David Eells: Unleavened Bread

The man who's writing isn't Ai or Spamming. David told us all in the local body of everything he's mentioning, about the books being prited over there in the middle east
Could this be AI writing?
I believe it's a language barrier. When I saw the preview of the post he wrote in here it was in arabic... But what he's saying is true. That was an email that David sent to them in the middle east. David tells everyone in the meetings that he talks to the pope. if you go to youtube and go to Ubm outreach channel you'll see what this man is talking about. David broadcasts every friday night on youtube.
I believe it's a language barrier. When I saw the preview of the post he wrote in here it was in arabic... But what he's saying is true. That was an email that David sent to them in the middle east. David tells everyone in the meetings that he talks to the pope. if you go to youtube and go to Ubm outreach channel you'll see what this man is talking about. David broadcasts every friday night on youtube.
I see. I was curious. I was thinking either language barrier or AI.

I wonder what his (David's) draw is to the middle easterners.

I don't expect everyone to look through the same lenses I do, but my first red flag with this "ministry" was how verbose the website is. "When words are many, sin is not wanting..." Then it doesn't take much reading to see how off base the guy is.
(Some goofy stuff from Eells' web site (I have edited these excerpts)

This vision could mean that the President after Clinton falls at the same time as the nation falls (Mystery Babylon, the UN/USA), and that the final President (the one after Bush) would be a puppet communist President placed over the USA until Christ returns at Armageddon.

Vision received by Dumitru Duduman on Nov. 29, 1996. . . . "We won't say exactly, but it probably means that in another three years a great massacre will occur."

Al Cuppett - 04/17/2006

Subject: Catastrophic weather event(s) prophesied for Alabama; plus other prophetic events elsewhere. . . .

During the middle of our conversation, which I will detail below, I suddenly remembered what they did to Judge Roy Moore and the Ten Commandments last year. It was then that the hammer of reality fell upon our conversation. . . .

At some point, the USA will be "rent in the middle"; and be advised Dan Bohler and John Mark Poole have also prophesied this. The "rend" will be from "South to North". Brother Poole said the Mississippi River will reroute and come out through Alabama, instead of its current path to the Gulf. I acknowledge Bohler and Poole, but when Bob says it, the Father has spoken. It shall happen!

[Comment by Illinoisguy: There are a lot of people in fundamental Baptist churches who are "prophecy buffs" and are attracted to web sites like this one by David Eells that purport to provide inside information on the future. A lot of Baptists are followers of a similar "ministry," the "Tomorrow's World" web site and magazine. This is an anti-trinitarian offshoot of the original Herbert Armstrong "World Tomorrow" and "Worldwide Church of God" cult. The mainline WCG movement has repudiated all of Armstrong's heresies and adopted Trinitarianism, but splinter movements are still putting out their heresy, and using prophecy baloney as bait to attract Baptists to devour their teachings and maybe even send money].
That "Tomorrow's World" bunch is particularly aggressive. Somehow my wife (another prophecy nut) got on their mailing list and getting off of it is like the Hotel California: you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. So it comes in the mailbox and goes straight to the trash bin.
This is straight up a CULT. Numerous people have died because David Eells forbids his followers to receive medical attention. He also is having an affair with a married follower. I can list many many things he has done that a Christian would never do. He twists everything to suit his needs. I'm just grateful my parents finally saw him for the cult leader he is & left
BEWARE of Unleaved Bread Ministries#!!!
Poking around his website, it looks like a hot mess of "NAR" style prophecy mixed with "name it and claim it" teachings. I don't think he's mixed up with Armstrongism, though. STILL...I'd keep my distance, as far as possible.
I always look to see if the servant of God is divorced or has marital and family problems that is a clear indicator to show if a man is walking in righteousness of God - 1Tim 3:2-12. This ministry has got many prophesies that have not come to pass! If you have been around long enough you would have read many versions of his Hidden Mana book. He just updates or changes things that does not come to pass. Seek out his wife and children then you can find out the truth directly from them. I have read in another post made a year ago on Youtube that both he and Michael Hare's wife and children are estrange. This should be a red flag for anyone! Now, I read in this post that allegedly David is in relationship with a married follower, how did Tennessee Cult come to that conclusion? Is there verifiable evidence to that effect? Of course it is probable because his wife is not with him for years. There are things which he teaches which are true, and I won't dispute that but one must read scriptures and be led by the Holy Spirit to catch the errors. May we all walk close to Jesus and not idolize any man!
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There are things which he teaches which are true, and I won't dispute that but one must read scriptures and be led by the Holy Spirit to catch the errors. May we all walk close to Jesus and not idolize any man!
The followers of Jim Jones during the Jonestown massacre drank Kool-Aid (more accurately, Flavor Aid) laced with cyanide. The concoction was mostly Kool-Aid, just a little bit of poison. All false teachers proclaim some truth but the poison will become evident if, as you correctly say, one looks to the Word and is led by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many who know the Word and have been convicted by the Spirit still rush headlong into ruin.

