Conspiracy Theories and Lore


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2013
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The south
Here are some good conspiricy theories. The best ones, much like the best jokes or lie's have some truth in them.

Please comment on any you would like but please one conspiricy per post. Feel free to add some I may have missed.

1. 911 Conspiricy Theories: these say President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and top Bush advisors planned it with CIA help. Others say it was the Jews to Blame the Arabs. There is overwhelming evidence that

2. JFK Assasination was planed by others, not just Lee Harvey Oswald.

Subliminal Advertising: people believe Billboards, Radio, Online ads and TV have hidden sound and messages that we absorb and are persuaded by.

4. Roswell Crash and UFO's at Area 51.

5. Flat Earth Theory: enough said? We almost fell off on our last around the world cruse and I think the Navy has lost a carrier battle group or two on the edge but they just covered it up.

6.The dead internet theory says most Of The Internet Is Fake." Citing posts from major online discussion forums like 4Chan, the theory claimed that non-human bots are responsible for almost all online activity and content creation. Ther is some truth to this theory, This conspiracy theory has a little kernel of truth at its core bots account for around half of all internet traffic.

7. Contrails or Chemtrails: Jets can leave condensation trails but some think they are much more nefarious. The "Chemtrails" conspiracy theory holds that condensation trails are full of other chemicals that scientists and governments are seeding into the atmosphere. Also they believe the seeding of clouds and storm creation is causing the severe weather.

8. Covid Theorists believe it was developed and released by big pharma to boost profits and promote Vaxes: I have no doubt Covid was created in a Chinese lab and was released by mistake. I also have no doubt there are many natural airborn viruses out there like swine flu H1N1, Ebola, West Nile, or bird flus like H5N1, H7N9, H5N6, and H5N8 that can kill you. Conspiricy theorists believe many of these are man made and used governments to control population.

9. Modern Medicine Hide Cures This theory holds that the medical reserch community withholds real cures to illness for business reasons.

10. Moon Hoax Theory We did not go to the moon. Theory holds it was all a PR stunt to motivate us and to get us to compete against Russia.

11.Secret Societies Rule the World. Illuminiti, Skull and Bones and the Free Masons rule the world. There is some truth to this in that some of the the most powerful people in the world choose to join such organizations. The Bilderberg Conference and Beohemian grove meeting, the Sun Valley Idaho Camp are some examples of the secret mettings of the ultra rich and ultra powerful.

12: Aliens Built the Pyrmids The stones are so large and the architecture so presise and the astronomy so accurate, man must have had help from beyond. This one I must admit I tend to believe at least for a bit. Maybe Angels helped build them or God or even the Giants mentioned in Gen 6.

13. Hollicost never happened. Between 1941 and 1945, six million Jews were killed across Europe in a horrific genocide led by the Nazi's and Adolf Hitler. Inspite of all the evidence some say it never happened.

14, Under Mount Rushmore is a secret military / Government base.

What say ye secret society of the FFF. Do you believe?
5. Flat Earth

Debunking the flat earth theory is easy. One must only point out that were the earth actually flat, the cats would have knocked everything off the edge by now.
#8....yes covid was designed and produced in the wuhan lab... ... but no... it was not released by accident......

a year and a half before covid was released on the world outspoken democrats were lamenting the fact that with such a good economy trump appeared to have a clear path to be re-elected.... ... a few of them actually said they wished something would happen just prior to the election that would crash the economy and thus give the democrats a chance to get back in the game........

one of those who made that comment on television was phil marr.... . a little over a year later the entire world was facing the covid pandemic which threatened to wipe out millions of americans if not contained.... ..... trump agreed to temporarily lockdown the country and thus shut down the economy in order to "flatten the curve"... and save lives.... ....and then we all saw what happened next and how the temporary was manipulated and undermined by further democrat shenanigans to prolong it into 2021.....

yeah....i know..... the view of people in the mainstream .... which finally agreed the wet market story was a lie.... is that china let that virus out of the lab by accident...... .. but to many
of us it looked like the democrats made a request and china delivered... . right on time......

#12.... aliens built the pyramids.... . this one comes from pride and arrogance .... and the attitude that if we in the modern world with all our technology - would find something impossible to do.. then there is no way people in the ancient world could have done it themselves..... .no way no how..... . because.... don;t you know.... we are the smartest most capable people who have ever lived...:sneaky:.. ..

i have faced a version of this kind of arrogance myself at the archery range....... i shoot a traditional longbow with a very heavy draw weight... one that even most men twice my size cannot pull back to a full draw.... .. ... ... but occasionally when some of those men see me do it - and see that i am able to handle it well - they begin to surmise.. .openly... and sometimes loudly... that there must be some trick or special technique to it.... "because"... in their words... "there is no way a female my size should be able to do that"..

