Oh, Brother...I am so sorry that you experience tinnitus. I myself have tinnitus associated with bilateral Menieres Disease. I also use white noise. Are there any other ways you have used to help control the symptoms associated with it? You're definitely in my prayers. Blessings.
My heart goes out to you. I will pray for you.
I have adjusted my diet. Cutting back seriusly on caffeine, almost to none for several months. I stopped taking Ibuprofen for months. I added Zinc and Magnesium. There is a Tinnitus Talk Support Forum that I went to and joined. There is a lot of garbage there, but some good discussions. Of course all of the quacks come there and try to sell their "sure-fire method." Person after person there talked about the Dr. Susan Shore University of Michigan Device that had very good results in clinical trials, but it has been 3 years since the trials and the company Auricle, Inc. has not reported FDA approval. They also talked about the Lenire Device which has FDA approval, and I almost ran out and spent $5k on one. When I did more research, I found that the Lenire device really is not very effective.
On that forum, all but the people with the worst cases said that eventually most people habituate, or get used to the ringing, hissing, whooshing sound in the ear, to the place where they just are able to ignore it.
The first 6 months with Tinnitus were absoutely horrendous. I thought I'd have ot quit my job. I was hopeless. I went to several audiologists, and one ENT Doctor. She referred me to a specialist audiologist. This last audiologist gave me the method that has been developed by the VA. It is just Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that you apply yourself. You use masking (listening to white noise), calming techniques, and self talk. I had been doing those things.
But more than anything, I have a brother in my church who, similar to you, has Meniere's disease, and has had Tinnitus for 20 years, and is deaf in one ear. He patiently talked to me, prayed with me, encouraging me to use masking, and said that I would eventually habituate. Slowly, I did. I still have it, and it is really loud, especially when I wake from a quiet nap (not sure why), but I hardly notice it.