My wife has had some serious health issues in the past. She has had several surgeries and on the last one the doctor said it is only a matter of time until you need another one. She has been through the therapy sessions, pain management sessions, drug therapy, shots, the works and surgery is the only option.
Due to the economic conditions we face we lost our group insurance policy and needed to find other insurance. I can get a policy with no trouble but it is impossible for me to get her insured because of a pre-existing condition. Now, due to the Affordable Care Act we found a government run insurance policy that she is eligible for and got her on it. Here is what we experienced:
In all of the literature they said if you get your premium and application in by the 15th of any month you will be covered by the 30th. If we receive it after the 15th you will be covered by the 15th of the next month. It took 3 months to get on the plan. Every time we called they said that they were very busy or it was under review. We have been given 3 different dates when coverage was started. We have a letter saying coverage began 11/15/11. Now after some doctor's appointments in January of 2012 they wrote us saying that these would not be paid because coverage had not begun yet.
Now after 3 different doctors have said that surgery is the ONLY option the insurance company has denied coverage saying that surgery is not warranted. We have had two appeals which were both denied and we are waiting on the third and final appeal right now. They have told us that coverage had not begun yet when we had the doctor's visit even though they needed an okay from the insurance company to do an MRI (which they approved).
When Sarah Palin warned about government death panels deciding who would live and who would die she was not very far off the mark.
Due to the economic conditions we face we lost our group insurance policy and needed to find other insurance. I can get a policy with no trouble but it is impossible for me to get her insured because of a pre-existing condition. Now, due to the Affordable Care Act we found a government run insurance policy that she is eligible for and got her on it. Here is what we experienced:
In all of the literature they said if you get your premium and application in by the 15th of any month you will be covered by the 30th. If we receive it after the 15th you will be covered by the 15th of the next month. It took 3 months to get on the plan. Every time we called they said that they were very busy or it was under review. We have been given 3 different dates when coverage was started. We have a letter saying coverage began 11/15/11. Now after some doctor's appointments in January of 2012 they wrote us saying that these would not be paid because coverage had not begun yet.
Now after 3 different doctors have said that surgery is the ONLY option the insurance company has denied coverage saying that surgery is not warranted. We have had two appeals which were both denied and we are waiting on the third and final appeal right now. They have told us that coverage had not begun yet when we had the doctor's visit even though they needed an okay from the insurance company to do an MRI (which they approved).
When Sarah Palin warned about government death panels deciding who would live and who would die she was not very far off the mark.