What's Your Weather Today?

Rather hot today. Temps right around 100° right now, about 20% humidity. Tomorrow is forecast to be even warmer.

Today was the Bug Splat ride put on by our Orofino chapter. We did the ride between 10-noon and we rode up in the mountains so it was very pleasant for the most part. It began to get hot as we rolled back into Orofino. Then for Mrs. abcaines and myself, we had a 50 mile ride back home. It got pretty toasty riding along in the river valley. The ride out this morning was heavenly with temps in the 70s.
Upper 80s and muggy. Here in the Ohio Valley we are used to prolonged 90s by now but we have an unseasonably moderate summer so far with temperatures. The grass would be yellowing and crunchy, slowing in growth to it only gets cut every two to three weeks, but it’s still green and needing cut weekly. Very poor pool weather.
79 for the high today, super weirdly on the moderate side. Definitely proves global warming.