Transgender boy wins girls state wrestling title

First... "he" is a girl. Always been a girl and still remains a girl. It is not possible to change XX chromosomes to XY.

With that said, is it allowable in high school sports to enhance one's performance using testosterone and steroids?
I'm wondering how they let her compete against other girls while it's a known fact she is on testosterone, that in of itself is banned by all athletic committees for a PED.....
And why aren't the parents of this child being arrested for child abuse is beyond me......
Should read, "Confused Girl On Testosterone Beats All The Other Wrestling Girls That Did Not Use Body Altering Drugs".  With that said, this world has gone crazy and is being run by those who have been handed over to reprobate minds!
FSSL said:
With that said, is it allowable in high school sports to enhance one's performance using testosterone and steroids?

Apparently so, if you claim you are "transitioning."
FSSL said:
It is not possible to change XX chromosomes to XY.

That is probably true.  But with the way genetics engineering is these days, one never knows.

Nevertheless, there are documented cases of babies born with all the body parts of one gender, while having the 23rd chromosome combination of the other gender.  There are several syndromes associated with this condition, as well as descriptive terms, among which are hermaphrodism and androgynism.

There can be no question that a person is born with his sexual orientation: i.e., homosexuals are born that way.
Route_70 said:
Nevertheless, there are documented cases of babies born with all the body parts of one gender, while having the 23rd chromosome combination of the other gender.  There are several syndromes associated with this condition, as well as descriptive terms, among which are hermaphrodism and androgynism.

Intersexuality is an objectively measurable condition; essentially, a birth defect that makes a person's sex organs ambiguous.

Transgender persons are not claiming to be intersex. Their "gender" is not detectable or measurable by medicine; it exists in the realm of opinion, feelings, and in the minority of genuine cases of gender dysphoria, mental illness.
Route_70 said:
That is probably true.  But with the way genetics engineering is these days, one never knows.

Science gets squishy, only in the minds of progressives.
FSSL said:
Route_70 said:
That is probably true.  But with the way genetics engineering is these days, one never knows.

Science gets squishy, only in the minds of progressives.

Unless we are talking about evolution.  8)
subllibrm said:
Unless we are talking about evolution.  8)

Evolution is an untestable theory. It is a worldview that interprets fossils.
Route_70 said:
There can be no question that a person is born with his sexual orientation: i.e., homosexuals are born that way.

Yes, they are born sinners.
FSSL said:
Evolution is an untestable theory. It is a worldview that interprets fossils.

Evolution is a proven fact.  Creation is an untestable fable.  It is a narrow-minded view based on questionable sources.
Route_70 said:
FSSL said:
Evolution is an untestable theory. It is a worldview that interprets fossils.

Evolution is a proven fact.  Creation is an untestable fable.  It is a narrow-minded view based on questionable sources.
Creation is a fact and you know it. You suppress the knowledge God in unrighteousness.
Route_70 said:
FSSL said:
Evolution is an untestable theory. It is a worldview that interprets fossils.

Evolution is a proven fact.  Creation is an untestable fable.  It is a narrow-minded view based on questionable sources.

Atheist ?scientists? in order to prove we sprang from a tadpole or some other low life form claim that nothing created everything.

?It is now becoming clear that everything can ? and probably did ? come from nothing.?  - (Robert A. J. Matthews, physicist, Ashton University, England)

?Space and time both started at the Big Bang and therefore there was nothing before it.? - (Cornell University?s ?Ask an Astronomer?)

?Some physicists believe our universe was created by colliding with another, but Kaku [a theoretical physicist at City University of New York] says it also may have sprung from nothing...? - (

?Few people are aware of the fact that many modern physicists claim that things ? perhaps even the entire universe ? can indeed arise from nothing via natural processes.? - (Mark I. Vuletic, Creation Ex Nihilo ? Without God)

?To understand these facts we have to turn to science.  Where did they all come from, and how did they get so darned outrageous?  Well, it all started with nothing.? - (Fifty Outrageous Animal Facts,? Animal Planet)

?To the average person it might seem obvious that nothing can happen in nothing.  But to a quantum physicist, nothing is, in fact, something.? - (Discover Magazine, ?Phisics & Math/Cosmology?)

?It is rather fantastic to realize that the laws of physics can describe how everything was created in a random quantum fluctuation out of nothing, and how over the course of 15 billion years, matter could organize in such complex ways that we have human beings sitting here, talking, doing things intentionally.? -  (Alan Harvey Guth, theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Discover Magazine)

?The fact that life evolved of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice? - (Richard Dawkins, The Ancestor?s Tale)

Which is more complex:

a.  Mt. Rushmore

b.  a 747

c.  a worm

If you guessed ?worm,? you are right.  The DNA structures, digestive system and reproductive system are far more complex that those other things that obviously had a designer.  Maybe just maybe, someone designed that worm, too.  (The Evidence Bible)

What are you doing on a Christian forum?
Route_70 said:
Evolution is a proven fact.  Creation is an untestable fable.  It is a narrow-minded view based on questionable sources.

Says the person who denies that xx and xy chromosomes are definitive of sex.
FSSL said:
Route_70 said:
Evolution is a proven fact.  Creation is an untestable fable.  It is a narrow-minded view based on questionable sources.

Says the person who denies that xx and xy chromosomes are definitive of sex.

"The girl has the normal chromosome count ? 46 ? and should be male. Other children who have the male sex chromosome but do not appear to be boys have been found to have gene mutations that temper the Y chromosome?s effects. However this child doesn?t have ambiguous gonads, shrivelled testes or other developmental defects. She instead has a normal vagina, cervix and set of ovaries."
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

I would grant you there is an occasional physical abnormality when it come to the rare hermaphroditism. But normal people born with true functioning organs, I would say no. They are people who are living in sin trying to be something that they were not created to be. They're are no mistakes in Gods creation, and even in the rare case of hermaphroditism, it is still God's will and purpose that they were born that way.
I would say thy the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.
Recovering IFB said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Recovering IFB said:
Gen 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Mankind" when they were created.

Nothing ambiguous about how they were created now.. is there. According to this seems God has a purpose in why he did.

So you are saying there is no such thing as intersex people? Or if so, how do they exist? Satanic manipulation?

I haven't read her book yet, but it is on my list to read at some point:

Sex Difference in Christian Theology

I would grant you there is an occasional physical abnormality when it come to the rare hermaphroditism. But normal people born with true functioning organs, I would say no. They are people who are living in sin trying to be something that they were not created to be. They're are no mistakes in Gods creation, and even in the rare case of hermaphroditism, it is still God's will and purpose that they were born that way.
I would say that  the homosexual was born with a certain proclivity towards sexual sins. But that is part of the fallen nature of man. I would say an that any man or woman claim they are identified as the opposite sex is living in sin and in need of a savior.