could hold back the laughter.
redeemed said:
Does anyone stay in contact with their bus kids?

That's a good question.  I would guess that most of us (me included) left all the people behind when we graduated.
Many people viewed the bus kids as practice for their real ministry.
At least that's the impression we church folks got.
bgwilkinson said:
Many people viewed the bus kids as practice for their real ministry.
At least that's the impression we church folks got.

When your bus route was on the far end of Chicago it was almost impossible to stay in touch while you were a college student, let alone living in another state after graduation.
I've had several buskids find me on facebook, and it is a precious thing. It makes me look forward to Heaven.
Denny Kenaston claimed in a sermon he was living a sinless life.
He was gone the next day. Enter Ray Young. Now he's about gone too.
I heard Joe Combs say that it had been weeks since he had sinned. The import being (so he said) that while we aren't sinless, it shouldn't be an every day thing, as it is with me and later we found out, as it was with him.
If it were not for Paul writing in Romans 7:15 "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I and
Romans 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I would face depression for how often I do wrong.

I did set a personal record of 48 hrs without sinning. It was in 2020 when I had Covid 19. I slept most of that 48 hrs asleep.
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If it were not for Paul writing in Romans 7:15 "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I and
Romans 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I would face depression for how often I do wrong.

I did set a personal record of 48 hrs without sinning. It was in 2020 when I had Covid 19. I slept most of that 48 hrs.
I went to Penn State University and there was a street preacher there who would call girls who wore shorts whores. He regularly said he did not sin. He played verbal games, pointing to 1 John 3:6 "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."
I went to Penn State University and there was a street preacher there who would call girls who wore shorts whores. He regularly said he did not sin. He played verbal games, pointing to 1 John 3:6 "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."
He problely though correcting them in that way was the lords work.

I found in the Bible it was only the religous leaders that Jesus treated harshly or unkind.

With the others he always seen to show grace and mercy.
I went to Penn State University and there was a street preacher there who would call girls who wore shorts whores. He regularly said he did not sin. He played verbal games, pointing to 1 John 3:6 "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."
there have been some interesting conversations over the years on the fff concerning this very issue.... and i was called all kinds of things by some fff members because of the way i dress.... ....but those same people would probably have a heart attack if they ever came to hawaii and walked down one of the beaches... .. or simply walked through waikiki..... .. string bikinis - thongs that disappear into certain posterior body parts when worn - (my dad calls them slingshots).... they are common everywhere here..... . yet a few forum members gave me grief over surfing in a one piece speedo designed for competetive swimming with a long sleeve wet suit top over it....... like greg gutfeld says that;s the equivalent of a burka in hawaii.... .....

i wear the same type outfit for spear fishing but with a thinner short sleeve wet suit top...... . unless the water feels cold then i put on the thicker long sleeved one...... for archery and bike riding i wear either spandex tights or a pair utd shorts with a t-shirt... .... but when hunting i wear a camoflage bdu both pants and shirt with a guilly suit top.i made myself and slip into when we are close to our quarry..... ..... a few members even took issue with that saying they saw no reason i could not hunt in cullottes...(what i call clugglots)... rather than a miitary pair of pants.......

we had some wild times on the old fff back then.......:cool: