Any news regarding the protest at FBCH?

I'm sure if something extraordinary happened, it would be all over the web.

When both sides of a protest behave themselves, the media isn't interested. The lone reporter covering the story obviously didn't stick around as evidenced by the fact that the number of protesters was given "as of 11:30." It probably got real boring and he/she didn't want to stand around until 1 pm.
I received at least 4 or 5 posts from "The Preacher Boys" with footage of this.

It looked like they had 20-30 protesters standing across the street from the larger auditorium but it didn't seem unruly.
I'm sure if something extraordinary happened, it would be all over the web.

When both sides of a protest behave themselves, the media isn't interested. The lone reporter covering the story obviously didn't stick around as evidenced by the fact that the number of protesters was given "as of 11:30." It probably got real boring and he/she didn't want to stand around until 1 pm.
That's probably a good thing then. I was thinking that something would have been mentioned on the Preacher Boys Podcast at the least with all of the buildup and buzz that has been going on.
That's probably a good thing then. I was thinking that something would have been mentioned on the Preacher Boys Podcast at the least with all of the buildup and buzz that has been going on.
The few things I have heard indicate that the protest didn't come off nearly as big as hoped or feared.

I personally think Wilkerson did a masterful job of preparing the congregation too. The tone he took in not slamming the protesters and not prohibiting congregants from standing with them helped immensely. He said he was willing to engage with those who were protesting albeit not in a public forum. Very wise. IMO Wilkerson's response was a perfect Proverbs 15:1 response.
The few things I have heard indicate that the protest didn't come off nearly as big as hoped or feared.
This is what I was thinking. Things seem a little anti-climactic based upon how this event was built up. Perhaps Eric Skwarzynski is a little embarrassed at the turnout? I bet FBCH believes they dodged a bullet!
I personally think Wilkerson did a masterful job of preparing the congregation too. The tone he took in not slamming the protesters and not prohibiting congregants from standing with them helped immensely. He said he was willing to engage with those who were protesting albeit not in a public forum. Very wise. IMO Wilkerson's response was a perfect Proverbs 15:1 response.
I couldn't have asked any better of Wilkerson. I believe their response truly was Christ-honoring and perhaps they will be able to bring about some healing and reconciliation with those who have been hurt by the years of abuse under Hyles and Schaap?

The mainstream media will likely NOT be there when a Church congregation chooses to honor the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm waiting
I was waiting to hear how it went also. I’d have gone if I’d known in time! As I lamented my folly over not being there, I received news that the person who abused me has died. I’m not ashamed to say that I am quite happy about this. I’ve waited so very long. I never gave up on trying to make sure that I intervened every time a move came up. I made sure that I told them who they were really considering. I wasn’t always 100%successful, but I did have an effect on income and reputation. It was a lifetime, part-time job, and one I am happy to finally give up. I have no doubt that this person is in hell—right where they belong!