David Eells: Unleavened Bread

I hope that everyone will pray with pure hearts for the liberation of the chief evangelist. We need him because everyone is in winter now.
Mission accomplished. You’ve raised awareness of the dangers of David Eells, you’ve been given links to report any suspected criminal wrongdoing, and you’ve got folks praying for you all.
@Tappan114 : So, you have recently come away from this cult. Where are you looking for fellowship? Assuming you are in East Tennessee, there are lots of good churches available. I'd encourage you to find one and get involved if you haven't yet.

Ask this forum what kind of church you should find and you'll get a bunch of opinions... Some good, others, meh...I pray the Holy Spirit leads you to the fellowship that can not only teach you the Word but can plug you into a body that will help you transition to a sensible faith and free you of the damage that has been done to you.
you’ve been given links to report any suspected criminal wrongdoing,
Remember, he's in a country that is being torn by civil war. Not only that, proclamation of anything but the state religion puts one in hot water anyway. I think reporting is best done from right here in the USA.
Remember, he's in a country that is being torn by civil war. Not only that, proclamation of anything but the state religion puts one in hot water anyway. I think reporting is best done from right here in the USA.
I thought he was the guy in Tennessee, but regardless, the guy in Tennessee seems to know the guy in the Middle East. This whole conversation has gotten very confusing.
OK, so if his ministry is failing, then what’s the concern? Let nature take its course.
Well the concern is there is still people we are friends with inside his dangerous cult. He is teaching them to speak to the dead, channel spirits, etc. That is not of the Lord at all. He is also speaking about actual people who left on live youtube and damaging their reputations every Friday night. So there's that.
I thought he was the guy in Tennessee, but regardless, the guy in Tennessee seems to know the guy in the Middle East. This whole conversation has gotten very confusing.
I think you and I are in agreement 😲 that this Eells guy is a whack job on his way out.

My burden for Zechariah is his situation in a nation that is in it's own turmoil not to mention being a minority religion... Believers over there don't need anything else complicating matters.
The only thing I’d add is don’t continue watching David’s videos on YouTube. One of you said something about waiting to see his videos on Friday nights. Out of sight, out of mind.
I can't speak for everyone but I do like Derek Prince Ministries.
I did a search...

Some red flags pop up... Namely, Derek Prince this and Derek Prince that... He's got a lot of literature out there with his name all over it...

There is some stuff about "expelling demons" a major red flag for me.

He lays down an okay statement of faith... But there are some issues there too... Again, to do with his take on demons.

Here's a link to his quotes: https://www.derekprince.com/about/quotes

These quotes warrant some scrutiny...
We haven't really settled any place. It's all still pretty fresh. We (those who have recently left ), and Berean hang out with some other people who also left David all the way back to like 2011. There's about 20 of us or so that regularly come together, do bon fires, cookouts, or meet at coffee houses so we do have some manner of fellowship. Right now a little shell shocked to join anything or become a "member" of anything. We just want to do the Lords will, and maybe do some outreach ministry. I can't speak for everyone but I do like Derek Prince Ministries.
My advice is to find a solid church, one that doesn't major on a single preacher or author. There are good IFB churches out there despite what the media would have you to believe.

Myself, I attend a Calvary Chapel. Been doing so for 23 years. Of course, I'm going to be biased towards CC... but their main strength is expository teaching of the Word. You get the whole Word of God, not just some pastor's agenda.
no deep re-wiring required, but still some apprehension though. The Lord will turn this evil into good..
Definitely prayers for you as well. Getting involved with someone like Eells is going to naturally leave the best of us with apprehension issues. But I think what Huk said was spot on: Don't keep going back to his postings. Out of sight is definitely out of mind.
Praying for us is the most beautiful help
Brother Zechariah I am praying for you daily. I have been around muslims & lived amongst them so I know how difficult it is for you and the people who left. It is much easier for those living in the western countries because at least we have the access to Bibles and great teaching.
And now, after a week of focus on Eells and his wackadoodle dandies, it seems the consensus here is that the following is still the best advice:

What is your native language? Do you have a translation of the Old and New Testaments in that language?

If not, I hope you can get one. I will pray the Lord sends you a preacher.

But in the Bible, start with the Gospel of Luke, then read The Acts of the Apostles, then the book of Romans, and you will surely learn of Christ. :)

@zechariah , if you're still there I'll just refer you to

where you can download free copies of the Arabic Bible (Van Dyke translation). That may help you in your printing efforts, and it's a reliable, scholarly translation.
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Thanks I appreciate it. Yeah, true. It's like a train wreck.. some of us that left , did decide today ironically enough to just try to forget his channel exists and just prayerfully wait for those of our friends who are still there to come out. That's all we can do anyway.
I wish you were like a train wreck. You knew what we were exposed to. We were killed. Our children and women were taken away. More than 4,000 thousand of us were killed. And together with this, we still believe in the Lord and pray.
والآن، بعد أسبوع من التركيز على إيلز وأتباعه المتهورين، يبدو أن الإجماع هنا هو أن ما يلي لا يزال هو أفضل نصيحة:

And now, after a week of focus on Eells and his wackadoodle dandies, it seems the consensus here is that the following is still the best advice:
If there is a church that will help us or a pastor, it will be optional and not mandatory
If we will do something, it is to publish only the Bible and no other books will be published until after the approval of the chief teacher
Brother Zechariah I am praying for you daily. I have been around muslims & lived amongst them so I know how difficult it is for you and the people who left. It is much easier for those living in the western countries because at least we have the access to Bibles and great teaching.
I think you are the only one who knows what it means to live among Muslims
Praying for you and our other persecuted brother(s).
@Tappan114 @ALAYMAN @abcaines @Ekklesian

We have a new problem today and I don't know what to do

You know that we are from a Muslim society and there is polygamy
We have a person who has become a Christian and is married to three women. What do we do, knowing that he has children from the three women?
The second question
We also have a person who believes in the Lord Jesus as his wife
The man was absent for more than a year and a half, and everyone was informed that he was dead and had been killed. After that, another man married this person’s husband, and after four months, the first husband returned, and when he returned, his wife became separated from another person and she was also pregnant, so what should we do?