Anyone See This Coming?

I don't normally agree with Bernie Sanders on anything, but this time, I do:

"U.S. Senator, Bernie Sanders, condemned US President Donald Trump's recent statements about Gaza, calling them a call for 'ethnic cleansing.'. . . 'There is a name for this — ethnic cleansing — and it’s a war crime.'"

Even Republicans are having a hard time swallowing this:

"Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said 'I don’t know that I think it’s the best use of United States resources' and that he doesn’t believe the U.S. should send troops to Gaza"

Republican Senator Rand Paul:

I have to say that I agree with Rand Paul on this. America has no business in sending troops to Gaza, nor do we need to be taking it over. This is craziness from a president who's definitely a wannabe king!
NEWS FLASH: The Canadian government has announced that Canada is going to take over the State of Illinois and turn it into the "11th Province." Illinois will be re-developed into a "beautiful Corn Belt Riviera" for the people of the world. "It's gonna be yuge."

To facilitate debris removal and new construction, which is expected to take 10 to 20 years, all Illinois residents have been asked to relocate to Indiana and Missouri. It is expected that all Illinoisans will leave voluntarily, because Illinois is such a crummy place to live. The Canadian government has not ruled out the use of Mounties and "Princess Pats" Canadian troops to remove Illinoisans who do not wish to leave - "all options are on the table."

The governors of Indiana and Missouri have stated that they are not able or willing to receive the hordes of penniless Illinois refugees. The Canadian Prime Minister responded by saying "We have done a lot for those states, and now we are going to make them take the refugees." So far, the Canadian government has not offered any funds for the relocation, or to construct new housing for the refugees in Indiana and Missouri. It is hoped that Illinois residents will cheerfully relocate themselves at their own expense. At this time, reaction to this proposal by foreign governments and Illinois residents is overwhelmingly negative.