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  1. Smellin Coffee

    The Hypocrisy of Halloween and Fundamentalism

    I don't think it is hypocrisy but that would be relative I would guess. My wife and I were immigration partners with a Sudanese refugee family, helping them adjust to life in the US. They are devout Catholic and I have nothing to do with the Catholic faith. When their daughter was born, they...
  2. Smellin Coffee

    Dropped in to say "Hi!"

    Set up a card table on the back patio slab to work while enjoying the cool weather. Happy as a clam. :)
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Dropped in to say "Hi!"

    Finally hit a (seemingly) slow day at work today so I thought I'd stop by to see how my FFF peeps were doing. Hope all are doing well!
  4. Smellin Coffee

    The Marriage of David and Jonathan

    It was never my attention to spam the forum but I realize time restraints will keep me from discussion on topics I have brought up. For now this will be my last response. A couple things to clean up. I am not gay nor is any of my family gay. I have no relational situation to be on the side...
  5. Smellin Coffee

    The Marriage of David and Jonathan

    Yep. Based on (biblical) context and Rabbinical hermeneutic of Talmud, David and Jonathan were not only lovers, but married. String of X posts by a Rabbi into a single thread: So let's get the obvious stuff out of the way. David was bisexual, and he and Jonathan were lovers. The evidence in...
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    In no way can I believe this. You know as well as I the underlying motive behind both Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism (others as well) is exactly the same: Protect the Brand. No, the brand is not "Jesus". No need to protect someone who has already been killed then resurrected. The brand is...
  7. Smellin Coffee

    Not a fan of his, but...

    ...Russell Moore is at least acknowledging some issues with the expanding crisis which is Christian Nationalism. "(Russell) Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the...
  8. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    Fair assessment because we ALL think our positions are the correct ones or else we wouldn't have them. Oh, and kudos on the Shakespearean metaphor. :D
  9. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    I would contend the ideals presented here do get replicated with coercion outside this platform by those who participate here. Simply have someone come out as gay in the average Evangelical church as an example.
  10. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    The adamant rejection of the validity of Liberation Theology is all the necessary proof needed.
  11. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    Maybe and maybe not
  12. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    See? I'm proving all the time reality is divided, that we are all at contradiction with ourselves. I'm willing to admit I am contradictory as opposed to others who are but refuse to acknowledge it. You're noticing is making my points for me. ;)
  13. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    If I am trying to convert someone, yes. If it is a testimonial as to what is going on in my life and the metamorphosis of my thought processes over the years, I wouldn't think so. Discussion and even debate is not necessarily a matter of attempting to coerce another. Presenting contrarian...
  14. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    Comes down to "if" it is forced upon others either in expected/mandated conformity of belief whether it is used as a weapon of oppression with the intent of gaining power over or colonizing another (to an ideology). People are racist and/or homophobic. I believe it is OK to personally believe...
  15. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    Nothing like gaslighting with faux sympathy. But then again, that is not a bug in Evangelicalism, it's a feature.
  16. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    It isn't about personal beliefs but about how the espousal of those beliefs on others who see things differently, particularly those who are already being oppressed by their ideology being forced on them. I'm coming to their defense when I call out the theobro clan. Even so, there will always...
  17. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    You didn't insult me. FYI, differences and disagreements DO matter and are needed. For example, we can't have democracy without differences and disagreements, vocal ones at that. That meme was just flung out there for a couple of folks who I'm sure know who they are. I never considered you one...
  18. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    C'mon, Tarheel! Be real. I will cut you a break. You might be channeling your inner Jean Meslier and will leave a memoir with what you really know you can't be certain of. ;)