Different Response from Different Group

Binaca Chugger

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2013
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Steven Lawson was just removed as pastor of Trinity Bible Church (a megachurch) in Dallas. He was a Fellow at Ligonier Ministries, Professor of Preaching and Dean of Doctor of Ministry at The Master's Seminary, Executive Editor of Expositor magazine, on the board of Master's University and Seminary, Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Bible College and authored 28 books. He was a leader among Calvinist Reformed Southern Baptists.

Dr. Lawson was removed from his position because, at 73 years old, he was having an "inappropriate" relationship with another woman.

I have seen scores of posts about it. This man was a leader and hero to thousands of pastors. All of the posts I have seen talk about how sad this is and how this could happen to anyone and how we all need to be careful and not fall to temptation. The posts all speak of God's restoration available for all. None of them are asking for more information or calling him names or talking about what a fraud he is or how all of religion must be false because their leader fell.

Why is it the IFB responds so differently?
Steven Lawson was just removed as pastor of Trinity Bible Church (a megachurch) in Dallas. He was a Fellow at Ligonier Ministries, Professor of Preaching and Dean of Doctor of Ministry at The Master's Seminary, Executive Editor of Expositor magazine, on the board of Master's University and Seminary, Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Bible College and authored 28 books. He was a leader among Calvinist Reformed Southern Baptists.

Dr. Lawson was removed from his position because, at 73 years old, he was having an "inappropriate" relationship with another woman.

I have seen scores of posts about it. This man was a leader and hero to thousands of pastors. All of the posts I have seen talk about how sad this is and how this could happen to anyone and how we all need to be careful and not fall to temptation. The posts all speak of God's restoration available for all. None of them are asking for more information or calling him names or talking about what a fraud he is or how all of religion must be false because their leader fell.

Why is it the IFB responds so differently?
Committing adultery does not make one a fraud. It makes one a sinner. Committing incest or sexual abuse of a minor makes one a perverted wretch who should be emasculated.
A friend shared this on FB:
My (lengthy) thoughts on Steve Lawson.
To the best of my memory, I have never spoken with Steve Lawson nor had my picture taken with him. I very rarely was in an audience when he was the speaker. It has been several years, even, since I consulted any of his work in the course of my ministry.
So yesterday’s news about his dismissal from Trinity Bible Church of Dallas due to “an inappropriate relationship” with a woman did not hit me personally in the way that it did many of you.
I briefly debated whether to make this post, but since I think it may help the people of God process the news, I now proceed.
The primary question for which I want to give some perspective is: “How does a prominent Bible teacher DO that? How could he preach the Word, by outward appearances with power, in the midst of such sin and compromise?”
It is a difficult question and one that is not easy to answer to the satisfaction of those who feel betrayed and hurt.
Without much expansion, let me offer you five principles to consider.
1. Exercising a Spiritual Gift is Not the Same as Growing in Sanctification
I’ll stipulate, for the purpose of this discussion anyway, that SL has been a gifted Bible teacher. He wouldn’t have reached the prominence in so many Christian teaching ministries otherwise. But my dear friends, Scripture plainly teaches us not to confuse gifting with sanctification from sin.
You need look no further than the church of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 12-14. They had spiritual gifts, including speaking gifts, but Paul had to correct them for the carnal and ungodly way that they exercised them.
2. Exercising a Spiritual Gift Is Not the Same as Fearing God
Yes, this one hurts. But in my opinion the fear of God is largely lost on the modern church with devastating consequences. Scripture plainly says:
“By the fear of the LORD one keeps away from evil.” (Proverbs 16:6)
Do you see a man—any man—who is walking in sin? No matter the outward appearance, somewhere in his life he has forsaken the fear of the Lord.
3. You Can Fool All of the People Some of the Time
This worldly maxim has a biblical counterpart. Judas was a traitor and a thief in the inner circle of Jesus, but none of the eleven suspected him. When Jesus said, “One of you will betray me,” they didn’t all look at Judas as the culprit. With broken hearts they entertained the possibility, “Lord, is it I?
Only in retrospect did they see Judas for who he was. He had fooled them all.
So I do not fault those who were close to Steve Lawson for not seeing this sooner. Their trust was broken. Rather, I commend them for taking public action when it became known to them.
4. Scripture Must Be Joined with Faith and Obedience
Now I turn from Steve Lawson to the outwardly professing church of God. Rather than speculate about how a man could do this, the biblical perspective is to turn humbly to self-examination:
12 Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.
13 But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. (Hebrews 3:12-13)
Satan, sin, and even our very selves are deceptive and subject to deception. A man thinks he will never fall, or that he will not be exposed when he does, or that the thrill is worth it. Whatever. Lies, every one of them.
It’s not without reason that Scripture says:
For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it. (Hebrews 2:1)
Do you see a fallen leader? Okay. Next question. What unconfessed sin is in your life? There’s your focus going forward.
5. Let the Mockers Be Warned
The usual suspects will chortle over the news. Sinners will be emboldened to dismiss the gospel; others are already smearing other prominent Christians by their association with Steve Lawson. Such is inevitable, but still I must warn them: let you enemies of the truth hold your tongues:
17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;
18 Or the LORD will see it and be displeased, and turn His anger away from him. (Proverbs 24:17).
It is a true wretch who can gloat over this news when it greatly hurts and hinders so many lives, families, churches, and institutions. Indeed, I’m not unmindful that the mud splashes onto all biblical pastors by casting unfounded suspicion on them.
The Lord sees it all, and it kindles His wrath when you boast over a fallen one.
This is a time of chastening for the church, but not a time for despair. Christ, the Head of the Church, still reigns and will never forsake us. His Word tells us enough to have perspective to go forward in the battle.
I am sad, frustrated, and even angry at this news. Many innocent people are harmed and betrayed. The dear gospel of Christ is exposed to ridicule due to the sin of one who was supposedly one of its champions.
That’s not okay.
But as for me and my house, our faith and hope are in Christ, and were never in any man—certainly not this man. So I plan to keep walking forward with confidence in the risen Lord and make my path to the celestial city to come.
I invite you to do the same.
of course, not just the IFB has these issues with sexual scandal. But why do other denominations respond with sorrow and hopes for restoration while the IFB responds with hatred, bitterness, vitriol and an abandonment of the faith?

