David Eells: Unleavened Bread

I’ve described him through the 8 pages in this thread? I’ve provided him speaking to angels in live YouTube broadcasts he does every Friday night. People tell me to provide links so people “ can look on their own time “ and then get told NOT to leave links. I can’t win. I don’t have time to respond back to every single post, but I have provided ample things. I’ve since deleted them because I don’t want any trouble for myself, since you all are the least bit helpful and this is public on the web, I don’t feel comfortable here any longer.

Dude, you have made exactly 21 posts on this site as of this moment. It took no longer than 5 minutes to read them all. None of them contain anything like substantial information about or specific criticisms of David Eells.

To tell us that information was there, but then you deleted it, just means that you admit your net contribution to our understanding of Eells is zero.

I was the one who suggested you not post a huge wall of text to the forum and it was better to post a summary and a link. I suggested you post your information in more concise and readable portions. I didn't ask you to delete those posts You did that yourself. That's on you.
I said I DELETED this earlier today

Yes. I know you said that. That's why I mentioned it. You aren't reading what I'm actually writing.

ecause none of you were of any help whatsoever

This thread was begun by someone asking for help. The ones of us requesting information aren't in a position to offer it. This seems obvious.
Yes. I know you said that. That's why I mentioned it. You aren't reading what I'm actually writing.

This thread was begun by someone asking for help. The ones of us requesting information aren't in a position to offer it. This seems obvious.
Yes. I know you said that. That's why I mentioned it. You aren't reading what I'm actually writing.

This thread was begun by someone asking for help. The ones of us requesting information aren't in a position to offer it. This seems obvious.
Can you just stick with what you asked for. I provided you some actual evidence of his craziness. You don’t have to correct me on everything you feel I’m in error of, obviously the posts I saw weren’t in order, and I answered the question before I saw your response.
Move to the 1:11 mark and have a listen at the absurdity.

So this "Kevin" is a Satanist and he and his buddy murdered a woman (Eve?) and buried her but an angel came later and removed her from the grave and there's video of this that the people in the audience have seen but it doesn't really exist?

There has to be some context to this that makes it understandable, because it sounds like blithering nonsense to me.

I can't even tell who's talking. Is Eells the guy sitting by the window, next to the piano?
Can you just stick with what you asked for. I provided you some actual evidence of his craziness. You don’t have to correct me on everything you feel I’m in error of, obviously the posts I saw weren’t in order, and I answered the question before I saw your response.

Quit whining.
So this "Kevin" is a Satanist and he and his buddy murdered a woman (Eve?) and buried her but an angel came later and removed her from the grave and there's video of this that the people in the audience have seen but it doesn't really exist?

There has to be some context to this that makes it understandable, because it sounds like blithering nonsense to me.

I can't even tell who's talking. Is Eells the guy sitting by the window, next to the piano?
David has them convinced that the “ angels that are over his ministry “ exist outside of time and take videos of Kevin and his “crimes against “ humanity. No one would dare ask David why do you possess this video? Isn’t that withholding evidence? No one thinks logically. This is one of many of the reasons we left. No one with a brain would give this an ounce of credence.
David is the one speaking. He’s sitting by the piano yes. Kevin is also not a satanist. He just left the fellowship and he married Eve who also left. David has to demonize anyone who leaves.
** has everyone convinced that Eve is turning tricks.
His newest claim is he can now hear the dead and can communicate with people in the Middle East via the spirit because Kevin has hacked into all forms of communication. 🙄 he says all this stuff so that he can have a reason to teach them witchcraft. So once this all began we said yeah we’re done.
None of our friends in that video you see, are allowed to speak to us or they will have a demon enter them David has taught them.
To follow up, David used this same strategy with his followers in Yemen. If they do not believe he speaks to angels and the dead, they are then removed from the ministry and they are forbade to speak to anyone who remains. Zechariah is not allowed to speak to any of his friends that remain in the fellowship with David in the Middle East.
So I found the Unleavened Bread Ministries podcast and started perusing the episode descriptions.

This is some severely weird stuff.

In the similitude of a dream, we are told, amongst other things:

  • Beyonce is a witch.
  • "Kevin," who is a Satanist, astral-projects himself into the presence of young women to rape them.
  • "Eve" is the woman whom Kevin supposedly murdered in the woods. An angel came to her grave and dug her up and gave her a new body, because the Lord said her original one was so defiled, he wouldn't resurrect it. She's now younger, has natural red hair and better legs that she doesn't have to shave.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine was "activated" by 5G.
  • Eells really, really has a hate-on for Kevin.

The stuff in these podcasts is bizarre, surreal. Everything Eells teaches apparently comes from dreams--and not necessarily his dreams. Why anyone pays this guy any attention, I don't know. Everything he says is blithering idiocy.
** has everyone convinced that Eve is turning tricks.
His newest claim is he can now hear the dead and can communicate with people in the Middle East via the spirit because Kevin has hacked into all forms of communication. 🙄 he says all this stuff so that he can have a reason to teach them witchcraft. So once this all began we said yeah we’re done.
He asked me to lie and say that he spoke to me through the Holy Spirit, but I refused to lie. At that time, he said that I was dead.
None of our friends in that video you see, are allowed to speak to us or they will have a demon enter them David has taught them.
Now he has another trick. The mask trick says I am dead. The angel rose and I was wearing a mask. The brothers came looking for the mask.
I tried watching about three minutes of a YouTube video with David Eels and those are three minutes I wish I could get back. He might be the single most boring speaker I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard some guys who sound like they are in a coma. He’d have to throw hundred dollar bills at me to get me sit through a sermon of his!
وللمتابعة، استخدم داود هذه الإستراتيجية نفسها مع أتباعه في اليمن. إذا لم يؤمنوا أنه يتحدث إلى الملائكة والأموات، فسيتم عزلهم من الخدمة ويُمنعون من التحدث إلى أي شخص يبقى. لا يُسمح لزكريا بالتحدث إلى أي من أصدقائه الذين بقوا في الشركة مع داود في الشرق الأوسط
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Eells says people are being raised from the dead left and right ... and true to Charismatic form, there's never anyone around with a smartphone to video it.
Please explain what the mask trick is.
David wants me to lie, and if I don't lie, he will be dead
Then the Catholics come and make a mask in the same image as me, then they enter, and the person wearing the mask is Judas, and he is causing us problems.
Just out of curiosity, where is David Eels originally from? I was trying to figure out his accent. I’m guessing somewhere in the South, but it didn’t sound like what I’m familiar with.