Dave Bewley?

Dave passed away this afternoon.  The last of his kids made it in from out of the country with just minutes to spare.  His wife posted on Facebook:  ... After all the kids and brothers spoke to David, we had prayers and David said, "Let's get this rolling." 
Thank you for the update... what a wonderful testimony he had ....God be with his dear family
Fishinhut - you got me crying in my office.  What a beautiful song.  My my!
I knew Dave at HB. Dave was truly one of the good guys. He was ego-less and had absolutely no enemies. I remember when he had to have his legs broken and reset due to extreme bow-leggedness (I don't even know if that's a word). He handled the situation with grace far beyond his years. He really was one of those guys that was a friend to everyone. He will be missed.
When Dave found out who my husband was we had many stories to compare ....we had many laughs...God watch over his family
Thinking and praying for the Bewley's this morning as they 're preparing for their final goodbyes to their father, husband, brother and son.  What an amazing family! 