when brother Schaap was the pastor and the services would just go on and on and on. The Lord's supper services always had at least a half hour explanation of what the Lord's supper meant, no not in reference to the "divine intimacy", but just what it actually meant. There was one Sunday night in particular and Balaam might remember this one but after the music, After the announcements, after everything else, then he spoke for an hour and 25 minutes and then the invitation. I know some look down on getting impatient with church service lengths as unspiritual but I think history has justified those of us who decided no longer to go on Sunday nights. So was it more spiritual to sit there through all his sermons or was it more spiritual to have some discernment and know something wasn't right? One dear member said after all of this had broken out that she sat through all the services each week and never suspicioned anything was wrong. I just had a hard time thinking that it never crossed their mind With his constant reference to sex and that if you didn't agree with him it was because you were stupid. These days I am of the frame of mind you can't say it with 30 minute of speaking maybe you just don't know what you're talking about. I've been to longer preaching services and sometimes they're really good and the Holy Spirit is evident but not always the case. And never when it's Dennis Corle LOL. I've referenced this before but there was a good number of good solid adults that would attend their adult Sunday school class and when it was over Would leave, some would stay for the morning church service but that would be about it.