Thank you for responding. I appreciate it immensely.
pastorryanhayden said:
Hey guys,
It was not my intent to judge the blog, but the regular commenters and readers.
It is not, however, all of the commenters. Some of them are
extremely gracious and kind.
[quote author=pastorryanhayden]There is NO moderation on that site, and it is like a team of vultures. They really don't seem to care if what they are ridiculing is true, they are just hungry for more blood.[/quote]
That's not entirely true. There is a very small amount of moderation, but (from what I understand), Darrell is intentional in his
laissez faire precisely because he wants to allow a variety of voices to be heard. It's an open floor where everyone can have a say. (And, you have to acknowledge, that some of the IFB commentators are just as bad as the worst non-IFB ones.)
[quote author=pastorryanhayden]It was not my intention to stop the blog, so much as send a wake up call to the casual Christian readers of the site. I've had a lot of positive feedback from SFL readers and several of them defended me, so I feel I've achieved my goal.[/quote]
Would you agree that the blog is also doing its part to send a wake-up call as well?
[quote author=pastorryanhayden]As far as a code of conduct for IFBs. I'm actually working on just that, I've bought a domain name and am working on starting a social media effort to get IFB pastors to take an open stand against abuse of scripture, preacher worship and proud factionalism. While I don't think those are the only problems in our movement, they are foundational to them and they are all clearly rebuked in scripture. I don't know how successful it will be and I know it will make me some enemies, but I think it's a worthy cause that I'm willing to chain myself to.[/quote]
This is fantastic, and I wish you every success.