What is the Gospel?


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Jan 31, 2012
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Gulf Shores, Alabama
This is such a fundamental question, I don't know if it has been discussed... but certainly needs to be.

I think we all assume that posters who claim to be "Fundamental Baptist" know the answer. Unfortunately, the Gospel gets clouded with add-ons (clothing, Bible version preference), that we cannot just assume this of anyone.

Recent discussions, UGC claims there are multiple Gospels in Scripture. It's a false teaching that stems from the notes of CI Scofield. Perhaps it is an exaggerated expansion of what Scofield meant. Nevertheless, here is the Gospel in a nutshell (pronounced by Jesus himself).

Jesus says "This is written." He declares the Gospel IS found in the OT: (Ps. 22; 31; 69; 118; Isa. 53)

“This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
Repentance is still a part of the gospel message. Some dispensationalists say that we entered a new dispensation in the book of Acts and that repentance is no longer for today. However, very late in Acts, near the end of his ministry, the Apostle Paul proclaimed in Acts 26:19-20, "Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: But shewed first unto them of Damascus,, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

Revelation was probably the last book of the Bible to be written, but repentance is still taught there: "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts." -Revelation 9:20-21.

[Standing by for someone to post a video of "refined down," "Complete" dispensationalism proving, against all evidence, that repentance is "not for today.]"
illinoisguy is a prime example of someone who is not saved and is under the curse of the law. Be like him and you'll go straight hell.

Man, isn't it nice to be in reality and not be offended by everything? I'll just keep it real: if you believe that, you're burning forever. Refreshing to just say it, ay. If you think you have to stop sinning like this moron and actually preach that, you're doubly accursed. Hell is hot and the coals are being stoked for illinoisguy.

He doesn't even know what the word "repentance" means.
Forever and ever.

In a way, I love my profession. Bible teacher.

This isn't like gambling at a casino and losing 100k, if you be like illinoisguy the moron and gamble with your incomplete understanding of scripture, you'll lose it all. Ever sat on a stove? You will in hell.

Notice how illinoisguy ignored pretty much all salvation verses in the Bible for his private interpretation of 2 verses, essentially exacto-knifing Salvation out of the Bible for his self-righteous, imaginary interpretation of the word repentance.

The first verse he references talks about works that follow repentance, and how they should do them (just like Eph. 2:8-10). However illinoisguy must have a memory worse than Joe Biden because he forgot that in almost every other verse that references salvation, it says that you are not saved by your works. But no, illinoisguy uses 1 verse out of context to remove at least 7 other verses from the Bible. What does God say will happen to those who remove his words?

The second verse he uses is ripped completely out of context from Revelation of all places (what kind of moron goes to Revelation for his Salvation doctrine), during which time the Mark of the Beast and the worship of his image is going on, and the scenario will be drastically different, as it will be likely that once you take the Mark, you can't repent (Heb. 6), which is what Revelation is talking about: the end of the great tribulation where those dedicated to the Beast are not repenting of sin (in this case the context is indeed speaking about repenting of sin, unlike other places where repentance is actually tied together with Salvation, and the text is absolutely not negating the payment of Christ for sin neither is it saying they'd have to work to stop sinning to get into heaven: it's simply identifying what they are doing: they are stuck under the false prophet's deception and the sins that follow. It does not say, as illinoisguy would have you believe: "if only they stopped sinning, God would let them in!" No. No one gets in that way. No one.
Now that illinoisguy is no doubt shaking in his boots, we can get him saved.

Let's address Rev. 9:20-21 further (anyone who has read the Bible can figure Acts 26 out):

"20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts."

Notice how first, in verse 20, God talks about them not repenting (changing their mind) from worshipping devils, meaning they are BELIEVING in gods that are not the one true God instead of BELIEVING in HIM. THEN, in verse 21, it says "neither repented they", meaning additionally, and obviously BECAUSE of them BELIEVING in the Beast and the rest of the devils, they were doing these other sins.

