The Beneficial & Great Accomplishments of The Obama Administration

BALAAM said:
We could talk about Obama Care and how it was to be a panacea for people who had been shut out of the healthcare system. My wife included. She now has a healthcare policy where we had an almost impossible time before. However, I am self-employed and provide my own insurance. I just received notification that mine is going up over 50% as of January 2015. So, many who formerly had insurance will now be unable to afford it. All due to Obama Care.
I second that.

Earnestly Contend.
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 

aleshanee said:
it just so happens the most sophisticated pieces of the russian war machine are still manufactured in the ukraine...... and the ukrainians are not as push over friendly as putin first imagined........ he had no choice but to back off ukraine or risk seeing the industries that so far have kept his military machine in motion be totally destroyed.......... also......... a large portion of the russian military officer corps just happens to be ukrainians....... they don;t like what he;s trying to do inside the ukraine any more than the ukrainians that still live there do.............

Do you have any references for these statements?
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  Your position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!
T-Bone said:
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  You position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

Spoken like a true Republican when faced with a difference of opinion.  :-*
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Spoken like a true Republican when faced with a difference of opinion.  :-*

Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  You position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

If you're referring to me as a would be wrong! 8) :p
I listen almost exclusivity to NPR and have no trouble seeing through any bias (which is minor compared to the cable companies) to find the truth. The best thing is they won't let people just yell and talk over top of each other.

Okay, before I go too far I will admit that "The Diane Rehm Show" is the worst thing on talk radio (unless Steve Roberts is covering for her).
T-Bone said:
Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!

When an ignoramus attempts an insult, it is just that, an "attempt."  No substance/no validity.

T-Bone said:
Your position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

Major cop out.  I say again:  "Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument."

bgwilkinson said:
Vince Massi said:
He brought us a Republican Congress.

See, he's not so bad.

He is the Republicans greatest weapon for hammering democrats.

Moderate Democratic Senator Joe Manchin from WV got it right when asked for his comments on the Tuesday Democratic slaughter. He said "It was an A_ _-Whoopin."

Well said.
Mr. Hall said:
T-Bone said:
Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!

When an ignoramus attempts an insult, it is just that, an "attempt."  No substance/no validity.

T-Bone said:
Your position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

Major cop out.  I say again:  "Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument."


Who cares what you have already proven your idiocy with your initial post.
T-Bone said:
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Spoken like a true Republican when faced with a difference of opinion.  :-*

Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  You position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

If you're referring to me as a would be wrong! 8) :p

If it walks like an elephant, sounds like an know the rest. ;)

I'm a registered Republican and voted almost exclusively for Republican candidates on Tuesday.
Can't be a Democrat because I don't believe in killing Babies, among other things.

The Democratic Party Platform, the official statement of their beliefs, is pro killing babies.
That alone is enough to make me a Republican....but there are other reasons as well.

The greatest accomplishment of the Obama administration is giving us the Republican landslide in this election!

Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Spoken like a true Republican when faced with a difference of opinion.  :-*

Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  You position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

If you're referring to me as a would be wrong! 8) :p

If it walks like an elephant, sounds like an know the rest. ;)

Which is why, to me, you're a Democrat!  ;)
Tarheel Baptist said:
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Spoken like a true Republican when faced with a difference of opinion.  :-*

Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  You position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

If you're referring to me as a would be wrong! 8) :p

If it walks like an elephant, sounds like an know the rest. ;)

Which is why, to me, you're a Democrat!  ;)

Touche'! :D
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Smellin Coffee said:
T-Bone said:
Mr. Hall said:
As usual, lots of foxenesque, right-wing rhetoric and BS.  Except for Itinerant Preacher:  He gave it a shot at least.

And then there's T-bone of course.  Too ignorant to formulate a counter argument, he instead childishly attempts an insult. 


Spoken like a true Republican when faced with a difference of opinion.  :-*

Oh contraire...I didn't attempt to insult...I did insult you!  You position is so inane it is not worthy of a counter argument...I prefer not to argue or debate with idiots!

