Pensacola Going Worldly?


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Jan 1, 2019
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This article is from David Cloud, July 14, 2020. It consists of observations and gripes from two PCC students. They say that the Campus Church is bringing in CCM. The dress codes are not strict enough - girls can now wear shorts - skirts are required for class and church but are "rarely modest." No mention of whether women's slacks are still banned. Dating is accepted and encouraged (why that would be considered a problem is not explained). The current enrollment is stated to be 4500, and of these, 75% are "worldly and not interested in the things of God," 23% are "sold-out contemporary," whatever that means, and 2% "care deeply about the things of God."

This article is from David Cloud, July 14, 2020. It consists of observations and gripes from two PCC students. They say that the Campus Church is bringing in CCM. The dress codes are not strict enough - girls can now wear shorts - skirts are required for class and church but are "rarely modest." No mention of whether women's slacks are still banned. Dating is accepted and encouraged (why that would be considered a problem is not explained). The current enrollment is stated to be 4500, and of these, 75% are "worldly and not interested in the things of God," 23% are "sold-out contemporary," whatever that means, and 2% "care deeply about the things of God."

Sounds about right. 2% of AMERICA more like it care deeply about the things of God.
This article is from David Cloud, July 14, 2020. It consists of observations and gripes from two PCC students. They say that the Campus Church is bringing in CCM. The dress codes are not strict enough - girls can now wear shorts - skirts are required for class and church but are "rarely modest." No mention of whether women's slacks are still banned. Dating is accepted and encouraged (why that would be considered a problem is not explained). The current enrollment is stated to be 4500, and of these, 75% are "worldly and not interested in the things of God," 23% are "sold-out contemporary," whatever that means, and 2% "care deeply about the things of God."

Didn't bother to read it, but sounds like a snapshot of American Christians.
Doesn’t surprise me! They’ve been invading everyone personal space for decades by holding their own microphone close to their mouths!
Jack Hyles always had negative things to say about Pensacola. I can imagine if he had high school students who refused to go to HAC and chose Pensacola what he would say to them.

Also a lot of other top IFB's Tony Hutson, Larry Brown, and Jack Trieber don't think highly of Pensacola.

So since Pensacola is going worldly are they fully accredited now and will they loosen up on the rules and let women wear pants, men wear shorts etc.
Jack Hyles always had negative things to say about Pensacola. I can imagine if he had high school students who refused to go to HAC and chose Pensacola what he would say to them.

Also a lot of other top IFB's Tony Hutson, Larry Brown, and Jack Trieber don't think highly of Pensacola.

So since Pensacola is going worldly are they fully accredited now and will they loosen up on the rules and let women wear pants, men wear shorts etc.

Come on pants, and shorts are not going to send you to hell...
I would have a hard time documenting percentage claims about 4,500 students that are made by two students.

A few weeks ago I looked at some PCC sites. I found a handful of posts accurately describing (and criticizing) the rules. i.e. They won't let you make out, etc. and another handful of posts making wild claims that ranged from difficult to believe to impossible to believe. I found nothing, absolutely nothing, that would indicate a widespread hostility towards PCC by its alumni.

I did get the strong impression that PCC regards parents (who are usually paying the bills) as the ones they have to cater to. And having never met a PCC graduate, I suspect that most of their graduates do not stay long in the ministry.
What has happened to the Sherryh we all know and love??

Has she converted to a Joel Osteen follower?

That made me laugh out loud!! I don't like Joel Osteen never listen to him....
Many blessings Twisted!!
Jack Hyles always had negative things to say about Pensacola. I can imagine if he had high school students who refused to go to HAC and chose Pensacola what he would say to them.

Also a lot of other top IFB's Tony Hutson, Larry Brown, and Jack Trieber don't think highly of Pensacola.

So since Pensacola is going worldly are they fully accredited now and will they loosen up on the rules and let women wear pants, men wear shorts etc.
There are many FBC kids going to PCC.
There are many FBC kids going to PCC.

I'm sure the great Jack Hyles is rolling over in his grave based on how much he hated them and called them "liberal" and "sissies" because they had male students who played pianos and PCC had plays and that's why Hyles didn't like BJU.

