Questions about My Journey Through Grace - by Cindy Hyles Schaap


Aug 19, 2013
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As always there are questions that persist...

1. She states: "Finally the dreaded day we had anticipated for 21 months was finished..." referring to Jack Schaap's sentencing. Found this very interesting... 21 months (She is referring to March 20, 2013) would be June of 2011. His sin / firing was not found out until the end of July of 2012

2. She mentioned that she did not know anything until it went down. However in her letter to the church when she went to North Carolina, she said something to the effect of "her marriage was real and happy, and Bro. Schaap was real and happy except for the last 2 years..." - Seems like a contradiction. Son Ken also said in his podcast that he had no idea until everything went down as well
Nurse Ratched has no idea about me either. Hehehehehe.......
As always there are questions that persist...

1. She states: "Finally the dreaded day we had anticipated for 21 months was finished..." referring to Jack Schaap's sentencing. Found this very interesting... 21 months (She is referring to March 20, 2013) would be June of 2011. His sin / firing was not found out until the end of July of 2012

2. She mentioned that she did not know anything until it went down. However in her letter to the church when she went to North Carolina, she said something to the effect of "her marriage was real and happy, and Bro. Schaap was real and happy except for the last 2 years..." - Seems like a contradiction. Son Ken also said in his podcast that he had no idea until everything went down as well

You can have problems with your marriage without having a cheating spouse.

I think after the fact she knows the issue started long before July 2012 though she was not aware of it at the time. It is clear they were having issues, but I find it hard to believe she knew exactly what was going on.

Such a sad situation for so many and a warning to us all.

Sin will take you farther than you intend to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you far more than you ever want to pay.
Sin will take you farther than you intend to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you far more than you ever want to pay.
That's what my Free Will Baptist pastor in NC used to say all the time only he would add on "and when you're done with it, it may not be done with you"
This is just my opinion but women know ....I believe she knew
As always there are questions that persist...

1. She states: "Finally the dreaded day we had anticipated for 21 months was finished..." referring to Jack Schaap's sentencing. Found this very interesting... 21 months (She is referring to March 20, 2013) would be June of 2011. His sin / firing was not found out until the end of July of 2012

2. She mentioned that she did not know anything until it went down. However in her letter to the church when she went to North Carolina, she said something to the effect of "her marriage was real and happy, and Bro. Schaap was real and happy except for the last 2 years..." - Seems like a contradiction. Son Ken also said in his podcast that he had no idea until everything went down as well

Women are smarter than we look...this is just my opinion she knew ..........
Most fundy women are in a bad marriage from the start. They just don't realize it because they don't have anything different to compare it to.

Jubal Sackett
Most fundy women are in a bad marriage from the start. They just don't realize it because they don't have anything different to compare it to.

Jubal Sackett

I've been married 43 years. My husband worked on security for 7 years. He still loves the college and church. That is his right and his opinion I read him everything I see on whats happening around the ifb world. I'm not his slave I worked for him for over 10 years in our business. I learned to speak up but its his final decision. Several years ago my husband had some serious health issues. I walked him through it I would do it all over again. He is always telling me hes moving but this is my home. My church is my home. I'm surrounded with life long friends. I'm blessed. No horror stories from me.
Most fundy women are in a bad marriage from the start. They just don't realize it because they don't have anything different to compare it to.

Jubal Sackett
I think that is overgeneralization at its worst.

Most Independent Baptist men I know treat their wives far better than the average husband.
I think I would be typical of the Independent Baptist husbands I know. I have always told my wife I was fine with her working full time, part time or if she choose to be a homemaker and care for our kids and our home. I think this is a major decision each couple must mutually decide for themselves and it may change as circumstances change. Over the years she has done all of these at different stages of our marriage. I also made it clear it was my responsibility to pay the bills so we would set our budget on my income and she would never have to worry about our bill getting paid. I would do whatever it took to take care of my family even if I had to work 3 jobs. Her income was always for her to spend, extras for our family and for long term savings. We have always had all our needs meet, plus lots of extras. We have been able to save enough to take at least one vacation every year, pay off all our debt (including our mortgage) and put all of our children through college. We also have sufficient money put away for our retirement and we currently plan to leave money for each of our children one day.

Jesus commanded us to love our wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Christ set the bar by taking care of us and ultimately giving his life for us. If we are to be obedient to his command a husband must love and care for his wife and put her needs and desires first every time. Any husband who orders his wife around or treats her like a servant is not being obedient to the Bible.