If you actually read the Bible, repentance for Salvation concerns you changing your mind / turning from believing in anything else (including trusting in your own self-righteous ability to turn from your sins) to trusting the finished payment Christ provided for you at the cross. You did NOT repent if you think you have to stop sinning or that there are still potential sins that you could do in the future that could cause you to go to hell: because that means you're not actually believing Christ paid for your sins: you are essentially instead believing his payment was incomplete or not good enough.

Did Christ pay for your sins? Then why are you still thinking you need to turn from them to get into heaven. I thought he paid for all of them. If he paid for them yet you could still do some that would send you to hell: he didn't pay for all of them. Therefore you never repented and believed in the TOTALITY and SUFFICIENCY of Christ's payment. You were never saved and you're under the curse of the law.

It's no wonder Satan uses these Lordship Salvationists to attack true Christians. It's going to be a terrifying day when you realize you had it all wrong.
Recent discussions, UGC claims there are multiple Gospels in Scripture.
For a guy who claims there's only one Gospel in scripture (there's obviously not, any 5 year old who can read knows this),
you don't even have the Gospel of the Grace of God right. Your "one Gospel" is the wrong Gospel.

Paul, writing to the Body of Christ in the Church Age, says there is only 1 Gospel that gets you into the Body of Christ during the Church Age.

The problem with your theory is that the Gospel of the Kingdom was preached by men who didn't know what the Gospel of the Grace of God was.
It's a false teaching that stems from the notes of CI Scofield.
Are you claiming that the majority of Baptists (and additionally, many Pentecostals) in the United States, especially during Scofield's time, all had a false Gospel and went to hell?

The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Yes, "change your mind" and believe in Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

Where does it say "turn from your sins for the forgiveness of sins". I thought Christ PAID for your sins.
It's a false teaching that stems from the notes of CI Scofield.
Wait, wait, wait let's revisit this.

So you really believe that during the early 1900's, when America was strongly Christian and almost everyone in it was Christian, that they all had a False Gospel, a crappy Bible (KJV) that needed to be fixed by Ghost Busters Westcott & Horton Hears a Devil, and they went to hell,

But now
that our country is in total apostasy, the holy union of marriage is destroyed therefore so is the family, little kids can change their gender at will, Christianity has never been less popular, New Age and Atheism rules the land, Socialist/Communist ideologies have taken over, riots are burning down the nation, they're trying to remove the police and replace it with mob rule in illegitimate autonomous anarchist cities like "CHOP" (which came from the idea of reviving the guillotine: which the Bible says will happen in the Great Tribulation soon), pandemics are locking us in and shutting down CHURCHES and businesses, and we even can't go outside without a mask on,

you're saying that now, the Biblically illiterate, elementary-school level doctrinal understanding of the new famous Lordship Salvationists who disagree with Scofield are right? No. I think the church is in apostasy because it doesn't even know what salvation is anymore, therefore it stopped saving souls, and I think God is judging this nation for it. If you didn't know, Covenant Theologians, who all believe in only one Gospel, also believe the Church replaced Israel. Good luck facing God with that one.
This isn't like gambling at a casino and losing 100k, if you be like illinoisguy the moron and gamble with your incomplete understanding of scripture, you'll lose it all. Ever sat on a stove? You will in hell.
So, you don't just need to know the basic Gospel message to get to Heaven, you must have a complete understanding of Scripture. Sounds like somebody believes in works based salvation.

Of course Illinois never said you had to cease to sin to get to Heaven. One only has to to repent (turn from following their own evil ways to following Christ). If you say you have decided to follow Christ while keeping the intention to continue in your sin, then you have not "turned to Christ". In my wife's native country you see this all the time. They will become Catholic while still continuing to be involved in pagan worship. If a baptist comes around and convinces them to get "saved" they will pray the sinner's prayer just to cover their bases. There is no turning from anything just adding another God to their collection. Christians are Christ followers. There is no such thing as a non Christ following Christ follower.
“This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

All I do is quote straight from the Bible with no commentary and UGC calls it heresy.
you're saying that now, the Biblically illiterate, elementary-school level doctrinal understanding of the new famous Lordship Salvationists who disagree with Scofield are right?