The power of charisma is a funny thing. This David guy obviously has some kind of charisma, though I fail to see what it is.
The followers of Jim Jones during the Jonestown massacre drank Kool-Aid (more accurately, Flavor Aid) laced with cyanide. The concoction was mostly Kool-Aid, just a little bit of poison. All false teachers proclaim some truth but the poison will become evident if, as you correctly say, one looks to the Word and is led by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many who know the Word and have been convicted by the Spirit still rush headlong into ruin.

The power of charisma is a funny thing. This David guy obviously has some kind of charisma, though I fail to see what it is.
I think many would agree that David seems to be a humble and simple man. He is not like the prosperity preachers who flaunt their wealth around. He is not constantly asking for money. I knew of a person who went to his house in FL and said that everything looked very outdated. That person did not see his wife and children join in his teachings which surprised that person. He definitly has the teaching gift and speaks well but at the end of the day we are all accountable to God for reading His Word and being led by His Spirit. John 10:27-28, if we are truely his sheep we would hear his voice and follow him. Once we reject truth found in His expressed Word, God himself will send a strong delusion that is why you see many Christians deceived! 2Thess 2:11 .."God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." I have learnt that God doesn't not contradict his Word. I also don't throw out all common sense to follow anyone blindly. Everyone is at a different level of faith, you cannot impose your faith on others.
He is encouraging my friend's wife to not follow her husband. It appears that he is grooming her. :(
They are indeed aggressive.
That "Tomorrow's World" bunch is particularly aggressive. Somehow my wife (another prophecy nut) got on their mailing list and getting off of it is like the Hotel California: you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. So it comes in the mailbox and goes straight to the trash bin.
They are indeed aggressive. I was given some of their info through a subscription from a friend. I didn't ask for it, yet, when I asked them to stop sending their material to me, they increased it. That was many years ago, and they're still sending it to me. I read it every now and then just for laughs.
All these verbose websites and responses to them bring to mind Proverbs 10:19:

When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
Here is the new Timelines Doctrine David is spinning

Is this copied and pasted from another source? Treatises that span 4 lengthy posts aren't really conducive to this kind of forum, and they're likely to be skipped rather than read.

If this material exists elsewhere on the Web, you're probably better off summarizing it in a paragraph or two and linking to the original so people can read further if it interests them.
I started to listen to the pod cast out of curiosity. Again is the tell-tale verbatim that indicates a delusion or a lie..."the Lord told me, " and that verbatim indicates delusions or lies even if the message seems to align with orthodoxy. One is saying he is speaking by direct revelation.
As far as the quantum mechanics is concerned...much of which is theoretical, he appears to be trying to provide a materialistic mechanism by which one can be his own god. (Screwtape's anticipation of his father below's ultimate creation, the materialistic sorcerer, come's to mind.)

If the guy isn't just lying, then he is seeing and speaking to demons.
All these verbose websites and responses to them bring to mind Proverbs 10:19:

When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
If this person causes the death of many people, should we remain silent?
Dropping some links and audio will help to make others understand the magnitude of what’s going on.

The man from the Middle East is also a victim of this cult.

But I get the point— I’ll excuse myself. ✌🏼
I am not the only one who fell victim, we are a number you cannot imagine