A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

Wow Bob gray can dish it out but can't take it .............What a baby
Many Baptist pastors are sissies and wimps when challenged online.

Bill Grady is my best-known example. I posted an opinion, just an opinion, contrary to his and he blocked me.
Bob Gray has always been a bully in his preaching. No one should be shocked in his blocking people . He can dish it out but can't take it ...we may his next sermon title. This is what bullies are all about.....as long as people suck up to him he will exist.
Wow Bob gray can dish it out but can't take it .............What a baby
And he and other fundyites can't understand why people have pretty much given up on the fundamentalist cult.
After nearly 2 years addressing Bob Gray's support of David Hyles and pointing out Greg (video camera) Neal's church is the new home of Hyles' travesty of help (Fallen in Grace) after David Baker committed suicide I received this. I consider it his giving up the argument.

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You have arrived.
I've never worried about what that "Mannagawd" did or said. He always seemed like a joke to me. But, that's just me.
For those who are not familiar with James Spurgeon's book "Tales From the Temple" about his experiences at Bob Gray's Longview Baptist Temple and Texas Baptist College, here is the link - the book is well worth reading:

Meanwhile, Bob Gray's "Solve Church Problems" web site appears to be completely down, at least for now. Likewise, the Independentbaptist.com web site, which carried material similar to Solve Church Problems, also appears to be down.
For those who are not familiar with James Spurgeon's book "Tales From the Temple" about his experiences at Bob Gray's Longview Baptist Temple and Texas Baptist College, here is the link - the book is well worth reading:

Meanwhile, Bob Gray's "Solve Church Problems" web site appears to be completely down, at least for now. Likewise, the Independentbaptist.com web site, which carried material similar to Solve Church Problems, also appears to be down.
Wow, once I started reading it, I found it hard to stop! I don't doubt a bit of it.
Would you believe that book is $77.34 on Amazon?!!
Only those who have left the IFB can fully grasp the following story which is a bit like "Tales from the Temple."

Back in the 80s, my sister and her family came to see me at my IFB church. During the sermon, I noticed she had a pen and used it to write on her oldest daughter's knee. My niece was around 4 or 5 but could read well. My lovely Christian sister wrote on her daughter's knee slowly. The first word was, "I". The next word started with a vertical line. I thought she might be writing, "I love you." How sweet, I thought. My niece must have thought the same thing because tears came to her eyes as she and I both read the complete message. "I hate this."

I quietly gasped. My niece cried. My sister then explained to me that every other little girl in the congregation was able to cover their knees, why couldn't her daughter who she had admonished over and over again do the same.

That makes my sister sound like a horrible human being. I assure you she is not, but this is what legalism does. It takes love and turns it into hate. It makes us forget about grace and mercy. My niece turned out well in spite of the legalism. I am not brave enough to discuss the incident with her or her mother, so I tell it to strangers.

The best thing I can hope is that neither of them remembers it. Unfortunately, I do.
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I remember when Coyote (Spurgeon) was active on the old FFF. I was pretty much a Hyles loyalist back then, so I saw his writings through that lens of a bitter critic. I see things definitely differently now, and understand why he struggled so mightily. Having said that, I have a very minor criticism of his writings. He mentions people in passing as examples, like Swindoll and MacArthur, as well as Tim Lee, but when he does so he doesn't give the backstory as to why those people should be viewed as normal evangelical Christianity. In other words, it seems that he assumes the readership of his Tales has a little bit more insider information about what separates or delineates IFBx-dom from normal conservative Evangelical Christianity. Put another way, it seems that he's writing to fellow refugees from IFBx-dom, moreso than people on the outside looking in. But his opening prologue starts "What you are about to read is real. Few of the names have been changed. Some of it may be hard to believe and most of it will seem strange to people who have never had any experience with right-wing fundamentalist Christianity."

Of course, I realize in the bigger picture of his purpose, he paints a very informative and accurate, more than adequate nightmarish tale of a cult-like authoritarian regime.
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He mentions people in passing as examples, like Swindoll and MacArthur, as well as Tim Lee, but when he does so he doesn't give the backstory as to why those people should be viewed as normal evangelical Christianity. In other words, it seems that he assumes the readership of his Tales has a little bit more insider information about what separates or delineates IFBx-dom from normal conservative Evangelical Christianity.

Well, keep in mind that the Tales were originally written for the original incarnation of the FFF. We are (and were) familiar with Swindoll and MacArthur, and Tim "Marine" Lee was active here around the same time. So, yeah, we were insiders. :) Putting on my editor hat, I agree that some clarification on some of those names would be helpful to an outside reader, but it's understandable that his original intended audience could take those names for granted.
Wow, once I started reading it, I found it hard to stop! I don't doubt a bit of it.
Same. It was engaging and powerful. I've read it twice. I read it the day after he published it and reviewed it on Amazon for him. We stayed in touch for several years. Last I knew, he was pastoring a small bapitst church in TX.
I haven't finished it yet, but I am wondering why he didn't leave the place sooner?

If I keep reading, which I will, it will become clearer?