...never mind i was trained in archery by my dad who shoots a bow with twice the draw weight of mine and which nobody else his age can pull even halfway back... ...and never mind i shot hundred of arrows every day for years building the necessary muscles.... never mind as well that i can hit targets at a distance farther away than they can.... . instead they dismiss the fact that persistent and proper training produces good results and continue to claim it has to be a trick or that somehow my bow is not really as powerful as claimed.... . ...

so once.... a few years ago.... and only once... . i handed my bow to one of the more outspoken of these individuals when plenty of witnesses were there to see it ...and challenged him to pull it back to a full draw... .. not only could he not do it.... but he injured his shoulder in the process of trying... ...that silenced the guys that were there for a long time... ...but they are back at it again..... . they probably just want to get my bow into their hands... :cautious:.. ... but i had to clean and oil it for a long time after that first episode to be confident i had gotten all the cooties off it..... .. not going to go through that again.....
My very favourite conspiracy theory remains Texe Marrs's claim, c. 2002, that all the new World Cup stadiums then being built were actually giant dish antennas in disguise, intended to send instructions via extreme low frequency (ELF) transmissions to nanobots that were injected into people who thought they were getting a vaccine, which would then be used to murder their subjects or control their minds.

Especially funny when you remember that before he became a professional kook, Marrs was an Air Force officer with some kind of tech specialty, and should have known better.
14, under mount rushmore is a secret military / government base...... that would be norad.... . and it;s actually under cheyenne mountain in el paso county colorado.. was secret at one time but not anymore.... . ....

but even if they had wanted to put it there - mount rushmore is no where nearly big enough to hold such a thing.... ... however - there is a semi-secret tunnel at mount rushmore though behind lincolns head.... originally supposed to be 8000 square feet and intended to be a repository for special u.s. government documents and artifacts..... . only about 70 feet were excavated before they abandoned the project.... all that is in there today is a titanium vault holding documents pertaining to mount rushmore ...... and it;s closed to the public.... ..
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Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for 50+ murders, often made to look like suicides or accidents.

We can probably thank Jerry Falwell for mainstreaming this one.
When he came out with that, I remarked, "Seriously!? Has he nothing better to do?"
Maybe he should have been giving more attention to Jerry Jr and warning him of the dangers of strange women.

(I actually liked Jerry Sr)
1. I am beginning to believe that there 9/11 was an inside job, that the CIA (or whoever) intentionally crashed the airplanes into the building in order to initiate the Iraq and Afghanistan war in order to feed trillions into the "Military Industrial Complex!"

Face it, if it were actually terrorists, the terrorists would've gladly accepted responsibiliy!
1. I am beginning to believe that there 9/11 was an inside job, that the CIA (or whoever) intentionally crashed the airplanes into the building in order to initiate the Iraq and Afghanistan war in order to feed trillions into the "Military Industrial Complex!"

Face it, if it were actually terrorists, the terrorists would've gladly accepted responsibiliy!
They did.
1. I am beginning to believe that there 9/11 was an inside job, that the CIA (or whoever) intentionally crashed the airplanes into the building in order to initiate the Iraq and Afghanistan war in order to feed trillions into the "Military Industrial Complex!"

Face it, if it were actually terrorists, the terrorists would've gladly accepted responsibiliy!
They did.
wasn;t there a video made by bin laden himself sitting in a circle with his accomplices talking and laughing - literally giddy over how they had planned the 911 attack and how well their plan had worked?... ..i know i saw something like that on the news not long after it all happened...... plus somewhere in either palestine or maybe iraq a statue was erected of one of the world trade buildings with a jet liner sticking out of it..... i know i saw that shown on tv too..... . people were cheering in the streets around it....

the way i understand it u.s intelligence agencies had gotten lured into a false sense of security by how well the gulf war to liberate kuwait had gone and the fact the first attack on the world trade center - the attempt to destroy it by setting off a bomb in the basement.. had failed..... plus the big scare that computers world wide would shut down as the year 2000 struck didn;t happen......... the CIA and other u.s. intelligence agencies were literally asleep at their post in late 2001....
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wasn;t there a video made by bin laden himself sitting in a circle with his accomplices talking and laughing - literally giddy over how they had planned the 911 attack and how well their plan had worked?... ..i know i saw something like that on the news not long after it all happened...... plus somewhere in either palestine or maybe iraq a statue was erected of one of the world trade buildings with a jet liner sticking out of it..... i know i saw that shown on tv too..... . people were cheering in the streets around it....
True. I just read the book Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and she says that all across the Muslim world, Muslims partied and laughed because the 9/11 attacks were the center of the ideals for Muslims, and it was not some radical fringe. I would highly recommend the book.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for 50+ murders, often made to look like suicides or accidents.

We can probably thank Jerry Falwell for mainstreaming this one.
i only heard about 2 suicides... . vince foster and jeffry epstein... . ... the really surprising thing to me is that bill never tried to off himself... . especially being married to hilary.... .one would figure that if she was really that clever and capable both bill and monica would be history..... ...... but then again ..maybe she leaves them alive as her alibi - :unsure: ...and she really is that clever... :sneaky: ....
bigfoot..... he;s definitely out there..... the conspiracy surrounding him is that certain people in the government know about him.... but keep it a carefully guarded secret to prevent widespread panic in the areas he inhabits... and also to prevent all the billybobs and bubbas with supersized kids named junior from taking to the woods enmass with guns trying to hunt him...... .... they also carefully scrutinize google earth images to scrub anything they see that might look like a bigfoot.....

but one day a bigfoot is going show up on a trail camera somewhere.... . he can;t avoid them all forever... .. and after that happens he will know he has been outed ... and he will be doing an elvis presley now and then and showing up at burger king to order a whopper..... ..... remember where you heard it first... someday it will happen....:D

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