If you're referring to me as a would be wrong! 8) :p

If it walks like an elephant, sounds like an know the rest. ;)

Unfortunately there is no elephants here....nor is there any donkey here...I have no confidence in either party! 8)
aleshanee said:
do you have any reference to prove i got that information from fox news?........... or that it;s right wing rhetoric?.......  no you don;t........ because fox news is clueless....just like the rest of the u.s news media... they were too busy nitpicking the olympics to see what happened in ukraine coming.......  and the right wing of the free world is just as guilty as the left wing and nato when it comes to betraying the trust of the ukrainian people and leaving them out in the cold.....

Sorry?  What does Fox News have to do with the price of pineapples in November?  I don't know what you watch.  I was interested in sources for your statements about Ukraine and Ukrainians and the Ukrainian and Russian militaries.  But, no matter.

aleshanee said:
obama seems to believe the truth hinges on how many people he can convince to believe a lie......  smokey mirrors and b.s might mollify the masses but it doesn;t change the truth at all......... although being different people in many ways..... ukrainians and russians also share much in a common blood and culture ... study the history of what russians do when threatened with invasion and have no hope of outside help and you will see the real reason putin backed off the ukraine....... and it had nothing to do with obama........

Who was/is planning to invade Russia?  That's been tried before, most notably by Napoleon and Hitler.  Neither of those adventures turned out very well as I recall. 

Economic sanctions work:  Witness Iran.  Mr. Putin is nothing if not a pragmatist and the last thing he needs is for the U.S. and the European Union, especially the latter, to bring the hammer down on his fragile economy.  So, on the contrary, it has a lot to do with President Obama and our allies.

Mr. Hall said:
1. Iraq:  As a Senator from Illinois, Obama was one of the few with the guts to vote against the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a disastrous operation based on false pretenses that disrupted the Middle East, shifted the balance of power in favor of Iran, and cost the lives of over 4000 Americans and many more Iraqis.  As President, he promised to extricate the troops honorably from Iraq and did so.

Candidate Obama promised to end the war in Iraq back in 2008 within 16 months. When did those final troops leave? More importantly, what did Obama say about that withdrawal?

Asked whether he regretted not keeping troops in Iraq: Well, keep in mind that wasn’t a decision [to remove all American troops] made by me. That was a decision made by the Iraqi government. - President Obama, June 2014

2. Afghanistan, another war he inherited:  After consulting with experts on both the military and civilian sides, President Obama, despite opposition from his own supporters, authorized an increase in troop levels to help strengthen the government and put more pressure on the Taliban.  He promised to bring most of our troops home in 2014 and that process is underway. after promising to end the war in Afghanistan in 2008 and promising to decrease troop levels by June 2010, he authorized the two significant increases in troops.

Wait a blasted minute! Getting troops out of a war and shoving them into another one is a good thing? Guess it doesn't matter how inconsistent you are as long as your guy is the one getting the accolades. Now about Gitmo, murdering American citizens, spying on the public, exacerbating cartel warfare on our border....

3. Health care:  He put in place a national health care plan to provide affordable health care for all citizens and prevent insurance companies from discriminating against the sick.  Presidents since Harry Truman have been trying to do this.  President Obama was the first to pull it off despite the total opposition of an obstructionist Republican Party.  I think Obamacare will work out fine in the end, just as Medicare has, but it might be an even better plan if he had gotten some cooperation from the Republican side of the aisle.  We were the only first world, developed country that did not ensure that its citizens had access to affordable health care until President Obama came along.

Obamacare doesn't ensure that its citizens have any more access to affordable healthcare than they already did. What it does is shifts a ton of money from the young and middle class to the poor and elderly. It was basically a huge payoff to the insurance companies with no benefit for people who were already behaving responsibly. Scratch actively harmed folks who were behaving responsibly while encourage poor behaviors such as postponing "insurance" until you already get sick. Frankly, it pushed an already broken concept of "health insurance" that was in reality "health maintenance" and eliminated policies that truly were health insurance.

4. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“Stimulus Package”):  President Obama was able to get this bill through Congress despite the usual opposition of an obstructionist Republican Party.  The bill was designed to stimulate and restore confidence in the U.S. economy.  It provided for tax cuts, extended unemployment benefits, health and education, and job creation programs.  By most measures it has been a success.  Unemployment has steadily declined, GDP has steadily risen and the S&P 500 has increased in value by almost 170 per cent since early 2009.  Of course the stimulus package wasn’t the only factor contributing to these improvements but it was a significant one.

