What is Conservatism: US style


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Jan 31, 2012
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Gulf Shores, Alabama
Conservatism in the US has been characterized by:

1) limiting the role of government
2) strong foreign policy
3) constitutional judicial system
4) economic trickle down
5) right to life

How has the never Trump Republicanism done in the above?
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A Conservative Just a Liberal Who Has Been Mugged​

2) strong foreign policy
Both the Republican and Democrat parties have been responsible for the United States sticking their nose into places in which we have absolutely no business being! Both are deep into the pockets of the "Military Industrial Complex" and have been instrumental in keeping our nation at war these past 20 years!

Donald Trump turned the tables on this. There have been no more new wars or conflicts during his presidency and had he been president during the Afghanistan withdrawl, it would not have become the absolute debacle that it became! Had Trump been president, Russia would likely have never messed with Ukraine and there would not be the war between Israel and the Palestinians!

Strong foreign policy? ABSOLUTELY! But we need to have the RIGHT strong foreign policy and I am all for the foreign policy we had under the Trump administration and will hopefully have under the NEXT Trump administration!

The Dumb-O-Crats and Mainstream Republicans are pro-"New World Order" whereas Trump will tell the New World Order where they can shove it! This is the type of President and the type of "Strong Foreign Policy" I am in favor of!
Both the Republican and Democrat parties have been responsible for the United States sticking their nose into places in which we have absolutely no business being! Both are deep into the pockets of the "Military Industrial Complex" and have been instrumental in keeping our nation at war these past 20 years!

Donald Trump turned the tables on this. There have been no more new wars or conflicts during his presidency and had he been president during the Afghanistan withdrawl, it would not have become the absolute debacle that it became! Had Trump been president, Russia would likely have never messed with Ukraine and there would not be the war between Israel and the Palestinians!

Strong foreign policy? ABSOLUTELY! But we need to have the RIGHT strong foreign policy and I am all for the foreign policy we had under the Trump administration and will hopefully have under the NEXT Trump administration!

The Dumb-O-Crats and Mainstream Republicans are pro-"New World Order" whereas Trump will tell the New World Order where they can shove it! This is the type of President and the type of "Strong Foreign Policy" I am in favor of!