In what ways?TheRealJonStewart said:Stacey Shifflet is one who I believe will "reform" the IFB movement. Not Steven Anderson or Josh Teis.
Thank you for posting this - it's good to hear Pastor Shiflett tell it like it us. Please continue to post his follow-up videos, since he is inviting us to stay tuned to this channel. We cannot allow Gray, Neal, Domelle and Trieber to speak for, and muddy up the image of, all IFBs with their theology of "cover-up of IFBX sex perverts for the good of the ministry."
How about there will be no more cover up of pastors, their wives, their kids, their music directors...on and on and on sexually abusing kids. How about ridding this mentality of the pastor being in control of your life. That would be a start.In what ways?