Because JH was what? No. Never proven, but oft articulated are the rumors of an affair.

Is it because these other denominational leaders turned themselves in and repented? No. They were discovered and presented with undeniable evidence and then went silent and crept off into the shadows.

What is the difference? Why do the IFB people go nuts and still talk about things from 50+ years ago as a source of bitterness and anger while other denominations forgive the person and pray for their restoration?
Why is it the IFB responds so differently?
Steven Lawson is a gifted preacher and teacher. He is significant, and his loss is a blow to the preaching profession, but he is not irreplaceable.

Pastor Dr. IFB is the mannagawd. Touch not God's anointed, and all that, amen?

The bigger they come, the harder they fall.
So your premise is that in the IFB, people have held up the Preacher as a god and therefore the fallout brings more anger?
My initial thoughts were along these lines:
- MOG syndrome means I see the preacher as a source of God for me
- Many of these most bitter did not know how to have a relationship with God outside of the MOG
- IFB is built on us against them and that mentality stays only the "them" is now directed at the MOG or the IFB
- IFB is built as a performance based Christianity with the MOG as the supreme performer. If he falls, the whole system is corrupted and all of my labor has been in vain.
- IFB hierarchy is built in such a way that the upper echelon ridicules the lower tiers. Thus, there is a power inversion and an uprising in the class system.
Of course, the flip side of this is that the SBC population is naturally more loving and compassionate, willing to forgive failures and more accepting of sin in general.
Of course, the flip side of this is that the SBC population is naturally more loving and compassionate, willing to forgive failures and more accepting of sin in general.
Generally speaking, the SBC crowd is nowhere close to what the IFB believes about separation, holiness, etc. so they are less likely to be as shocked as the IFB. The SBC has little in the way of standards (I'm feeling self-convicted as the current model of IFB isn't much different. I'm remembering the IFB of old). However, this is no excuse for unchristlike behavior or responses. In a way, the IFB is like the NASCAR crowd; they go to the show looking for and expecting a wreck. That's a generalization and obviously doesn't apply to all IFB or SBC.
I cannot think of any time even as an IFB where I either gloated or was overly vicious towards a pastor who fell into sin! I was always heartbroken over the matter and anyone who feels otherwise needs to examine their own salvation and repent!