You haven’t read Scofield... so, why comment in favor of him!
Oops, I forgot, Rucky says there will be a different plan of salvation in the Tribulation period. So apparently that means that anything in the book of Revelation is "not for today" just like almost everything else in the New Testament according to the hyperdispensationalists.

Ugg says I have a worse memory than Sleepy Joe. He really knows how to insult a guy. Just as well, since he's not much good for anything else.
Strange fire going on here!
I never met a repentant person who intended on continuing the sin.
Then all of those people are not saved or they were at one point and now some heretic came along and confused them, because that's not what Salvation is about at, they missed the entire point. Notice the terminology he used: "strange fire". Sounds like a MacArthurite to me, yet you've said you weren't one, yet you tend to talk about him, but then said "I never talk about him". STRANGE.

The Gospel is not "God I promise to stop sinning and follow and obey you from now on". That's called works salvation.

The Gospel is "God I'm dead in sin (that's what the Bible says), I can't be good enough (that's what the Bible says), I trust that Jesus Christ paid for my sins as my savior".

Repentance is NOT "God I'm turning around and stoppin' my sinnin'! I'm ready to start livin' right! Let me in!" Wrong. Repentance is defined as a "Change of Mind".

Hebrews 6:1 says they repented FROM their dead WORKS which cannot save them. Why? Because Hebrews are familiar with trying to stop sinning, or turning from sin under the law. Therefore they had to repent from thinking their trying to live sinlessly could get them into heaven.

Have you ever read the Book of Romans, buddy? What do you think the entire purpose of that book is? Paul is telling them that the law has now concluded them ALL under sin, and that NO man could be saved by trying to turn from his sins: Everyone needs the payment of Christ instead.
Oops, I forgot, Rucky says there will be a different plan of salvation in the Tribulation period
Ruckman was wrong about Salvation in the Tribulation period. One of the only things he got wrong.

Lordship Salvationists are wrong about Salvation in every period. Much worse.
Here's Dr. Hank Lindstrom in a short video breaking it down succinctly, directly from the word:

[Timestamped directly to point]:
Repentance is NOT "God I'm turning around and stoppin' my sinnin'! I'm ready to start livin' right! Let me in!" Wrong. Repentance is defined as a "Change of Mind".

Who says metanoia (greek word for repentance) means "change of mind?"
Who says metanoia (greek word for repentance) means "change of mind?"
You could look it up in a valid Greek Lexicon, or you could figure it out this way:

You know the word "paranoia", right? It comes from the same Greek origin as "metanoia".

"para" means "beside" or "abnormal"
"noia" means "thought" or "of the mind"

Paranoia: abnormal thinking, or abnormal state of mind, or "beside" normal thinking

"meta" means change or "after" ("after" in a transcendent sense here)
"noia" means "thought" or "of the mind"

Metanoia: change your mind, change the way you think

Metanoia does not mean to turn around and stop sinning. The reason people think this is because the English word "Repent" has close ties to the Catholic word "Penance" (Do works to atone for your sins for Salvation: when the Bible says NOTHING but the blood can atone for / remit sins).
So, you don't just need to know the basic Gospel message to get to Heaven, you must have a complete understanding of Scripture.

If you don't know the basic Gospel message, but are instead publicly promoting an accursed one that can send people to hell due to your irresponsible ignorance in pushing a false narrative, then it's because you have an incomplete or twisted understanding of Scripture, by which it would behove you to gain a more complete understanding.


If you do know the basic Gospel message, you probably understand Salvation, and don't necessarily need a complete understanding of Scripture, but should probably get one anyway in case a Lordship Salvationist comes along and dupes you back under bondage.