Activity Report - Posting Stats

RAIDER said:
Some would say this is significant.....

Username: fishinnut
Posts: 1611
Posts per day:  1.777

Are you saying if he plays the Lotto and picks 1611, he'll win because of the 777 in his average?
Username: patriotic
Posts: 2201
DPA:  1.854 per day
First day.  4 posts.

Is that a good start?
Baptist City Holdout said:
Just checked my numbers. WOW! i am relieved. I was off the Forum. Doesn't seem Raider noticed, and my average is back above where it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone needs a short sabbatical, Just always remember to get back before the averages are posted.
Not bad.  Is this better than RAIDER?

Username: 16KJV11Posts:
2291 (1.467 per day)
Standing Ovation? +159/-0
Teri in NC said:
Twisted said:
Not bad.  Is this better than RAIDER?


You've been here a week and already have a man crush on Raider?

The crush is why I'm in "the ward".  Pray for me.
Username: patriotic
Posts: 2236 (1.839 per day)
Standing Ovation? +168/-0

I have been lax in my posting in recent weeks.
I am not ashamed.