Defend That Catholic Bible!

Vince Massi said:
Unfortunately, X-Files, the word "Bible" means more in English that the original Greek allows. We correctly say that the Bible is the Word of God (recognizing its authority), and some people have learned that by calling a translation a "Bible," they give it more authority than it actually has.

Like the KJV, the New American translation is a "version," and a "translation," but it does not have the full authority of the Bible. Some words and phrases are difficult to translate, can have more than one shade of meaning, and include perceptions that don't come through in English.

What a joke. Yes. The English word "Bible" has come to mean MORE than "biblio". However, you ignoring the fact that both reference a "collection of writings".
"Please provide a link."    for the Old Testament.  for the New Testament.
Vince Massi said:
"Please provide a link."    for the Old Testament.  for the New Testament.

Thank you for your attempt to provide an answer.  However:

1.  These are a collection of manuscripts, not a "full authority Bible".

2.  There are multiple editions of the TR.  How do you determine this one to be correct?

X-Files, I don't know how to tell you this, but...uhm...another forum has a Catholic section...and, uh....I posted some stuff about these different versions, and eh, they wanted to know how the fundamentalists were taking my articles on Catholic translations, and, uh, uhm...I told them about this forum, and , uh...

The Catholics are laughing at you.
Vince Massi said:
X-Files, I don't know how to tell you this, but...uhm...another forum has a Catholic section...and, uh....I posted some stuff about these different versions, and eh, they wanted to know how the fundamentalists were taking my articles on Catholic translations, and, uh, uhm...I told them about this forum, and , uh...

The Catholics are laughing at you.

Sure they are....

Why in the world did you post a link to the Masoretic text?
"Why in the world did you post a link to the Masoretic text? "

So X-Files would know where to find it.
Odd footnote: After being told that he would be fired for squandering his master's wealth, the unjust steward called in the master's debtors and told them to lower their bills. A footnote explains that the steward was only subtracting the illegal amounts that he had added for personal profit.
I don't much care for the NAB. Mainly I just don't like how it reads. Strange vocabulary and bad flow.
I have a Douay-Rheims, and I rather like that, as archaic versions go.
I'd probably like the RSV 2CE (2nd Catholic edition), given how much I love all the RSV family.