Bill Grady's Post ...

illinoisguy said:
Jack Hyles was not always a Ruckmanite/Riplingerite from the get-go.  When he wrote "Let's Study the Revelation" in 1967, he thought it was okay to improve on the KJV text, as in Revelation 6:1:

Chapter 6
Verse 1:
Notice the words, "COME AND SEE. " Probably this should have been simply "Come. "

I'm guessing this is because of the influence of his good friend, John R. Rice, who loved the ASV of 1901.

Of course, the ASV only says "come".
The very first year of HAC (1972-1973) we actually had several graduates. Although he was given a diploma, the only Ruckmanite in the group was not permitted to be ordained. All of the others were.

In the first year of the college, I was in a class taught by Richard Angwin. A very upset Ruckmanite student started arguing with him. We were under strict orders never to laugh at or criticize another student. As Mr. Angwin stayed calm, refuting the student's arguments one at a time, the student became more agitated. Suddenly, the student exclaimed "Look; let's be scholarly about this." There were two seconds of dead silence, and then Mr. Angwin broke out laughing, followed by the rest of us.
prophet said:
PSC : Pastor's School Committee
Pekid lineup: The speakers for the (KJV themed) Pastor's School
Patterson was long since departed to the first of his many Reclamation Ranch locations, in 3/96, so I'm not sure how their twinship is pertinent here.

Hyles was specifically targeting Grady.

Sone say it may be blamed on an incident where Grady, having had a sign made for Mrs Hyles' designated parking spot at HAC, finding out that newly appointed admin, J. Schaap had taken the spot, instructed a student to throw away Schaap's sign, and reinstall Mrs. Hyles's.

Grady called Schaap a "peacock"


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Was that the Randy Dignan incident? 
GeneFrenkle said:
prophet said:
PSC : Pastor's School Committee
Pekid lineup: The speakers for the (KJV themed) Pastor's School
Patterson was long since departed to the first of his many Reclamation Ranch locations, in 3/96, so I'm not sure how their twinship is pertinent here.

Hyles was specifically targeting Grady.

Sone say it may be blamed on an incident where Grady, having had a sign made for Mrs Hyles' designated parking spot at HAC, finding out that newly appointed admin, J. Schaap had taken the spot, instructed a student to throw away Schaap's sign, and reinstall Mrs. Hyles's.

Grady called Schaap a "peacock"


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Was that the Randy Dignan incident?

One of them....
Bill has always been a nut & knuckehead.

An arrogant display of always thinking (but not really) you are right & the only one who i right with God.

What would he do with Mark 9:30-41.
I was at HAC from 76-81 and I remember him. I had always thought of him as a bit rough around the edges, not very well groomed and frankly, sort of a joke. I pretty much lost touch with the place after I left in '81 but somewhere down the road heard that Grady had become a faculty member. My estimation of the academics there sunk to a new low. And I didn't think that was possible. I left there and then got a degree (actually two) at a reputable institution that afforded me a means of earning real income. Having a serious thought of Bill Grady still makes me chuckle today.
I was at HAC from 76-81 and I remember him. I had always thought of him as a bit rough around the edges, not very well groomed and frankly, sort of a joke. I pretty much lost touch with the place after I left in '81 but somewhere down the road heard that Grady had become a faculty member. My estimation of the academics there sunk to a new low. And I didn't think that was possible. I left there and then got a degree (actually two) at a reputable institution that afforded me a means of earning real income. Having a serious thought of Bill Grady still makes me chuckle today.
Justice 1976 you were in college the same time with my husband Danny Hester he passed away last year and I. We left in August 1983 for south Florida and have been here ever since.
I knew Danny. Not intimately, but I knew him. I remember his saying he went to a church in Florida pastored by Tim -- and I can't remember his last name. I am so very sorry for your loss and to hear that Danny passed away. I ALWAYS liked him. He was a very genuine guy.

