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  1. S

    Merry Christmas you filthy animals

    Merry Christmas how are you?
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    Happy Thanksgiving Day

    I'm so thankful for today. Thank you FFF for letting me read, post. I'm so blessed to know each of you. Many blessings you are loved
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    Why I believe Trump won.

    Did anyone follow anything this lady had to say? She did not know how to speak one sentence or to make sense of what she was saying. When the muslims in Dearborn heights michigan vote for Trump you know something is happening. They are business owners that want to be successful.
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    First Trump, now Fox News wins…

    We are friends on face book he's doing well
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    Mr. and Mrs. Hylander's of the Past

    My pastors wife was Mrs Hylander Louise Vanderoof Blalock
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    Trump's Picks

    Sword, go listen to Tulsi Gabbard interviews with Shawn Ryan, Dr Phil she is excellent
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    Deaths Of HAC Students

    Anyone that helps dh is trash . I never cared for this man or ministry
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    MAGA Me!

    You can find me on facebook
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    It appears Trump is our President elect.

    I went to bed last night I've been working day shift and I was going to check in the morning what happened. My family in Bulgaria called me at 2am and said turn the TV on . I got up and started crying happy tears that people got out and voted. Michigan went Rep and Dearborn Heights muslins voted...
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    Deaths Of HAC Students

    Jim Coleman was a big influence on my life growing up in Michigan.
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    Pastor Steve Viars removed for not meeting the qualifications for being an elder.

    Thank God she got had enough sense to ask for help and got out
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    Conspiracy Theories and Lore

    I love bigfoot and I watch everything I can is funny that no one has it on film yet
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    Please remember me in prayer I'm having surgery

    It will be scheduled in the next few weeks. My thyroid has to be removed because of several masses. My history of cancer I want it gone and I can live without it. I'll keep you posted as I walk through my journey. Much appreciated prayers.
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    Different Response from Different Group

    Touch not the anointed they are men that may know God
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    Who’d make a better President than Kamala?

    Do a fact check on what trump for our country Do a fact check on what Biden/Harris has done
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    Thank God I met Danny Hester he was so patient with me because I had just been in a relationship for 3 years. I became his best friend that friendship lasted for 45 years. We laughed and cried together. I'm so glad I was with him at the end of his life. That is priceless to me its going on 2...
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    I'm laughing out loud I never knew of any bandaids thats is a total Carol Frye thing
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    My rollers were the huge ones LOL
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    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    The boys are of age they are not making this up. Now the police may have come and said lets do this peaceful or we can carry you out. You can only claim so many people when we say come on lets go to jail
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    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    You can't beat your wife and kids and get by with it ..........justice does come