Maybe John Wilkerson is a bit more open minded and doesn't demand all kids/youth at FBCH to go to HAC like Hyles did.
I don't know how most of you feel, but I really don't care about what leaders (dead or alive) think who have double standards. I have sat under spiritually abusive preachers who preached high standards that they themselves couldn't meet to parishioners while they have covered incest, rape, and attempted rape under the guise of forgiveness and have badmouthed me to preachers when I stood up to them. My home church was a mini-cosm of First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana. I went off to college to escape rape. Years later, I find out that the professors and people I respected in college were no different from the crap from which I was running. I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt because I think most people want that for themselves and even others. With my background, I told myself I will give the benefit until one of the kids speak out. Then Jack Schaap went off the rails, and Linda Hyles Murphrey spoke out against her dad and brother. I watched the infighting and nastiness and am disillusioned with Christianity. Leadership and parents are suppose to protect the innocent and those who are vulnerable. I can't recommend unbelievers to what I've experienced and seen in Christendom.
There are Bible believing churches that don't share the evil characteristics found at some of the IFBs. Unfortunately, one of the things that probably draws abusers to the IFB is the absolute control some IFBs grant leadership. I do think, although late in the game, some IFBs are starting to come around. Where all IFBs used to close ranks when it came to one of there own, you now see a few standing up for the victims against their fellow pastors. There are some independent churches such as many of the "Bible Churches" and some denominations that still hold faithful to the Bible and don't practice the power games found at some IFBs.
Your stories sound like many I've heard. I will say the larger IFB I'm currently a part of (at least for another 7 months) has made great improvements. The former pastor was a Hyles guy. About anyone connected with the Hyles ministry would know who he is. I started attending right after he was forced to resign. The new pastor stopped the congregation from standing up and clapping when the pastors entered the room. He also made things much more transparent than before. He does not smear members who leave and has even had several come back. There still are some Hyles things that have hung on. We still have fake doctors and there is still some Hyles worship (many of the members came from the school or church). Of course this is from an observer in stands. I'm not really in the know.

After getting saved I was a member of a non-IFB church for the first 8 years. I've never been one to blindly follow so my experiences may be a bit different. The non-IFB churches I attended did feel more "real"-not like one is just playing their expected part. There was more room for differences on the non-essentials. I'm not only comparing IFB to Non-IFB so this may be an unfair comparison, but in the non-IFB church I never had to make an appointment with the pastor's secretary to speak with him. The difficulty is after being part of an IFB church, going to a non-IFB church and not seeing them as a bunch of liberals. There are still some conservative leaning denoms and independent churches out there, though.
Wasn't PCC the ones who started the "Eye Kissing" and "Eye Babies" that if you look at girl with lust you can get her pregnant by lusting after her??
I'm beginning to think we should just send our kids to state institutions, let them pick professions where they can provide for their children, and be done with it all.

Or not send them to college at all. Many professions that pay well enough to provide for a family don't need college - and many of the college degrees are useless.
I have only been in IFB churches. The last couple of churches and leaders have done me in. We have been out of church for close to 2 years. We were in a big IBF church until my husband's half brother blew up his marriage. This brother had a pornography problem and was abusive. His wife had an affair on him. About this time, I went into the hospital for foot surgery. The leadership called in the guise of concern to get information on how we were connected to the brother. We were dropped because of all the drama with my husband's father's family. We tried to go back after all my foot surgeries. When we went back, our Sunday school teacher lied, and said we hadn't been back because of the weather and the distance we traveled. We were gone for over a year. I wanted to say, "Be real! There hasn't been bad weather for everyday for the past year." We were shadowed while we were there that day. We left quietly and went to another church. That pastor got wind of our connection to that church and half brother. He didn't go out toward us at all until his small church that was meeting in a store front bought a church and needed some specialized work done for free of course. Most of the pastors I've sat under care more about their physical church buildings, tithes, and how you can save their ministry a buck than they do about the people in the pews. The butt kissing between the people and pastor to get what they want was unreal. My husband was working 10 hr shifts, 6 days a week, and stopping off on his way home to do stuff for the pastor. My husband has a good heart and would give you his shirt off his back. We were majorly discouraged. We stopped going. The pastor calls my husband on his cellphone 3 months later. If God is anything like the pastors I've sat under, then He really doesn't care.

These stories break my heart. I pray you look for a pastor that #1 loves the Lord and then his people. My prayers are with you.
Meanwhile we get labeled uncommitted and unpastorable.
When I started at my current IFB about 8 years ago I made it clear I was uncommitted and unpastorable from the beginning. First meeting with the pastor I told the pastor my wife wears pants and we don't believe in eternal security. On top of that told him I had a preference for KJV (I did at the time) but that I'm not KJVO. So expectations were set from the beginning. On the downside some of the assistant pastors did try to get me resaved along the way.