David Eells: Unleavened Bread

Speaking from the local assembly that we left where we saw and fellowshipped with David 3 days a week, several people died this year. People are not told outright to not take medicine, it’s just frowned upon and you’re basically shamed with condemnation in a round about way.
Are they 'shamed' by society or by the cult? I get that he's wacko, but ultimately your folks are suffering for their own foolishness.

I don't think that is the case in the East.

Either way, I think the best advice for both sets of the formerly deceived is what I suggested in my last post.
Wow! Okay, I believe that you guys are genuinely trying to help out and give the best advice that you think you can. And I understand that when you started this discussion, you probably weren't thinking that any of us would see it and come on. I get that. But insulting someone's intelligence is not going to solve anything. There have been a few of us that have come on and we're just sharing some of the things that have been our experience. This is an honest but also a vulnerable place to be in as well. You've never made mistakes, or believed something that wasn't true for a time? If so good for you!

The main reason I got on here was to be able to speak to the brother in the Middle East, and to offer him some encouragement, as well as clarity to what he's been going through. We have talked privately about many things, and I have learned a lot from him as far as what has happened over there.

Based on some of the things I've read this morning from you guys, it sounds to me like you need to revisit some of the things Jesus said about having compassion on people and meeting them where they're at. Also I would have left this foolishness a long time ago, but it was impossible for me to do that without causing major problems in my own family for a time. Maybe wait to pass your judgment until you know more of the facts.

And yes, you are correct in saying the persecution over there is as a result of them being against Christianity, but what you don't know is that it is not the Muslims that have been the problem in this particular situation. It is the Catholics and the Jehovah's Witnesses over there. They are very competitive, and they lay claim to that territory for themselves.

I specifically wanted to speak to Zechariah about the shame aspect of this whole thing. I wanted him to understand why his own people were made to shun him and probably even defame him to the people around him. With all the other things that have happened to them over there, that has been a really hard thing.

And yes I agree with the Christian Arab Outreach, and I am already looking into that.
Wow! Okay, I believe that you guys are genuinely trying to help out and give the best advice that you think you can. And I understand that when you started this discussion, you probably weren't thinking that any of us would see it and come on. I get that. But insulting someone's intelligence is not going to solve anything. There have been a few of us that have come on and we're just sharing some of the things that have been our experience. This is an honest but also a vulnerable place to be in as well. You've never made mistakes, or believed something that wasn't true for a time? If so good for you!

The main reason I got on here was to be able to speak to the brother in the Middle East, and to offer him some encouragement, as well as clarity to what he's been going through. We have talked privately about many things, and I have learned a lot from him as far as what has happened over there.

Based on some of the things I've read this morning from you guys, it sounds to me like you need to revisit some of the things Jesus said about having compassion on people and meeting them where they're at. Also I would have left this foolishness a long time ago, but it was impossible for me to do that without causing major problems in my own family for a time. Maybe wait to pass your judgment until you know more of the facts.

And yes, you are correct in saying the persecution over there is as a result of them being against Christianity, but what you don't know is that it is not the Muslims that have been the problem in this particular situation. It is the Catholics and the Jehovah's Witnesses over there. They are very competitive, and they lay claim to that territory for themselves.

I specifically wanted to speak to Zechariah about the shame aspect of this whole thing. I wanted him to understand why his own people were made to shun him and probably even defame him to the people around him. With all the other things that have happened to them over there, that has been a really hard thing.

And yes I agree with the Christian Arab Outreach, and I am already looking into that.

This is my first post in this thread, and I haven't kept up to speed with the exactly what is going on, but from what little I have gleaned in a few posts that I just read it appears you have a solid grasp upon a few things that people should be reminded of when giving Biblical advice. Just know that not everyone here is monolithically in lock-step about how to dispense advice and counsel. Given all that, I for one am interested in your continued explanation of the situation from your insider's perspective.
Wow! Okay, I believe that you guys are genuinely trying to help out and give the best advice that you think you can. And I understand that when you started this discussion, you probably weren't thinking that any of us would see it and come on. I get that. But insulting someone's intelligence is not going to solve anything.
yea.... I thought Ekklesian replied in a rude way as well.

This forum has many people on it, that have been influenced by their own cult, IFBX. It takes time and work to reevaluate everything you've been taught, understanding scripture in a new fresh way, and leaving a church filled with friends and family.

What I would like to see in this discussion are the steps you took to get out of this ministry. I have a friend who is alienating his family due to advice from Eells.

The Qanon mindset is also strong with these followers.
What I would like to see in this discussion are the steps you took to get out of this ministry. I have a friend who is alienating his family due to advice from Eells.
Ya. That was the original intent of this thread.

I think it is great that this thread has attracted the attention of so many. I really want to reach out to our Arabic brothers but I find myself woefully ill equipped to do so. 😔

In my tenure of chapter president of the Lewiston Clarkston Gospel Riders, I have developed something of a tagline: "Grace. In all things, grace." I have repeated this line many times in our meetings. (I have been provided ample opportunity to lead by example in this area... 🙄) Here, my encouragement is for all of us to do the same.
No they’re shunned in a way that makes them feel that they’ve let down God ultimately for trusting in themselves and the medicine rather than God who is all powerful. He makes you feel shameful for not having the faith to believe God for your healing.
Exactly. Typical cult gaslighting.

