Florida: Home of the Garden of Eden

I wonder if Adam wore Crocs and rocked a mullet, while Eve was running around in cutoff jean shorts. 🤔
Well, there's five minutes I won't get back. There were (and are) some kooks and mountebanks out there.

I was half-way expecting an argument from a description of Pangea, and the possible location of what is now Florida.


I would like to take a time machine and and visit the antedeluvian world and see where Eden may have been. I'd have to be well armed for protection. We're told violence filled the earth.

"Excuse me, sir," can you direct me to Eden?

"Sure. You'll need an army to survive the journey, but even with an army you won't get past the Cherubim...just sayin'."

I don't think there can be any surface feature of the earth today that even remotely resembles the antedeluvian geology, especially the locations of rivers and mountains. And who can say from where the Ark was lifted up? We're only told where it landed. It was a whole different world.

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According to Joseph Smith, founder of the Morons, the Garden of Eden was in what is now Jackson County, Missouri.
The Bible tells us where Eden was: at the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The author wrote that to give readers a frame of reference. It would make no sense if the Garden were between two completely different rivers, on a different continent, on an antediluvian Earth whose geography bore no physical resemblance to the one Moses lived in. Human civilization got its start in the ANE, not Florida, and we all know it.
If y’all have heard of the expression “swampland for sale in Florida,” (similar to “oceanfront in Arizona”), you’ll know there’s a long, rich history of scammers and schemers who have thrived in Florida. This “Christian” attorney is just one example of many who have hustled vacationers in the Sunshine State.
isn;t florida where the mythical fountain of youth was supposed to be?.. ... .. that;s where the pirates of the carribean
movie "on stranger tides" has it placed... ..... but what;s funny is they made that movie here in hawaii..... .i got to
see them film some of it....

isn;t florida where the mythical fountain of youth was supposed to be?.. ... .. that;s where the pirates of the carribean
movie "on stranger tides" has it placed... ..... but what;s funny is they made that movie here in hawaii..... .i got to
see them film some of it....

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Yes Ponce De Leon looked for the fountain of youth in Florida
If y’all have heard of the expression “swampland for sale in Florida,” (similar to “oceanfront in Arizona”), you’ll know there’s a long, rich history of scammers and schemers who have thrived in Florida. This “Christian” attorney is just one example of many who have hustled vacationers in the Sunshine State.
but wait a minute... .. this is no oceanfront in arizona..... (i know coz i was born there)...... but there really is swampland in florida..... right?...... ....so..... how are they similar?..... they should be opposites....... . i;m confused.. . ...:confused:
but wait a minute... .. this is no oceanfront in arizona..... (i know coz i was born there)...... but there really is swampland in florida..... right?...... ....so..... how are they similar?..... they should be opposites....... . i;m confused.. . ...:confused:
This is an article from an encyclopedia for kids, but it gives a good overview: https://kids.kiddle.co/Swampland_in_Florida
By the way, Florida swampland is becoming increasingly more expensive nowadays for a very different reason: hunting. About ten years ago I had an opportunity to buy several acres of swampland that I was eyeballing. It was zoned as recreational and non-buildable, literally good for nothing other than tossing decoys out for duck hunting. I figured I’d wait and keep looking for a better deal for more acreage and meanwhile avoid paying taxes. Nowadays, I can’t find any accessible swampland nearby in my price range. I speak with a couple realtors every year around the time duck season starts, but nothing has panned out since.
By the way, Florida swampland is becoming increasingly more expensive nowadays for a very different reason: hunting. About ten years ago I had an opportunity to buy several acres of swampland that I was eyeballing. It was zoned as recreational and non-buildable, literally good for nothing other than tossing decoys out for duck hunting. I figured I’d wait and keep looking for a better deal for more acreage and meanwhile avoid paying taxes. Nowadays, I can’t find any accessible swampland nearby in my price range. I speak with a couple realtors every year around the time duck season starts, but nothing has panned out since.
would you be able to put a basic hunting cabin on it?...... treehouse?..... it sounds pretty cool to have remote property like that... i would to own a section of mountain rainforest here but all that land was sold over a hundred years ago and the families who own it aren;t selling.... ever... (as if i could afford it anyway).. and then whatever is not owned by them is owned by the military or the state government -
Are we sure Juan did this? Sounds like the poor fella was the target of what we’d today call “fake news.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/hist...-searched-for-the-fountain-of-youth-72629888/
As legend has it , and as scholars have maintained for centuries, Ponce was in search of the Fountain of Youth, a fabled wellspring thought to give everlasting life to whoever bathed in or drank from it. But new scholarship contradicts the old fable and suggests that Ponce was interested not in longevity but political gain.
LOL. No bias there.

Superstitions of enchanted waters abounded among the pre-Columbian Americans, and we have one such story in the New Testament. What is your thought about the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem? History or a later embellishment?
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The Bible tells us where Eden was: at the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The author wrote that to give readers a frame of reference. It would make no sense if the Garden were between two completely different rivers, on a different continent, on an antediluvian Earth whose geography bore no physical resemblance to the one Moses lived in.
Where are the other two rivers that shared that junction? The four rivers didn't meet at that junction, they flowed from it. The rivers of Eden described in Genesis had a common source. Present day Tigris and Euphrates do not. Therefore, they can't be assumed to be the same rivers. The geography is wholly different.

Human civilization got its start in the ANE, not Florida, and we all know it.
That's where Noah landed, no question, so this world certainly got it's start there. The antediluvian world, or the 'world that then was,' as Peter described it, was destroyed.
According to Joseph Smith, founder of the Morons, the Garden of Eden was in what is now Jackson County, Missouri.
I live in Jackson County, Missouri. It was also the New Jerusalem according to Smith. That was moved to Nauvoo when they were run out of Missouri by the state militia. Then it got moved to Salt Lake City after the deaths of Smith and his brother. Now they speak of Zion as more a concept than a location, though many still believe Independence, Missouri is the real location.
As legend has it , and as scholars have maintained for centuries, Ponce was in search of the Fountain of Youth, a fabled wellspring thought to give everlasting life to whoever bathed in or drank from it. But new scholarship contradicts the old fable and suggests that Ponce was interested not in longevity but political gain.
LOL. No bias there.

Superstitions of enchanted waters abounded among the pre-Columbian Americans, and we have one such story in the New Testament. What is your thought about the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem? History or a later embellishment?
Did you read the entire article or just the intro? I think you missed the point.
would you be able to put a basic hunting cabin on it?...... treehouse?..... it sounds pretty cool to have remote property like that...
Definitely not a cabin, though a treehouse might be a possibility depending on the types of trees. The swampland here is basically just thick, soft mud. If there are cypress trees, a treehouse might be possible, but the state is pretty strict about conservation laws with cypress trees.

The main concern is road access. That’s where the modern “scam” comes into play. People (usually ignorant Yankees) buy land in Florida for a “great bargain” only to discover that the lot is landlocked with no road access. Some of these lots are literally only legally accessible if a helicopter can drop you on the land, otherwise you are trespassing over other people’s property to get to it or there’s just no road development period. There are many examples online, but this was a more recent one: https://www.nbcmiami.com/investigations/fort-lauderdale-landlocked-development-homes/3393435/?amp=1