Some days....


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
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Some day's lately, with all of the crap this world and all it's organizations throw at people, and all the challenges that come with failing health, these forums are the best medicine I have...there's a genuine caring from some people, and then attacks from others...but, this just proves to me that the Bible is right when it says that even to the weary soul, even the bitter things are sweet! For many days the past two or three years the Fundamental Forums have been a solace to me allowing me to not only vent, but to actually have some genuine online friends pray for many things that are trying to take Christians down these days. We know that we aren't fighting people in this world, but the wickedness in high places under the influence of the adversary. The Bible already tells us that Christ has had the victory...get that...has HAD the victory...these battles have already been fought in the mind of God and he KNOWS how it turns out...he's just waiting to see if we're going to accept his guidance in our lives and follow in an unquestioning fashion!
Thank you, FSSL, Scott, @aleshanee, @ALAYMAN, @abcaines , @Ekklesian and've been people I can lean on, fight with, love and just want to meet one day in person...whether here, or in Heaven!