CF in Rehab!

IFB X-Files

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2013
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Dark side of Zarus 3
No, not from a broken heart over RAIDER.

From her Facebook page:

"Hello! to all my prayer warriors. This is the wonderful bay window and view I have in my room at my Healthcare Facility. I have a room to myself with sunset views!!! God chose it! God has lovingly placed me to in a special location just for His purpose. I fractured my left hip on Tuesday; had it pinned on Wednesday and transferred here on Friday 3/15/24. It was as a clean 3 way break. These are me prayer requests:
1) fix complications with low sodium
2) develop more upper body muscle strength / learn to transfer
3) my wonderful husband
4) for healing-my hip bone to attach and bond with the rod and pins. The healing rate of the bones controls the level of my therapy.
Thank you so much! As you know this is the first post I have made since the fall. I really don’t like or need the drama of social media, but I love my connections on here; naturally there are folks out there who love to be the first to “know and tell”.
Y’all need to take a lesson from my mentor Marlene Evans -“ Learn to Glory in not Knowing and learn to Glory in not telling!” I actually have friends who lost a loved one suddenly and unexpectedly, very young and before some family members knew-folks were posting the death on FB.
Y’all just sit back, PRAY, and let God work-He’s not surprised by ANYTHING!
Oh! how I love him! I acknowledge my God in this valley and I feel HIS presence right beside me! I love you my dear sisters and brothers! I’m Pressing on and it just won’t be long we will all be walking the golden strand!"

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CF deleted me from her account because she was praising someone on fb and I asked her why in the 40+ years she didn't tell anyone what she saw? You can say what you want but that's unacceptable.....I wish her well
CF deleted me from her account because she was praising someone on fb and I asked her why in the 40+ years she didn't tell anyone what she saw? You can say what you want but that's unacceptable.....I wish her well
Didn't know you got deleted but I saw your question there. After all these years I still have difficulty balancng the friendships developed and actions taken......... or not taken by them. I'm much closer to the grave than college days. Don't know if I will ever come to peace with everything.
CF deleted me from her account because she was praising someone on fb and I asked her why in the 40+ years she didn't tell anyone what she saw? You can say what you want but that's unacceptable.....I wish her well
Perhaps she did not see anything she felt merited telling. Not everyone was in a position to see everything.

Do you have reason to believe (and you very well may) she was witness to things that were highly inapproprate and that should have been told publically?
There are a good number of people who worked security or were in senior staff positions who are not longer in the First Baptist Hammond's Eco system. Some were fired and other left on less than positive circumstances. Why have there not been more testomonals of people who personally saw inapproprate actions and behaviours. It seems there would be more people comming forward after all these years it these things were all true.

I think the evidence of Dave Hyles activities are well documented and the idea that Jack Hyles was unaware of them at the time he recommended Dave to pastor in Texas has been disproven over and over. On the other hand there have been very few if any people to come forward about other accusations regarding Jack hyles and First Baptist. Is this because of continued loyality to all thing Hammond or were they just not in a position to know.
There are a good number of people who worked security or were in senior staff positions who are not longer in the First Baptist Hammond's Eco system. Some were fired and other left on less than positive circumstances. Why have there not been more testomonals of people who personally saw inapproprate actions and behaviours. It seems there would be more people comming forward after all these years it these things were all true.
I think the evidence of Dave Hyles activities are well documented and the idea that Jack Hyles was unaware of them at the time he recommended Dave to pastor in Texas has been disproven over and over. On the other hand there have been very few if any people to come forward about other accusations regarding Jack hyles and First Baptist. Is this because of continued loyality to all thing Hammond or were they just not in a position to know.
not trying to be offensive.. .. but that;s because you don;t understand how sexual abuse works on a victims brain.....;s not like someone stealing your money - which leaves you ready to call police to report a theft.... ..... abuse has a stigma attached to it that never goes away... and instills a fear and even a shame in the victim that causes them to never want to report it - sometimes even long after the perpetrators are dead or in jail...... a sex abuse victim never stops asking themselves... "why me?".... "what did i do to cause this..or to deserve it?".... ... and quite often people who know about sex abuse carry a kind of shame around themselves which keeps them from reporting it.... and often they worry their report would only harm the victim further......

why is that?...... because there are plenty of examples of people like me who did report sex abuse and eventually began to talk about it and discuss it openly - and the way we were treated afterwards... . fact... right here on the old fff several years ago i was called used garbage and damaged goods by a fairly prominent and well thought of fff member - after i reported what had happened to me as a child..... and that treatment went on for a long time here... ...

eventually he apologized for it... .. but other former victims who saw things like that and had not spoken up yet decided they did not ever want to go through something like that themselves.... .... in fact they don;t even want to suffer or endure the kind of scrutiny other members of their churches or families.. (some even well meaning people like yourself)... might put them through that ask questions such as "why didn;t they come forward sooner?"..... "why have not more people spoken up?"... etc etc..... ...... questions like that demonstrate a doubt and convince former victims... (perhaps wrongly so)... that the person saying those things wants to blame them for what happened rather than the perpetrator..... ........ ...and so the silence continues.......
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CF deleted me from her account because she was praising someone on fb and I asked her why in the 40+ years she didn't tell anyone what she saw? You can say what you want but that's unacceptable.....I wish her well
Was she praising someone on FB that did inappropriate things?
I can't speak for other people I was at college for 9 years. My husband worked on security for 7 years. I believe people are afraid to speak against pastors. I am not they are people not God. I believe she saw things and turned a blind eye she worked with girls who came to her for help and did nothing. This is my opinion on fb everyone was praising and I just said what I did which I knew she would delete me. Aleshanee is correct thank you for your words of wisdom. Sword not sure what years you were at hac but I'm talking about the early years 1974-1984. We left in 1983 and missed alot Amen!!