Compass College and Seminary


Aug 2, 2021
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Festus, Missouri
Compass College and Seminary

This new institution, scheduled to open its doors for the 2024-25 academic year, is shaping up to be a powerful newcomer to the existing roster of IFB Bible colleges. Having read all the material that I could acquire since its unveiling on October 5th, Compass appears to seek to carve out a new constituency among fundamental Baptists rather than "feasting upon the corpse" of dead or dying institutions. Pastor/Founder/President Tim Cruse is decisively working to forge a reputation of academic excellence for the college and seminary. Chief Operating Officer and Seminary Dean Ken Lengel has an accredited Master of Arts from Maranatha Baptist Seminary and is pursuing his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. The other four full-time instructors listed for the first year all have earned master's degrees:
  • Tim Cruse: Master of Christian Education (Crown College of the Bible)
  • Rebekah Cruse: Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (Shepherds Theological Seminary)
  • Tanner Koske: Master of Ministry (Crown College of the Bible)
  • Felix Nagy-Lup: Master of Mathematics (Babes-Bolyai University)
Compass College and Seminary is already pursuing accreditation, although it is unclear whether they have chosen to seek accreditation with TRACS or the Accrediting Bureau of Higher Education (ABHE). The following programs to be offered in its inaugural year are listed in the institutional catalog.
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Theology
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Youth Ministry
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Pastoral Studies
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Women's Track
  • Bachelor of Christian Education: Elementary Education
  • Master of Arts: Ministry
  • Master of Arts: Biblical Studies
  • Master of Divinity
So this school with not a single earned Ph.D. on the faculty wants to issue graduate degrees? LOL.
Oh wow…I just looked at their website and that new college is located in Monroe, NC. In addition to the academic concerns, I’m not a fan of the Monroe area. I have extensive family in that area. It’s basically become a bedroom community for Charlotte, but without many amenities. Crime issues, Charlotte commuter traffic issues, a lot of undocumented immigrant issues, etc. Then again, I’m not a fan of the piedmont area period. Give me the ocean or the mountains, but I don’t like that in between stuff.
Oh wow…I just looked at their website and that new college is located in Monroe, NC. In addition to the academic concerns, I’m not a fan of the Monroe area. I have extensive family in that area. It’s basically become a bedroom community for Charlotte, but without many amenities. Crime issues, Charlotte commuter traffic issues, a lot of undocumented immigrant issues, etc. Then again, I’m not a fan of the piedmont area period. Give me the ocean or the mountains, but I don’t like that in between stuff.
Can any of these classes/degrees be earned online?
Hello everyone, I am Ken Lengel and I would like to answer some of your posts. I am in the process of completing my Ph.D in Systematic Theology. Pastor Tim Cruse is also working on his Ph.D. from Crown.

As for method of taking classes, we offer three options, onsite, online, and recorded. If you cannot attend onsite, you are welcome to be a part of the online class. If you happen to miss a lecture for any reason, all classes will also be recorded. You can choose your method of learning that best fits your needs and availability. Find out more about it here:

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have. My email address is

For His Glory,
Ken Lengel
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Compass College and Seminary

This new institution, scheduled to open its doors for the 2024-25 academic year, is shaping up to be a powerful newcomer to the existing roster of IFB Bible colleges. Having read all the material that I could acquire since its unveiling on October 5th, Compass appears to seek to carve out a new constituency among fundamental Baptists rather than "feasting upon the corpse" of dead or dying institutions. Pastor/Founder/President Tim Cruse is decisively working to forge a reputation of academic excellence for the college and seminary. Chief Operating Officer and Seminary Dean Ken Lengel has an accredited Master of Arts from Maranatha Baptist Seminary and is pursuing his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. The other four full-time instructors listed for the first year all have earned master's degrees:
  • Tim Cruse: Master of Christian Education (Crown College of the Bible)
  • Rebekah Cruse: Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (Shepherds Theological Seminary)
  • Tanner Koske: Master of Ministry (Crown College of the Bible)
  • Felix Nagy-Lup: Master of Mathematics (Babes-Bolyai University)
Compass College and Seminary is already pursuing accreditation, although it is unclear whether they have chosen to seek accreditation with TRACS or the Accrediting Bureau of Higher Education (ABHE). The following programs to be offered in its inaugural year are listed in the institutional catalog.
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Theology
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Youth Ministry
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Pastoral Studies
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies: Women's Track
  • Bachelor of Christian Education: Elementary Education
  • Master of Arts: Ministry
  • Master of Arts: Biblical Studies
  • Master of Divinity
In regard to the accreditation, let me provide some insight for everyone. First, we are pursuing TRACS accreditation. With TRACS, you are not permitted to even say that on your materials, until you indeed are evaluated for accreditation by TRACS. From the TRACS Policies and Procedures Manual (Board Policy 238): "No statement is made regarding possible future accreditation status or qualification not yet conferred by the Accreditation Commission. For example, an institution will not state that it has applied for candidacy with TRACS or is being evaluated by TRACS and it is anticipated that accreditation will be granted in the near future.” In fact, I have asked if there are any exceptions, and there are not.

From an accreditation standpoint, I can tell you that we are working through what the standards are to be accredited, and incorporating the policies and procedures into our operations. I am the COO, and I can tell you that we are moving along very nicely towards having a great portion of these steps in place by September 2024. However, you must also have two years of financial records and audits of the college financially, before one can become accredited. All who seek this path must follow these guidelines, and we do so in order to demonstrate to all that we are building a strong foundation at Compass. Our k-12 Academy has grown from 150 just three years ago to over 350 this year, and we are dedicated to providing everyone with the highest excellence in education. We desire to continue this excellence at the college and seminary level as well. We are presently interviewing additional professors for both the college and seminary at present as well.

