Urgent Prayer Request - medical emergency


Active member
Jan 28, 2012
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I just got this email a few minutes.

Please for this pastor's daughter She's about 14 or 15 years old and needs a tumor to shrink before it can be removed.

Dear Praying Friends,

1. For some this will be the first that you have heard so I will try to update you on what is going on. If you know any prayer warriors please forward on this email.

Missy (Priscilla) has been sick since the start of the year. After numerous doctor visits and finally a chest x-ray. It was revealed that she has a growth in her chest. At first the doctors thought it was TB but that turned out negative. A CT scan was done on Tuesday the 8th of May and it revealed what the doctors thought was a tumour. This growth is on the lung and wind pipe and is compressing both thus inhibits  breathing. The lump has completely cut off blood from the main vein to the upper part of the body, Priscilla
I'll be praying for her and her family.  They will surely need God's comfort during this time.
She survived the dangerous initial operation (biopsy) which was today but keep praying about the lump. Removal or treatment of the lump is the next step in this matter.
Here's the latest. I think she'll be ok :)

Dear Praying Brethren,

Thank you all very much for our coveted prayers. Praise God for His hand upon Missy. The results of the biopsy is that Missy had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, probably second stage. The Consultant says it has 80% success in treatment. Now that they have the results, her entire body has to be checked. This morning she was taken to a private hospital clinic for a PET scan. Praise God that this was carried out so quickly ,as usually people  have to wait weeks for this. Thursday we will have the results. Yet again we