Several of the discussions lately have made me ponder the question "What is a good testimony?" As I've pondered this it seems like we've lost a biblical definition of the term and have made it about what makes us look good to the people in our church. For instance, in Job 29, Job's defense of his righteousness is that he was a father to the fatherless, made widows hearts sing with joy, and helped those in need. Jesus' example of the good Samaritan was of someone who went out of his way to show love and compassion to a hurting stranger. In both these examples the "good testimony" was showing God's love and concern to people in need.
In Micah 6 God talks about what pleases Him:
6 With what shall I come before the Lord,
And bow myself before the High God?
Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
With calves a year old?
7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
Ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
I contend that not going to a bar, or not going to a theater, or dressing to certain standards, or any number of other things that Christians say constitutes a good testimony are meaningless to the people we are to be a good testimony to (the world). They are just our attempt to look good to each other. What the world needs to see as a testimony is that we have compassion for the hurting and offer the love of Christ to the needy.
(Note that I'm not criticizing standards or behavior based on conscience or avoidance of temptation. I am arguing with the use of "good testimony" as a means to control behavior.)
Please feel free to try and convince me otherwise.
In Micah 6 God talks about what pleases Him:
6 With what shall I come before the Lord,
And bow myself before the High God?
Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
With calves a year old?
7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
Ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
I contend that not going to a bar, or not going to a theater, or dressing to certain standards, or any number of other things that Christians say constitutes a good testimony are meaningless to the people we are to be a good testimony to (the world). They are just our attempt to look good to each other. What the world needs to see as a testimony is that we have compassion for the hurting and offer the love of Christ to the needy.
(Note that I'm not criticizing standards or behavior based on conscience or avoidance of temptation. I am arguing with the use of "good testimony" as a means to control behavior.)
Please feel free to try and convince me otherwise.