As you mentioned, we did not start the school out of any discontent towards any other school. We have a heart for training people for the ministry. All of us have heard throughout our lives, that we need more pastors, missionaries, youth workers, Christian day school teachers. I am sure all of you would agree. We want to do our part, and help train those we can. We will do it with excellence. We will encourage our staff to be excellent. In fact, to be accredited with TRACS, you must have 25% of your classes in your major taught by someone with a terminal degree. We intend to meet and exceed that mark with all we seek to join us.

My only prayer is that more people look on new schools as an opportunity to train more disciples to serve a risen Savior. Again, as always, I will answer any questions, and we appreciate your prayers as we seek to use the resources God has entrusted us with for His Glory. May God direct you in your service to Him.
Hello everyone, I am Ken Lengel and I would like to answer some of your posts. I am in the process of completing my Ph.D in Systematic Theology. Pastor Tim Cruse is also working on his Ph.D. from Crown.

As for method of taking classes, we offer three options, onsite, online, and recorded. If you cannot attend onsite, you are welcome to be a part of the online class. If you happen to miss a lecture for any reason, all classes will also be recorded. You can choose your method of learning that best fits your needs and availability. Find out more about it here:

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have. My email address is

For His Glory,
Ken Lengel
From the Compass College website:
that all forms of compromise with liberalism, ecumenicism, neo evangelicalism, or the charismatic movement should be avoided by those who wish to live in obedience to God.
Let's say, hypothetically, you meet up with someone from a Calvary Chapel, who some would consider charismatic, are you to not associate with such an one?

Thank you for your question.

Since you are posing a "hypothetical", let me ask you to be more specific in order to give you a proper response. Please provide additional details on the following:

1) "you meet up" - what do you mean by this?
2) "not to associate" - what do you mean by this?

Your answers may lead to additional questions as well.

For His Glory,
"you meet up" - what do you mean by this?
Come into contact with, with the potential of finding fellowship or discussing common matters of faith. This could happen either in the real world or within a forum environment such as this.

"not to associate" - what do you mean by this?
In order to "live in obedience to God" you would avoid all but the most necessary contact with such a person either because you feel they are errant and anything resembling fellowship is in effect granting them "Godspeed"

Of course, such a position of separation could be as simple maintaining a cordial but distant relationship while still avoiding fellowship as one would do with a Mormon.
Hello everyone, I am Ken Lengel and I would like to answer some of your posts. I am in the process of completing my Ph.D in Systematic Theology. Pastor Tim Cruse is also working on his Ph.D. from Crown.

As for method of taking classes, we offer three options, onsite, online, and recorded. If you cannot attend onsite, you are welcome to be a part of the online class. If you happen to miss a lecture for any reason, all classes will also be recorded. You can choose your method of learning that best fits your needs and availability. Find out more about it here:

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have. My email address is

For His Glory,
Ken Lengel
Hi Ken
Are you the same Ken Lengel from MBBC in 1985?
Barry Pendley
Come into contact with, with the potential of finding fellowship or discussing common matters of faith. This could happen either in the real world or within a forum environment such as this.

In order to "live in obedience to God" you would avoid all but the most necessary contact with such a person either because you feel they are errant and anything resembling fellowship is in effect granting them "Godspeed"

Of course, such a position of separation could be as simple maintaining a cordial but distant relationship while still avoiding fellowship as one would do with a Mormon.

Thanks for your clarification. I do believe we can work with people in certain areas, apart from church sanctioned events, for things in our community like standing against drag queen shows, abortion, etc. However, I believe that we have a responsibility to maintain purity within our local churches, and the ministries supported by those churches.
Blast from the past! Hope you are well.
I am doing very well! I ran right down to my yearbook to reassure myself I knew who you were too! I have been married 28 years, have two grown boys, oldest in the ministry along with me, and another searching for God's direction in his life. Hope you are doing well also!
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Come into contact with, with the potential of finding fellowship or discussing common matters of faith. This could happen either in the real world or within a forum environment such as this.

In order to "live in obedience to God" you would avoid all but the most necessary contact with such a person either because you feel they are errant and anything resembling fellowship is in effect granting them "Godspeed"

Of course, such a position of separation could be as simple maintaining a cordial but distant relationship while still avoiding fellowship as one would do with a Mormon.

You knew my wife, SuzAnne, better.
It sure has been a long time since 1985 hasn't it, where has the time gone?

Thanks for your clarification. I do believe we can work with people in certain areas, apart from church sanctioned events, for things in our community like standing against drag queen shows, abortion, etc. However, I believe that we have a responsibility to maintain purity without our local churches, and the ministries supported by those churches.
That clarifies the position as declared on your website.

In case you didn't see through the thin veil of my use of the term hypothetical (I was using it more tongue in cheek than anything) I am one of those Calvary Chapel types. I have been involved with CC congregations for over 20 years. I didn't start out seeking to get involved with CC but it was the only congregation in the area I was living in at the time that wasn't decidedly liberal but was still very active. I had been involved with one of those liberal congregations until the differences became such that I knew it was time to depart. I was looking to get back more to my fundamentalist roots. Once I got involved with the CC, I was shocked to discover they were closer to fundamentals than the Baptist Church I had been attending the previous 12 years before before moving out of the area I had previously lived in.

This post is getting long winded so I'll leave it with having scratched the surface. Suffice to say I was discipled in fundamentalism as a young believer and I have retained much of the core principles but I have also grown in my understanding of the Word and of His grace. I am open to always learning and being revised if necessary.