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  1. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    So is "chopping off body parts" of Intersex kids bad as well? How about circumcisions?
  2. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    Grew up in Hammond. Attended HB and HAC from Grade 2 through college graduation. Parents were on staff at Hyles-Anderson so many people on here know my real name so even though you might not know me, many folks know who I am. I've been on iterations of FFF since probably the late 90s/early...
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Deaths Of HAC Students

    Good to see you too, Sherry. I wish you the best. I know you've gone through some very hard times and I'm glad you have a support system to help through grief. Blessings to you!
  4. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Because it is abuse TO minors. How many people you know at 13 who really want to get married at that age? Concerning surgery, again I don't think the decision should be left up to the minors themselves. I think there should be both medical and mental counseling along with parental guidance...
  5. Smellin Coffee

    The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

    So how long is the longest thread so we know when we beat it?
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    I can't believe I agree with you again, Ransom! Either I'm going conservative or your coming over to the dark side! LOL!
  7. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    That's my point. Same question could be asked about Christianity. ;)
  8. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Without medical and psychological advice, I am with you. Such a decision shouldn't be taken lightly or made too early in a child's life. However, it isn't my call as to when others determine when is the right time for them. Added: I believe this for parents of intersexed children as well...
  9. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Unlike Christianity, there was no "bible" from which Abraham got his theology. There was no acceptance of Jesus as Messiah. There was no Messianic resurrection account in Abraham's belief system. There was no salvation by grace through faith as he sought salvation through works. There was no...
  10. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Just to trigger some folks...
  11. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Fair enough, but how do you know it wasn't Allah? I guess if it were, it would still be conversion.
  12. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    I guess being an empath is not your spiritual gift. How's that for mind-reading? LOL!
  13. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    I didn't say Hitler was a Christ-follower; I said he was a Christian. Two different things, IMHO.
  14. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Not yours (or mine for that matter). I'm not trans but I empathize with my trans friends who do experience this, whose logic it is to match their brain their bodies with their brain chemistry.
  15. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Yeah, "logic" in the sense of someone who does not experience the incredible pain and rejection a trans person has to endure, both internally and externally.
  16. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Which Abrahamic religion? Islam? Judaism? Christianity? Or is monotheism the same thing as Christianity? Jonah answered, “I am a Hebrew, and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land.”
  17. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    This is the dialectic of ethics as a binary. Both you and I know Hitler was wrong and yet neither of us need a "god" to tell us that. We also know that ethics can be moral or immoral and it isn't how the Bible views as what is ethical or not which is the standard. Hitler was a Christian so you...
  18. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    For answers, study Judaism or Islam. For three different religions to be associated as having started with the same man convolutes the premise one of those faiths dominated another.
  19. Smellin Coffee

    James MacDonald guilty or not?

    Where is describing my belief an imposition on another to adopt? Sorry, I'm not an Evangelical any more. I can have conversations of disagreement without the need to convert anyone else to my side. Perhaps if you think that, maybe your subconscious doubt is being triggered. Perhaps...
  20. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    Doesn't matter. I know how my mind thinks. Vocabulary never does full justice to meaning anyway.