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  1. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    The "Christian" position is whatever it takes to justify slavery. Just like MacArthur...
  2. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    No offense taken because you are making a very truthful observation about me. I would add to that in the end, we ALL are arbiters of our own truth: we gravitate toward beliefs that best fit our bias. The difference between mine and say, Evangelicals' is twofold: 1. I admit I am arbiter of what I...
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    She has deconstructed with me so there haven't been any issues concerning our marriage. Along with the predatory behaviors the churches have shown us for 5 decades, a major part of us walking away for her was our interaction with those folks the church kicked out, starting with a homeschooled...
  4. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Well, the first three chapters of Genesis are myth anyway (they are symbolic due to them being written as Hebrew poetry) so yeah, it isn't literal. The imagery is taken as to how the subject views it. That what happens with art forms (music, art, poetry, etc.) But the lesson (for me) still...
  5. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Yep. We all do it because we all see things from different lenses and since vocabulary is limited, we have limits as to how we express ideas. When I say "Carla", I would probably be talking about my wife. The definition of her name (Free Man) does not do justice to her, neither does her name...
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    I don't know how to do the multi-quote thingy so I hope this makes sense: Are you referring to Christianity, or just your interpretation of Christianity? Fair enough. There is no singular Christianity, just Christianities. My perspective would be from the lens of Western Fundamentalism and...
  7. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    I know what agnosticism is. my position isn't that either. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)
  8. Smellin Coffee

    Mixing parables, I'm probably the tare in the field of empirical Christianity, the disruptive...

    Mixing parables, I'm probably the tare in the field of empirical Christianity, the disruptive mustard seed which will enables the marginalized crows to shelter and receive invites to the King's table.
  9. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    I also would contend that using the Bible as confirmation bias is the very nature of all religions that base their faith practices on the Bible, so you aren't wrong.
  10. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    I trust Jewish interpretation of Torah for context over Christian since Christianity misuses Jewish texts to try to give itself confirmation bias. For the second point, simple Wikipedia search would do some good...
  11. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Yep, Abraham had foreknowledge of Jesus, not as a sacrifice but as one to set up the kingdom ("For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.") So now, it wasn't about "salvation for eternal life" but rather the establishment of an earthly reign.
  12. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    And this is where problems come into play. The Torah stands on its own. That IS the context as determined by how it would be understood by the ORIGINAL reader. When other passages don't align with original context, we have inconsistency, if now downright contradiction. FYI, I'm Ok with such...
  13. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    Yes sir! I was pretty much a lifer at one point. :)
  14. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Abraham didn't have faith in Jesus as the Messiah, much less the death and resurrection of such so that kinda convolutes the general NT salvation ideology.
  15. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Genesis says God created male and female in his image, "male and female he created them". There is Jewish midrash that points out Adam and Eve were a conjoined being, one creature. The Hebrew word translated "rib" in the KJV actually means "side" in Hebrew. this is also why they believe men have...
  16. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Point 1. So what? I was going by my opinion, not the dictionary. Point 2. Yes they do differ, so much so that Paul was eventually abandoned by both Jewish AND Gentile Christians.
  17. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    I would contend that "Christian" is a Paul-follower. The salvation messages of Paul and Jesus were not exactly identical.
  18. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    Agreed. But it is also a "chopping off of body parts". How do you know a boy might want his foreskin back as an adult? (yeah, I'm being corny.)
  19. Smellin Coffee

    We need a good topic to fight over.

    And this actually makes an extremely valid point: culture is a big factor in determining what is or isn't ethical or even moral. But changes happen so how do we know that since medical science is learning more about transgenderism, that corrective surgeries won't eventually become the ethical...
  20. Smellin Coffee

    Jonah and the salvation of the heathen.

    Exactly. Christianity didn't come about until Paul. Jesus wasn't a Christian either. ;)