I have friends who have gotten involved in a new charismaniacal upstart. The woman started her ministry "not to compete" with the churches, but "to supplement them." She doesn't want to be a "sheep stealer," just wants to "help the other churches."

I rolled my eyes, "Right. It won't be long and you guys will be attending there exclusively." And they are.

Had lunch with the fella a few weeks back. "A full gospel church will have Apostles and Prophets," he said, and went on about the generational curse nonsense, and how it's because of all these "hidden spirits" they haven't exorcised that is impeding the power of God in their lives.

...but I digress.
بالضبط. عبادة الغاز النموذجية.

لدي أصدقاء شاركوا في مغرور جديد ذو شخصية كاريزمية. بدأت المرأة خدمتها "ليس لمنافسة" الكنائس، بل "لتكملةها". إنها لا تريد أن تكون "سارقة خراف"، بل تريد فقط "مساعدة الكنائس الأخرى".

أدرتُ عيني، "صحيح. لن يمر وقت طويل وسوف تحضرون هناك حصريًا يا رفاق." و هم.

تناولت الغداء مع الرجل قبل بضعة أسابيع. قال: "كنيسة الإنجيل الكاملة سيكون بها رسل وأنبياء"، واستمر في الحديث عن هراء لعنة الأجيال، وكيف أن كل هذه "الأرواح الخفية" التي لم يطردوها هي التي تعيق قوة الله في حياتهم. .

…ولكنني أستطرد.
First, we will talk about matters related to the Bible
Does God lie or is he unable to fulfill a promise he made? Does anyone know the date of the Day of Resurrection? Can anyone bring any person into Hell, torture him, and take him out of Hell according to what he wants?
Can anyone give orders to God and the angels?
These are the sayings and teachings of the Lord,
but I say to you: Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.

But if a righteous person turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I put a stumbling block before him, he will die. Because you have not warned him, he will die in his sin, and the righteousness he has done will not be remembered. But his blood I will require at your hand.
This is a reply to the question of why I left. There are so many things that I could say, but I am trying to choose my words carefully. There are still people there that we love and care for deeply, and we're believing that they are going to come out of this mess eventually.

Having said that, I have to really wonder now what is it going to take for them to finally get to that point? I know it has to be by God's grace. The word says "a man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven." John 3:27

I can't even believe my eyes and ears these days concerning the things that are being said, and the things that are going on there! But I guess they just keep sitting there, listening to it, and taking it in. I'm talking crazy stuff, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs kind of stuff! I know that at least a few of them have questioned some of this, but I also know how easy it is just let things slide, not rock the boat or create waves. Or the other side of it would be to be patient and long-suffering with those in error, believing that they are going to turn. With this kind of stuff you have to say something! The men have to stand up and say something!

I'll just say that there are many things that are out of order there, and have been for some time. I've never been too good at keeping my head down and just not saying anything, when something needed to be said. It was way past time to go! I questioned things and brought things up multiple times, but it was not received. It became pointless to try anymore, so I left.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the spirit of God; every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of god; and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God." 1John 4:1-3

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them." Ephesians 5:11

"Be not carried away by divers and strange teachings, for it is good that the heart be established with grace, not by meats, wherein they that occupied themselves were not profited."
Hebrews 13:
I think this is David or David's assistant
Good that you are here
This is a reply to the question of why I left. There are so many things that I could say, but I am trying to choose my words carefully. There are still people there that we love and care for deeply, and we're believing that they are going to come out of this mess eventually.

Having said that, I have to really wonder now what is it going to take for them to finally get to that point? I know it has to be by God's grace. The word says "a man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven." John 3:27

I can't even believe my eyes and ears these days concerning the things that are being said, and the things that are going on there! But I guess they just keep sitting there, listening to it, and taking it in. I'm talking crazy stuff, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs kind of stuff! I know that at least a few of them have questioned some of this, but I also know how easy it is just let things slide, not rock the boat or create waves. Or the other side of it would be to be patient and long-suffering with those in error, believing that they are going to turn. With this kind of stuff you have to say something! The men have to stand up and say something!

I'll just say that there are many things that are out of order there, and have been for some time. I've never been too good at keeping my head down and just not saying anything, when something needed to be said. It was way past time to go! I questioned things and brought things up multiple times, but it was not received. It became pointless to try anymore, so I left.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the spirit of God; every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of god; and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God." 1John 4:1-3

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them." Ephesians 5:11

"Be not carried away by divers and strange teachings, for it is good that the heart be established with grace, not by meats, wherein they that occupied themselves were not profited."
Hebrews 13:9
We must not believe this is David's method of atonement or accusation of death and wearing a mask or creating charges in the curse in case you were not a liar for David's sake.
[تم تحرير هذه المشاركة من أجل الوضوح]

فهل تقتل الطائفة منشقيها أم أن الخطر الحقيقي الذي تشكله الحكومة الإسلامية؟ هل يمكن للمشاركات على المواقع الدينية والتشهير في برامجها الإذاعية أن تشكل أي تهديد حقيقي (للناس في ولاية تينيسي على أي حال)؟

أنا فقط أحاول أن أتعامل مع ما يحدث، وما إذا كان الأمر كبيرًا كما يتصوره الناس.

