Crazy things that happened at Youth Conference...

I remember Doug Kalapp preaching for 50 min on the evils of NASCAR & big time wrestling.

You would have thought that was what was destroying America.

(some of our southern friends have not been back since)
sword said:
I always loved the fist fights over seats.

Ah, yes, the most spiritual young people -- or was that the youth pastors?
My husband and I knew Doug Kalapp  when he was in Florida ....We have always been close to the and miss him
Teri in NC said:
I always wanted to go, just to see Rim Jeed and gonebutnotforgotten waterski in the lake.

GoneButNotForgotten is the waterskier?  WOW!  I just had dinner with him last year, but I did not know he was GBNF!
A sermon against the evils of "oldie" and old country music to which everyone AMENed, followed directly by a skit singing "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife" to which everyone laughed and applauded.  <sigh>
Binaca Chugger said:
A sermon against the evils of "oldie" and old country music to which everyone AMENed, followed directly by a skit singing "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife" to which everyone laughed and applauded.  <sigh>

Well said; I found many "skits" in IFB-land that directly contradict what they claim to stand for: after all of the preaching about women not wearing men's clothes and men not wearing women's clothes, I was surprised and saddened to see a skit in which a man was dressed as a woman... or youth meetings in which they had a race for guys to put on women's clothing...
Walt said:
Binaca Chugger said:
A sermon against the evils of "oldie" and old country music to which everyone AMENed, followed directly by a skit singing "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife" to which everyone laughed and applauded.  <sigh>

Well said; I found many "skits" in IFB-land that directly contradict what they claim to stand for: after all of the preaching about women not wearing men's clothes and men not wearing women's clothes, I was surprised and saddened to see a skit in which a man was dressed as a woman... or youth meetings in which they had a race for guys to put on women's clothing...

Would that be the IFB version of drag racing?
Norefund said:
Walt said:
Binaca Chugger said:
A sermon against the evils of "oldie" and old country music to which everyone AMENed, followed directly by a skit singing "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife" to which everyone laughed and applauded.  <sigh>

Well said; I found many "skits" in IFB-land that directly contradict what they claim to stand for: after all of the preaching about women not wearing men's clothes and men not wearing women's clothes, I was surprised and saddened to see a skit in which a man was dressed as a woman... or youth meetings in which they had a race for guys to put on women's clothing...

Would that be the IFB version of drag racing?

I see what you did there!
Walt said:
Binaca Chugger said:
A sermon against the evils of "oldie" and old country music to which everyone AMENed, followed directly by a skit singing "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife" to which everyone laughed and applauded.  <sigh>

Well said; I found many "skits" in IFB-land that directly contradict what they claim to stand for:

Most of the skits were developed from Saturday Night Live.
Boomer said:
My Sr. year of high school was my last year at YC. I was giving some hesitating consideration to attending HAC that fall because my girlfriend was going there. I was also seeking a sign from God about HAC that year.

At one point in that YC, Dr. Evans stood behind the podium and said, "It is God's will for all of you to attend Hyles-Anderson College, but most of you won't obey God" (not a verbatim quote, but that was the gist of it). That was my sign. There were 5-7,000 teenagers there and HAC wasn't anywhere near able to handle all of them. I did the math (your'e not supposed to do that at YC). There is no way one man can know God's will for thousands of teens he never met.

That was my sign from God!  ;)

Boomer, that is a useful, intelligent post.