By "most measures", I guess you aren't referring to real unemployment, household income, percent of population in the workforce, and a host of measures that actually affect everyday people. And wait a darn minute! I thought this was Bush's plan so he is to blame for the massive deficits...oh wait...good things. Thank goodness for Obama.

Of course, this doesn't even account for the fact that a large reason that the economy is growing again is because of a massive dumping of cash by the Fed and loosening credit restrictions meaning I'm again hearing ads for loans for sub-prime borrowers. But again, do we ever really learn from our mistakes?

Now I could keep going, but it's probably useless. There is no convincing an ideologue, whether from the right or the left (or any other extreme cause).
Obama was responsible for a record boom in gun sales.  You have to give him that much. 
aleshanee said:
most of what i know of the ukraine came from someone who has been working there for the past 2 years...... and i thought i explained that in my reply to subllibrm........ but you can learn the same thing by reading any online russian or ukrainian news source..... current janes reports on worldwide military powers .... global several dozen other independent news sources not tied to one or more political parties........ but the only place you hear about how obamas silly set of sanctions works a miracle in the ukraine is from the obama administration itself... or one of it;s devoted followers.......

aleshanee said:
obama seems to believe the truth hinges on how many people he can convince to believe a lie......  smokey mirrors and b.s might mollify the masses but it doesn;t change the truth at all......... although being different people in many ways..... ukrainians and russians also share much in a common blood and culture ... study the history of what russians do when threatened with invasion and have no hope of outside help and you will see the real reason putin backed off the ukraine....... and it had nothing to do with obama.......

read it again and keep the part in bold red in mind......... they are basically the same people with the same philosophy towards war and self defense..... putin wants ukraine intact....not burned to the ground......but make no mistake about it.... he still intends to take it........ his goal from day one of gaining power has been to restore the old soviet union....... all of it....... but in the mean time he will make deals and concessions with the ukraine to get what he and his country needs ...... and what he needs from the ukraine is the parts to his war machine that they manufacture......... until he can find a way to have all that stuff made inside russia........ he;s working on it now... so far it has cost him almost 1 billion dollars u.s. ....... but that;s still cheaper than what an invasion of the ukraine with it;s devastating consequences would cost.......... so yes...... he is a pragmatist.......... but not after the order of obama...... and not likely one that obama even understands........

keep dreaming and spinning the obamaspeak.... ::)...... you clearly don;t have a clue............ obama knows there is a world of difference in iran and russia... and he also knows economic sanctions do nothing but starve the poorest and most innocent people of any country anyway....... and whereas that might have had some effect on iran it would have absolutely none on russia........ putin is more apt to be impressed with all those worn out f15s and f16s that flew out of here heading west escorted by aerial tankers a few months ago ...than he is any threat of economic sanctions by the u.s and the european allies....  ::)

Are you real or are you a character in a Tom Clancy novel?

Do you actually believe that Vladimir Putin would be intimidated by a KC-135 or KC-10 and a gaggle of fighters westbound out of Hickam AFB?  They were probably headed for Japan or South Korea.  We already have loads of fighters there.  We also have about 200 military aircraft scattered around bases in Europe from Germany to Turkey as well as in the U.K.  Putin knows all about them.  He's not concerned about military intervention or invasion by NATO due to his actions in Ukraine, a non-NATO country.  That would be insanity and he knows it's not going to happen.  However, by stepping up operations in the region, NATO and the U.S. are making it clear that aggression against a NATO member country would be a whole different matter and would be dealt with militarily.  Putin is not foolish enough to attempt such a thing.

And all this about Russian and Ukrainian blood and culture:  What does that have to do with the price of plantains on Oahu?  It is what it is.

Are Mr. Putin's intentions with regard to Ukraine noble and benevolent?  Probably not.  President Obama and our European allies are taking the only realistic actions available to them, diplomacy, imposing economic sanctions on Russia, and supplying military aid, non-lethal for now along with financial aid to the Ukrainian government.  And you're wrong about sanctions:  They can work.  And they don't just hurt the little guy.  The banks and corporations feel them too as well as the government.

You keep railing against Obama about everything, including his actions with regard to the Russians and Ukraine.  Let's hear how you would handle the Ukrainian situation.  This ought to be good.


I don't see Mr Hall in a Tom Clancy book...I was thinking more like something between a Howard Stern Interview, SNL  and Jack Chick.