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So what's your conclusion on them, from a Christian perspective of course?Been reading over the platform of the NJJ from a Christian perspective:
The Platform of The National Justice Party
Download Platform PDF The United States of America will be declared an outpost of Western civilization and a state dedicated to its European-heritage population and their posterity. It will be the policy of the state to set immigration and natal policy that will ensure a permanent European majority.nationaljusticeparty.com
Well, of course, if we see problems in the 2-party platform then it only stands to reason that one of the valid alternatives to those two imperfect platforms is to consider a viewpoint of bigots, violent extremists, haters, and those who clearly are set against the ideals of the Christ we claim (and who they often falsely use as nothing more than a shill for their own wretched ideological venom).Incorrect. I propose the two party system is failing America and we need to begin looking at third party options. I never said the NJJ is the way to go. It’s a reading point. I suppose all of you sit back quivering in silence when the mass media is promoting BLM. Perhaps Ransom’s more in-step and feels fuzzy about their platform: https://m4bl.org/policy-platforms/
I suppose that if you're mentally deficient, then not only do you think a fascist party is a valid alternative to the two-party system, but sure, it also makes perfect sense to think the only alternative to fascism is Marxism.I suppose all of you sit back quivering in silence when the mass media is promoting BLM. Perhaps Ransom’s more in-step and feels fuzzy about their platform: https://m4bl.org/policy-platforms/
Sorry, Scott, but I must interject here! He's far more than stupid...but I shouldn't go much further with my comments on that, should I???I suppose that if you're mentally deficient, then not only do you think a fascist party is a valid alternative to the two-party system, but sure, it also makes perfect sense to think the only alternative to fascism is Marxism.
Good Lord, you're stupid.
Strom, you're sounding more and more like a former poster here! You're showing signs of being this poster....so, you're now known as the "poster child" for stupidity.Oh that’s nice. The moderator of a Bible forum not only calls me stupid, but also somehow manages to use the Lord’s name in vain, all in one sentence! Congratulations early 2000s Ransom…you’re back baby!![]()
Don't be stupid, and you won't be subject to such indignities.Oh that’s nice. The moderator of a Bible forum not only calls me stupid, but also somehow manages to use the Lord’s name in vain, all in one sentence! Congratulations early 2000s Ransom…you’re back baby!![]()
I noticed none of you have alternate suggestions. Pathetic. This forum has truly become a microcosm of the larger picture of the state of church today. You’re so scared of the woke mob coming after you. I can only imagine what your Grandaddy’s and great grandparents would say if they could see you now. What they held sacred you hold in contempt! What they stood firm for, you give ground to. A bunch of girly men, the lot of you!
Better to shut your mouth and not make people think you're an idiot than to speak/write and remove all doubt! Thanks for once again proving you are!I noticed none of you have alternroving once again that you are!ate suggestions. Pathetic. This forum has truly become a microcosm of the larger picture of the state of church today. You’re so scared of the woke mob coming after you. I can only imagine what your Grandaddy’s and great grandparents would say if they could see you now. What they held sacred you hold in contempt! What they stood firm for, you give ground to. A bunch of girly men, the lot of you!
If all of you are ok with the current two party system then I feel sorry for y’all.
And how about all those filthy Joooooos working in "vital institutions"?I appreciate the life experience you bring to the table, but look how far the pendulum has swung since the Ross Perot days. Most young people today think being being transgender is perfectly normal. Gay marriage - not even a blink. White people - born evil.
.I noticed none of you have alternate suggestions. Pathetic. This forum has truly become a microcosm of the larger picture of the state of church today. You’re so scared of the woke mob coming after you. I can only imagine what your Grandaddy’s and great grandparents would say if they could see you now. What they held sacred you hold in contempt! What they stood firm for, you give ground to. A bunch of girly men, the lot of you!
OK, I just found out Mike Peinovich is the podcaster Mike Enoch--the guy who invented the (((triple parenthesis))) anti-Semitic meme. Strom sure knows how to pick a real winner.Mike Peinovich who chairs the NJJ claims to be a neo-nazi.... openly expresses neo-nazi beliefs....
Jo Jorgensen was who ran on the Libertarian ticket for POTUS...I had several friends try to get my wife and me to vote for her, but I couldn't bring myself do that! After the experience with Ross Perot, there was no way I was voting third party again! I'll stay a moderate Independent..
the only thing even a good third party candidate does today is guarantee that the liberal and leftist opposition who marches together in lock step, will win the election.... . this is why... even though i count myself a libertarian ... i am furious at the idiot who ran as a libertarian candidate in the swing states... and pulled votes away from trump that could have put him over the top even in spite of all the late mail-in ballot counting and other skullduggery.... ..the libertarian platform is the exact opposite of what the democrats push for... ... ..and libertarians believe in a form of government much closer to what donald trump was already working towards.... and we could be under a second trump admin right now if not for all the idiots in those swing states who voted for the libertarian whatever her name is..... look at the election statistics.. compare how many votes the democrats won by in swing states by how many votes the libertarian got.... ...... .... i hope the libertarians in those states are happy now after what they did, and allowed to happen..... they better not complain about biden to me... ...i;ll tell them they bought that sandwich and they can eat it.....
and that has been the history of every third party candidate who ever ran.... to bring about the opposite of what their supporters actually wanted....
the second thing is this.....the NJJ is not an acceptable alternative to anything... .. not even to the democrats... ..Mike Peinovich who chairs the NJJ claims to be a neo-nazi.... openly expresses neo-nazi beliefs.... which is the exact same platform the american nazi party itself expressed... and also the same platform as the king kook and klansman david duke expressed... ..i wonder how long it would be before peinovich started passing out back to africa boat tickets if he actually got elected... ..or back to mexico bus rides... .and how many of us would he issue things like that to?..... would he base his decisions on a persons last name or their skin tone?.... would someone like me of navajo/hispanic ancestry be safe from that?... would you? .......living with the rotten smell of the democrats burnt and overturned garbage cans is bad, i admit it... . ...... . but that;s nothing compared to being subjected to the smell of putrid flesh falling off a corpse... and thats what those in the neo-nazi movement are....... they have the smell of hitlers death camps on them.... and so does mike peinovich... .. .
I did look at a couple of states and did not see that even if 100% of the Libertarian party votes went to Trump that the outcome would have changed. Were there any states where this was true?... i am furious at the idiot who ran as a libertarian candidate in the swing states... and pulled votes away from trump that could have put him over the top even in spite of all the late mail-in ballot counting and other skullduggery....