thanksgiving plans?


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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island of oahu - somewhere in the jungle
what are your plans for tommorrow?...... big day at home?... dinner out?.... travelling to see relatives?... :)

we are doing it all here at home this year.... all 9 members of the household will be here tomorrow..... and maybe a couple of guests.... we don;t know yet about them.... ... but we are cooking up the works.... .turkey...🦃 ... ham... 🐖... roast beast... 🐄 .... maybe prime rib.....shrimp 🦐 .. i went down to meet a fishing boat this morning and rummaged through the hold.. and found 2 really nice juvenile ahi... (shibi)... 🐟. .. .. so we will have seared ahi and wasabi too... all the usual dressings..stuffings and sides....😋 .. ... but i have a lot of help in the kitchen and it;s actually already underway.... ....ovens are hot getting the first things done....♨️

before the pandemic we spent many years going to the hale kulani for thanksgiving.... always reserved a table on the terrace ocean side of the restaurant... 🏝️ ... we started doing that after sam choys closed - which had been our thanksgiving place for a while after everybody left home but me - and all the room mates were going home to their families for the week.... .but we have not started going back to the hale kulani yet... ... was planning to this year but it would have been too expensive with 9 or more people..... so maybe next year.... :cool:

but anyway.... my break is over.....back to work..... 👩‍🍳
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I'm off today and Mrs. abcaines is finishing work tonight. The plan is for me to clean up the house while she is at work. She is on the mend from a nasty sinus infection so, a planned cold weather camping (glamping to be precise) trip has been called off. Tomorrow is a simple dinner. Instead of a whole turkey, we got a couple smoked drumsticks. Going to warm them up with the stuffing and green bean casserole we'll make. Mrs. abcaines makes killer banana bread, so that is on the early menu. We'll conclude with some pumpkin pie and (no added sugar) whipped cream.

The weather forecast looks good for the weekend; may take the opportunity to hang Christmas lights on the house.
With the in-laws eating a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Weather permitting, running the airboat down the river after lunch and maybe catching a few redfish for supper to go with the leftovers. 😋
Spending Thanksgiving down here in Gulf Shores, Alabama with my kids and grandkids. Then next week, we celebrate our family Christmas in the Smoky Mountains!
I'm going to Branson, Missouri. I leave tomorrow at noon and should be at Silver Dollar City by 4 pm. I started taking the family there back in 2001. My youngest had just turned 1. My oldest turned 10 in the following weeks. It became a family tradition, and the only year I missed was 2020 when my ex and I separated.

It's a remarkable story how it started. I was the sole bread winner, and my wages were low even for that time, so we...I rather...watched every penny. Naturally, traveling was something we seldom did. The cost of lodging was just prohibitive. I was praying, and I "made known" to the Lord that I would really like to be able to take the family somewhere for the holidays, and asked that if it were okay, could He provide the opportunity.

The next day I got a call from an old friend who had some time left on his time share in Branson, and didn't want to let it go to waste. He was paying for it after all. He asked if I thought I might be able to use it. It was a two bedroom suite, with two full baths and two hot tubs and two balconies.

"Funny you should ask, Leroy ..."

I got a promotion the following year and a 20% pay increase. And we made the same trip every year since. Well...till the separation. The following year I just figured there was no reason to stop just because I have no wife and no kids at home anymore. So I make the same trip and go to all the same stops. The Silver Dollar City vibe has changed drastically since it's no longer family owned, but going there is still somewhat therapeutic for me.
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We host ALAYWIFE’s family, usually about 10, for a traditional turkey and ham dinner with the customary sides. Afterwards we usually watch football, loosen the belt at least one notch, play some board games & nap. We used to also host my family on the same day (which really wiped us out) but the pandemic sidetracked that tradition. Now that ALAYBOY is in college we are thinking of starting a new custom with him by going to see one of the local light shows.
I've been told that that poor bird is already simmering, bless its heart. Tomorrow will find me down at my hotel - and on my birthday- to boot. A double day for me. Hopefully there'll be some cake along with that "pobre pabo".
I've been told that that poor bird is already simmering, bless its heart. Tomorrow will find me down at my hotel - and on my birthday- to boot. A double day for me. Hopefully there'll be some cake along with that "pobre pabo".
Happy (early) Birthday 🎂
I've been told that that poor bird is already simmering, bless its heart. Tomorrow will find me down at my hotel - and on my birthday- to boot. A double day for me. Hopefully there'll be some cake along with that "pobre pabo".
Yes, happy (early) birthday Gringo.😊
My roommate and I are going to church for an hour. Then to cracker barrel for the Thanksgiving dinner. I got in my car today and realized Danny is in heaven. I cried and went to work. I'm off for the next few days life without your best friend is unspeakable. I must carry on I want him to be proud of me. Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Have you seen the show "Six"? It's 6 brothers singing acapella. I've seen video clips and they are really good. If I ever make it to Branson, that's a show I'll definitely see.
I'll look for them. I generally just hang at SDC, spend the night, and then drive back through Carthage on Friday, but I may stay Friday night if there are a couple shows I can take in.
I've been told that that poor bird is already simmering, bless its heart. Tomorrow will find me down at my hotel - and on my birthday- to boot. A double day for me. Hopefully there'll be some cake along with that "pobre pabo".
sorry you are having to work on both your birthday and thanksgiving gringo... but i hope you have a happy birthday all the same.... ...i rmember spending many holidays at firestations with other fire dept and ems families while those working went about running emergency calls as usual.... .....spent a few birthdays there too..... but never both at once.... . hopefully they are cooking that poor turkey right and it will make up for it a little..... ;)

i hope everyone is having a happy thanksgiving today.... remembering and giving thanks for all that we should truly be thankful for.... . and also praying for those travelling that you will be safe on the roads...... ...

oh yeah.... also praying for anyone trying to deep fry a tur-duc-ken... (why is it not a chi-duc-key?)..:unsure:... may all of you get through that endeavor safely as well.... . we have never tried that ourselves but i have seen the videos on youtube of tur-duc-ken disasters - bursting into flames.... . be sure there is plenty of open space to make an escape to and keep some buckets of sand close by...🔥🧑‍🚒🧯

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Smoked drumsticks, stuffing, green bean casserole, deviled eggs...
Probably the simplest Thanksgiving dinner imaginable and yet, I'm stuffed to the gills.
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sorry you are having to work on both your birthday and thanksgiving gringo... but i hope you have a happy birthday all the same.... ...i rmember spending many holidays at firestations with other fire dept and ems families while those working went about running emergency calls as usual.... .....spent a few birthdays there too..... but never both at once.... . hopefully they are cooking that poor turkey right and it will make up for it a little..... ;)

i hope everyone is having a happy thanksgiving today.... remembering and giving thanks for all that we should truly be thankful for.... . and also praying for those travelling that you will be safe on the roads...... ...

oh yeah.... also praying for anyone trying to deep fry a tur-duc-ken... (why is it not a chi-duc-key?)..:unsure:... may all of you get through that endeavor safely as well.... . we have never tried that ourselves but i have seen the videos on youtube of tur-duc-ken disasters - bursting into flames.... . be sure there is plenty of open space to make an escape to and keep some buckets of sand close by...🔥🧑‍🚒🧯

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Chi-duc-key. I like that.