Florida has to be a bit less challenging for you than the cold and snow of Indiana. Frankly, I hated that.
I was at HAC from 76-81 and I remember him. I had always thought of him as a bit rough around the edges, not very well groomed and frankly, sort of a joke. I pretty much lost touch with the place after I left in '81 but somewhere down the road heard that Grady had become a faculty member. My estimation of the academics there sunk to a new low. And I didn't think that was possible. I left there and then got a degree (actually two) at a reputable institution that afforded me a means of earning real income. Having a serious thought of Bill Grady still makes me chuckle today.
Anyone that goes to Hyles to earn a degree to get you a real income was fooled from the get-go.
I went to HAC knowing fully that more than likely, my degree would be useless in the 'secular world'.
Of course, a Pastoral degree or Theology degree from any college or university would probably not be worth the paper it's printed on to most employers because of the subject studied: religion.
It's kind of like getting a degree in under-water basket weaving to the world.
I was wise enough to get some Avionics Electronics technical training in the USAF, and through them an associates degree in Avionics Technology at the Community College of the Air Force.
That training, subsequent experience, my Bible college degree with associated ministry work, and God's grace, landed me a job a McDonnell Douglass Aircraft Company and subsequently, The Boeing Company.
My first job was writing Pilot Curriculum in Computer Based Training and then working in Maintenance Engineering, writing Technical publications for mechanics.
I spent 5.5 years working in Long Beach, CA making good money back in the late 90's, early 2000's.
I am certain that my employers viewed my 'useless' degree from HAC as not so useless.
This man had enough discipline to finish two college degrees, perhaps he can learn a job that he has never done before.
I was at HAC from 76-81 and I remember him. I had always thought of him as a bit rough around the edges, not very well groomed and frankly, sort of a joke. I pretty much lost touch with the place after I left in '81 but somewhere down the road heard that Grady had become a faculty member. My estimation of the academics there sunk to a new low. And I didn't think that was possible. I left there and then got a degree (actually two) at a reputable institution that afforded me a means of earning real income. Having a serious thought of Bill Grady still makes me chuckle today.
Grady, in my day at least, was always a stand-offish, rebel kind of guy. He was of serious low estimation of the bus-ministry crowd because of his occasional mockery of said ministry. He was always rather Cavalier in his attitude and I liked him for it.
Not sure about the grooming part. Hackers never sought to be 'well groomed'! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Anyone that goes to Hyles to earn a degree to get you a real income was fooled from the get-go.
I went to HAC knowing fully that more than likely, my degree would be useless in the 'secular world'.
Of course, a Pastoral degree or Theology degree from any college or university would probably not be worth the paper it's printed on to most employers because of the subject studied: religion.
It's kind of like getting a degree in under-water basket weaving to the world.
I was wise enough to get some Avionics Electronics technical training in the USAF, and through them an associates degree in Avionics Technology at the Community College of the Air Force.
That training, subsequent experience, my Bible college degree with associated ministry work, and God's grace, landed me a job a McDonnell Douglass Aircraft Company and subsequently, The Boeing Company.
My first job was writing Pilot Curriculum in Computer Based Training and then working in Maintenance Engineering, writing Technical publications for mechanics.
I spent 5.5 years working in Long Beach, CA making good money back in the late 90's, early 2000's.
I am certain that my employers viewed my 'useless' degree from HAC as not so useless.
This man had enough discipline to finish two college degrees, perhaps he can learn a job that he has never done before.
I really can't disagree with you. I went back to college after HAC and was able to earn two more degrees and a means to support myself. God has been good to me. But I never forgot those HASC years although I do not adhere today to much of what was taught there.
I really can't disagree with you. I went back to college after HAC and was able to earn two more degrees and a means to support myself. God has been good to me. But I never forgot those HASC years although I do not adhere today to much of what was taught there.
My daughter went to Maranantha Baptist University on a sports scholarship last year. Their normal semester price is over $15,000 dollars! Not a year, but PER SEMESTER. I can't help but chuckle about some simpleton going there for a Pastoral or Theology degree. He'll have about the same chance of getting a good secular job as some Hacker would. The only difference is that the Maranantha grad would be able to become an officer in any one of the services b/c of his/her accredited degree.
My daughter went to Maranantha Baptist University on a sports scholarship last year. Their normal semester price is over $15,000 dollars! Not a year, but PER SEMESTER. I can't help but chuckle about some simpleton going there for a Pastoral or Theology degree. He'll have about the same chance of getting a good secular job as some Hacker would. The only difference is that the Maranantha grad would be able to become an officer in any one of the services b/c of his/her accredited degree.
I remember back in the day, Bro. Hyles loved Myron Cedarholm who was President of Maranatha in the seventies. He even let Myron fill the pulpit at Hammond on one of those rare occasions when he was gone. Frankly, I thought Myron couldn't preach a lick, but was probably a good man.

$15,000 a semester is rather staggering.
I knew Danny. Not intimately, but I knew him. I remember his saying he went to a church in Florida pastored by Tim -- and I can't remember his last name. I am so very sorry for your loss and to hear that Danny passed away. I ALWAYS liked him. He was a very genuine guy.

Florida has to be a bit less challenging for you than the cold and snow of Indiana. Frankly, I hated that.
We go to church pastored by Jim Blalock he married Louise Vanderhoof she grew up at FBC . Thank for your kind words Florida is my home. I'm from Michigan and visit my mom often. Many blessings