Loved reading Cassidy. On the Baptist Board, I agreed with most of his posts. He was an able defender of the KJV, which I love and adore , and esteem as the word of God.Apologies in advance for side railing the discussion, but this jaunt down the versions and “derivative inspiration” discussion (which I gave up studying long ago) led me to some nostalgic material from our beloved Doc Cassidy….
Loved Cassidy.
Also loved his defense of Dec. 25 as the date of the first Christmas.
Miss his warrior spirit, (but he ain't missin us!)
Btw, if God would let him, he'd come down and tell y'all that I'm right in my geocentric cosmology

But, where he pooh poohs scholarship as authoritve in discerning God's word, appeals to the scholarship of the KJV translators as evidence of of their reliability.
Our King James Bible is superior to all others not only because it is translated from superior texts, but because it was translated by superior translators