David Eells: Unleavened Bread

Ok... So, he still has minions over there who run his "church" and carry his authority?

I wonder how a whack job like that can have any influence in a society where beliefs in anything other than the state sponsored religion is vigorously suppressed...
Yeah, that’s where my mind was going. Something doesn’t add up here….
حسنًا... إذن، لا يزال لا يزال لديه أتباع هناك يديرون "كنيسته" ويحملون سلطته؟

أتساءل كيف يمكن لوظيفة مثل هذه أن يكون لها أي تأثير في المجتمع حيث يتم قمع المعتقدات في أي شيء آخر غير الذي ترعاه الدولة الدين ...
نحن متخصصون في تصاميم إسلامية حقيقية ونطالب بالعنف والقتل، وعندما نقرأ الكتاب المقدس يكون له تأثير كبير ونحتاج إلى السلام والمحبة. لفترة طويلة تأتي الكتاب المقدس كافية لجزء كبير.
But I say to you: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.
Do not resist evil, but whoever strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also
OK, so what are you guys hoping to accomplish by telling this story on this forum? Do you just want to raise awareness or are you asking for help? I’m just confused where this is going.
I can empathize with those who face persecution because they don't bow the knee to the state sponsored religion. But Christians in those environments are pretty solid because when your faith could cost you your life, you aren't going to be messing around with some loose nuts.
And when you meet those who disbelieve, then strike the necks until, when you have enraged them, then tighten the bonds. Then it is either from us after that or ransom.’ against those who disbelieved.
Yeah, that’s where my mind was going. Something doesn’t add up here….
Regardless how things don't add up, I can assure you... just because zechariah talks a certain way, its because the translation is lost. We have seen video of people in yemen, who follow david... who read his books. many muslims came to the Lord following David. David has been doing this for 40 years.
OK, so what are you guys hoping to accomplish by telling this story on this forum? Do you just want to raise awareness or are you asking for help? I’m just confused where this is going.
Raise awareness and help as well
I can empathize with those who face persecution because they don't bow the knee to the state sponsored religion. But Christians in those environments are pretty solid because when your faith could cost you your life, you aren't going to be messing around with some loose nuts.
David has the appearance of following Christ. But it's false.
OK, specifically what kind of help?
I just came on here cause I had just left the cult a couple months ago. I just saw someone posted they had a friend involved and thats how our conversation started. Other than that. I don't need any help. Zechariah is kinda in a tough spot because he's unable to really have a voice. but David is not in a good spot right now, and his ministry is failing.
I hope that everyone will pray with pure hearts for the liberation of the chief evangelist. We need him because everyone is in winter now.
I hope that everyone will pray with pure hearts for the liberation of the chief evangelist. We need him because everyone is in winter now.
Sir, I am praying for all those who live in your country that are trying to break free from the oppression of the state sponsored religion. According to Open Doors, Yemen ranks #3 (only behind North Korea and Somalia) on their watch list of the nations that engage in the most severe persecution of Christians.