An another example, once again, of how our country is going to heck in a hand-basket because of political correctness.
For one thing, PC is mainly a tool for the left. They can not win an issue with truth, so they make things up to support their position.
For example, Christianity and thre Jewish faith is bashed all the time. But you hear no screaming from the left on that.
But if you say something slightly out of color (no pun intended) about blacks, Islam, or gays, or other nationalities (ie Oriental), they scream bloody murder. Al Sharpton and his buddy rappers can use the N word, and there is a complete pass. I use it in the same vain, then I am a racist.
People need to grow some 'you-know-whats', and move on. Life is tough eough without acting as though your life is destroyed because someone called you name. Good grief, it is getting ridiculous!