David Eells: Unleavened Bread

Here are the audios between David and multiple people. Enjoy.

Here are the audios between David and multiple people. Enjoy.
I love you very very much
You are a great person
What does everyone think about the current hysteria DE is sending out? Giving dates of seeing Planet X on April 25, something else happening on May 25 then the start on June 3rd or something like that?
What does everyone think about the current hysteria DE is sending out? Giving dates of seeing Planet X on April 25, something else happening on May 25 then the start on June 3rd or something like that?

"Planet X" should have killed us 20 times over by now. That is one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories in existence. We're always about a year away from total destruction by a planet that simply is not there.

NASA couldn't cover that up. Every hobbyist astronomer with a telescope would be able to see Planet X.
I always look to see if the servant of God is divorced or has marital and family problems that is a clear indicator to show if a man is walking in righteousness of God - 1Tim 3:2-12.
Not necessarily. With our current "no fault divorce" rules, while it takes two to make a marriage, it only takes one rebellious wife to divorce whether the man is righteous or not.