نعم، رجل Eells هذا غريب الأطوار، ولكن (باستثناء أصدقائنا الذين يعيشون تحت الاضطهاد الإسلامي) يجب أن تكون سخيفًا بعض الشيء أو غريب الأطوار حتى تقع في فخه. (ومن الواضح أن قرون وعقود حماقة داربي وسكوفيلد وليندسي لم تساعد المعمدانيين وأتباع العنصرة هنا في الغرب).

ولكن يبدو أن المعاناة الموصوفة في الشرق الأوسط لا ترجع إلى حد كبير إلى التبشير بهذه الطائفة على وجه التحديد، ولكن لأنه يتم تعريفها على أنها وعظ مسيحي، وهو أمر غير قانوني هناك.

إذن ما هو أفضل مسار للعمل لزكريا والأصدقاء؟ أعتقد أن الهدف هو إجراء اتصالات مع تواصل عربي مسيحي حقيقي، والانضمام إلى رسالة مسيحية حقيقية إذا استطاعوا (كان لدى إيلز مبشرون هناك. أليس هناك مسيحيون؟) وعدم البقاء مستقلين أو معزولين، خشية أن يصبحوا هم أنفسهم. الشيء الذي هربوا منه.

أعتقد أن أفضل مسار للعمل بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يعيشون في الغرب الأوسط هو نفسه، وإذا انضموا إلى كنيسة معمدانية، فيجب عليهم العثور على كنيسة معمدانية إصلاحية.
I think it needs to be modified
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Speaking from the local assembly that we left where we saw and fellowshipped with David 3 days a week, several people died this year. People are not told outright to not take medicine, it’s just frowned upon and you’re basically shamed with condemnation in a round about way.
I think it needs to be modified
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Didn't David say that the chief evangelist is dead and he would like to be taken out of the hospital because the Lord told you this? David said that he spoke with the chief evangelist through the Holy Spirit when the chief evangelist was in intensive care and in a coma as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. He said that he told David that he wanted to die and go to heaven, and David said And his girlfriend said that he must be taken out and buried because he is dead. Everyone was reading the conversation. Hours later, the chief missionary came out and everyone asked him, “Did David speak to you through the Holy Spirit?” He said, “No.”
Well when you leave a group like this one especially ran by a narcissist like David, there is no talking to him because he will pigeon hole you, and condemn you and say you’ll lose all your spirits gifts if you leave etc. best thing to do is just tell your friends you’re leaving and just leave. They will turn their backs on you if you go to David first because he will tell the group you are “ factious” causing divisions any time you try to call him out on his error. Then he demands everyone cuts you off immediately. So your friend will just have to leave and not even consider talking to David because he will not hear him.
You're the only one who knows David
This is a small part of what David said
If this person denounces the actions of missionaries, I hope he will answer this question
He told him why David ordered the missionaries to be placed in rooms and closed the door on them until many of the missionaries died because of hunger and the crowding that occurred. He said that the Lord told him that they should not go out and someone who was working with him closed the door on them until many died.
There is an accusation of murder here, but it's unclear of who is being accused. If you're saying that David Eells from America ordered the murder of missionaries there, we can call the authorities. (So can you, for that matter, as you obviously have an internet connection and can contact organizations in the U.S.)

Is that what you did? Did you just accuse David Eells of murder?
There is an accusation of murder here, but it's unclear of who is being accused. If you're saying that David Eells from America ordered the murder of missionaries there, we can call the authorities. (So can you, for that matter, as you obviously have an internet connection and can contact organizations in the U.S.)

Is that what you did? Did you just accuse David Eells of murder?
Yes, this is what happened
Also Brother Beren or David
Tell us why all this persecution happened. Wasn't David the reason? He made the brothers take loans and said that he would pay these loans. When asked to pay, he refused and said that the angel would come and was asking to pay the debt, but he did not agree, and he was the reason for all this violence.
This whole thing is getting weird.

Definitely beyond my scope of support....
There is an accusation of murder here, but it's unclear of who is being accused. If you're saying that David Eells from America ordered the murder of missionaries there, we can call the authorities. (So can you, for that matter, as you obviously have an internet connection and can contact organizations in the U.S.)

Is that what you did? Did you just accuse David Eells of murder?
There is an accusation of murder here, but it's unclear of who is being accused. If you're saying that David Eells from America ordered the murder of missionaries there, we can call the authorities. (So can you, for that matter, as you obviously have an internet connection and can contact organizations in the U.S.)

Is that what you did? Did you just accuse David Eells of murder?
We will try to file a lawsuit, and he knows this. We are completing the evidence