There have been too many, including some I had known personally and even looked up to who are out of the ministry because of sin!

Where the reproach comes is when someone who has fallen, declares that they have been "restored," moves some place else and gets right back into the ministry and repeats their sin!

Steve Lawson is exceptionally heartbreaking for me! He was someone I really looked up to and I attribute his influence to my being where I am today rather than hanging out in bars, destroying my life, living like the devil, and ruining any sort of testimony I had with my children! This one really hurts!

Steve Lawson was a "Model Preacher" and an example that many have followed after! Perhaps now he will be a "Model" of someone who has fallen into sin and must leave the ministry? I hope that this will be the case. He is 74 years old so hopefully he will enjoy his retirement and work on his relationship with his wife, children, and grandchildren!
Generally speaking, the SBC crowd is nowhere close to what the IFB believes about separation, holiness, etc. so they are less likely to be as shocked as the IFB. The SBC has little in the way of standards (I'm feeling self-convicted as the current model of IFB isn't much different. I'm remembering the IFB of old). However, this is no excuse for unchristlike behavior or responses. In a way, the IFB is like the NASCAR crowd; they go to the show looking for and expecting a wreck. That's a generalization and obviously doesn't apply to all IFB or SBC.
I believe that when you hold as paramount many unbiblical standards, and they are openly broken by a leader, your response tends to be unbiblical.
So your premise is that in the IFB, people have held up the Preacher as a god and therefore the fallout brings more anger?
Personally I believe that because they put Pastors on such a high pedestal- and they fall- they responded harshly out of embarrassment. This is just my observation.
I believe that when you hold as paramount many unbiblical standards, and they are openly broken by a leader, your response tends to be unbiblical.
The OP subject is adultery. What "unbiblical standard" is anyone holding? Now if the OP was "pants on women", you are on track.
I cannot think of any time even as an IFB where I either gloated or was overly vicious towards a pastor who fell into sin! I was always heartbroken over the matter and anyone who feels otherwise needs to examine their own salvation and repent!

I have been asked to teach our midweek study next Wednesday and I decided to cover the book of Obadiah. There is a passage around verse 12 where one of the reasons that Edom was being judged was because they gloated over their "brother" Jacob for the calamity that befell/was to befall them. I'll be linking that passage to Proverbs 24:17.
Where in this article are they "asking for more information or calling him names or talking about what a fraud he is or how all of religion must be false because their leader fell."?
Have you ever heard the phrase “why do Christians shoot their wounded”? It is not just IFB for which that phrase was coined. Besides that, did you read the comments to the article? That’s where you really get to see the pulse of followers of a sect or denomination. And do you know who the author of the article is, or what she’s famous for?
Have you ever heard the phrase “why do Christians shoot their wounded”? It is not just IFB for which that phrase was coined. Besides that, did you read the comments to the article? That’s where you really get to see the pulse of followers of a sect or denomination. And do you know who the author of the article is, or what she’s famous for?
No, I did not read the comments, but the article didn't engage in "name-calling". And no, I don't know or care who the author is. I don't even know who you are.
Steven Lawson was just removed as pastor of Trinity Bible Church (a megachurch) in Dallas. He was a Fellow at Ligonier Ministries, Professor of Preaching and Dean of Doctor of Ministry at The Master's Seminary, Executive Editor of Expositor magazine, on the board of Master's University and Seminary, Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Bible College and authored 28 books. He was a leader among Calvinist Reformed Southern Baptists.

Dr. Lawson was removed from his position because, at 73 years old, he was having an "inappropriate" relationship with another woman.

I have seen scores of posts about it. This man was a leader and hero to thousands of pastors. All of the posts I have seen talk about how sad this is and how this could happen to anyone and how we all need to be careful and not fall to temptation. The posts all speak of God's restoration available for all. None of them are asking for more information or calling him names or talking about what a fraud he is or how all of religion must be false because their leader fell.

Why is it the IFB responds so differently?
If you go back to the 70's, several of the men were friends with Jack Hyles. He promoted their churches and in some cases hired them even though he knew about their reputation and character.

I think many women are getting fed up with it and are much more outspoken about it.
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